July 2018 Moms

Meal Plan Monday 3/26

Literally how motivated I feel this week....hopefully you guys are doing better than I am!   :D

<3 Married 6.12.10 <3
DS 11.8.12
 Baby GIRL! due 7.4.18

Re: Meal Plan Monday 3/26

  • @stlmegs me too. :(  Thankfully the weather is starting to be decent so DH will be in charge of meals this week because he can happily use his grill again. Thinking we'll be doing the lazy route of whatever grilled protein with either sweet potatoes or salads for dinners this week. Chopped up all the veggies already so no excuses for us this week. Plus I have an OB appt Friday and my glucose test, and we had a rough weekend so DH and I ate all our feelings so, trying some damage control this week!
  • Monday- shrimp stir fry with tons of fresh veggies 
    Tuesday- I'm taking myself out to whatever sounds good after my appointment since DH has a work thing
    Wednesday- fish tacos with fresh slaw and salsa
    Thursday- shrimp stir fry again
    Friday- we go out

    Easy meal planning/cooking week  :)
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  • @stlmegs same here, I'm alone all week so no real planning...
    Some items on my list are burrito bowls, chicken salad, club sandwiches (got some delicious turkey so I'm excited), semi-healthy Mac and cheese (adding broccoli...).

    One night will be pizza and one night will be Whataburger for sure, because Texas! I'm at a baby shower next weekend and spending the night so I'll probably eat out. Definitely need to add lots of greens to my diet before then.
  • @noideawhatshesdoing I am SO excited for grilling season!  I was just telling my husband that over the weekend.  I have been really struggling with meat, but grilled chicken, veggies, EVERYTHING sounds so good.  

    @kissableviv I do the same thing when Im flying solo for a week!  Your plan still sounds pretty healthy!!
    <3 Married 6.12.10 <3
    DS 11.8.12
     Baby GIRL! due 7.4.18
  • i'm here for inspiration...I basically haven't cooked since St Patrick's day...haven't been feeling up to it and we just have SO MANY LEFTOVERS and haven't done the shopping.  I think we have chicken thigh(s), Italian hot sausage, and crap ton of shrimp in the freezer... so um... Pasta with ricotta and sausage most likely...and maybe a shrimp scampi (though I detest hot shrimp), and something fancy in the crock pot with the thighs, either lemon peper or knock-off vindaloo...
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  • This is what I grocery shopped for.  We will see how much of it I actually cook and how often I just eat raisin bran  :D

    Monday-Marinated Italian chicken breasts, steamed broccoli, rice or cous cous
    Tuesday-Oven baked cajun tilapia, mashed cauliflower, rice
    Wednesday-Cheeseburgers, baked beans, corn
    Friday-Chinese food (I've bee craving it so I'm giving in...)
    Saturday-Not sure. Easter Sunday prep so probably something quick and easy

    Also, @runsomewhere shrimp stir fry is going on my list for next week. I love it and it's been too long since I've made it!
    <3 Married 6.12.10 <3
    DS 11.8.12
     Baby GIRL! due 7.4.18
  • @gingerbride26 that all sounds really good!
    <3 Married 6.12.10 <3
    DS 11.8.12
     Baby GIRL! due 7.4.18
  • Monday: watercress salad with avocado and tomatoes (trying to go with meatless Monday)

    Tuesday: Ham, scalloped potatoes, green beans (early Easter dinner)

    wednesday: Lime chicken, risotto, salad

    Thursday: Salmon, risotto, bok choy 

    Friday: rice with beans maybe
  • @chaser61 mmmmmm now i want scalloped potatoes.... so much flipping work though...even with a food processor...and then the dish after?  Haven't made risotto in a while, maybe i'll add that to the list this week. <3

    I've been a sucker for polenta lately...cheesy corn pudding sounds disgusting but is comfort food heaven.
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  • chaser61chaser61 member
    edited March 2018
    My scalloped potatoes were haphazardly cut by hand, and I didn’t bother to take the skins off. I did think it was more time consuming then I thought it would be while I was in the middle of making it. 
    Edited because I left out a lot of words.
  • @chaser61 oh man, I am awed you cut by hand, the food processor makes the slicing easy (after the peeling), it's the layering that I always get sick of doing. Potatoes, flour, salt/pepper, butter chunks, repeat 1000 more times.  I keep thinking of more things I'm in the mood for...this is why i never successfully meal plan...I'm super in-the-moment for what I'm actually in the mood to eat and not averse to (yay hormones)
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  • Late this week bc I just went grocery shopping yesterday buttttt:

    Monday: we had left overs from the weekend

    Tuesday: Seared Ahi tuna w/white rice, broccoli and avocado

    Wednesday: Shrimp, corn, black bean, brown rice, avocado bowl thing

    Thursday: Grilled chicken breast with sauteed kale and butternut squash with almonds (seriously amazing)

    Friday: Grilled steak tips with balsamic mushrooms, mashed potatoes and panko/parm zucchini

    Sat/Sun: TBD
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