June 2018 Moms

Questions?? w/o 3/26


Re: Questions?? w/o 3/26

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    @kfren those are some excellent questions, A+ 
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    @marcus7676 I guess I covered the mechanics, just not as thoroughly as I thought. Did YS ask, or did you explain it to him without him having to ask?
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    @kfren I honestly have no idea how DS figured it out. He just told me one day that his food turned into poop.  My H didn't tell him and was as surprised as I was.  The things they learn at daycare.
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    @marcus7676 It really is remarkable the things they pick up. DD told me about something one day, I don't remember what it was, but I remember being surprised and asked how she knew it and she said, "Oh, I just knowed it."
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    My almost 5 year old keeps asking me what I have since I don't have a penis.  I told him yesterday that I have a place where pee comes out, a place where poop comes out and a place where the baby will come out.  He wanted to see and I said no, everything that is covered by underwear is a private area.  I'm still waiting on him to ask how the baby got in there...

    He's also very into how bodies work and at 2 was also telling us the difference between an esophagus and  trachea.  I don't want to lie to him, but I also don't know how much to actually share at this age (he does not keep information to himself).  

     Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    First Son - born 2013
    Second Son - born 2014 - Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) and Double Outlet Right Ventricle (DORV).  First open heart surgery at 5 days old.  He's had 3 open heart surgeries and several other procedures and is currently doing amazing.
    Third Son - due June 9, 2018
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    What is up with kids and their obsession with poop?  I hear about DD's butt and her "-gina" all the time.
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    Maybe I'm the odd parent, but I never wipe my kids butts after they're potty trained. I just let my daughter do her own wiping, and never had problems. The less I have to do, the better lol.
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    I feel like after a couple times with an itchy butt from not doing a good job they might figure it out. 
    *TW LC*
    Me & MH: 32
    DS: 6/1/18 (Pre-E; IUGR; seizures; NICU)
    TTC #2: 12/2019
    Sept 2020: HSG possible blocked right tube
    Nov 2020: Letrozole + TI - BFN
    Dec 2020: Letrozole + TI - BFP!!! EDD 9/18

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    I worked at a daycare in high school and we weren’t allowed to wipe for anyone potty trained unless 1. There parents gave us permission and 2. The child asked for help. A lot of kids used it as an excuse to stay in the bathroom longer. Kids love bathrooms. Privacy and access to water. Smh
    Me:27 DH: 31 Married Since: 08/2016
    TTC: 08/2017 EDD: 6/11/2018 FTM
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    mytincmytinc member
    edited March 2018
    We're working on getting both DS1 (almost 5) and DS2 (3.5) to wipe their own butts.  I don't know if it's harder with boys since that's the only thing they wipe, but they both suck at it.  I know daycare/preschool doesn't do it since they're potty trained, but that just means they refuse to wipe at all and come home with nasty underwear.  Yuck.

     Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    First Son - born 2013
    Second Son - born 2014 - Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) and Double Outlet Right Ventricle (DORV).  First open heart surgery at 5 days old.  He's had 3 open heart surgeries and several other procedures and is currently doing amazing.
    Third Son - due June 9, 2018
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    @kfren good questions kiddo! How did you guys answer? Reminds me of a video my MIL tagged my H and I in about Neil Degrasse Tyson reminding parents that kids are natural born scientist {to which my H is 100% on board with encouraging, and I'm 100% on board of him cleaning the inevitable mess lol}

    @doxiemoxie212 I don't remember that, but my bff has younger sisters that were being taught, so I've seen it also lol
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    Does any of you ladies know of good sinus-allergy meds I can ask OB if they're okay? Allergy season is coming and I need specifically sinus and I'm already pissy I can't taken my tried-and-true reactin :(
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    @MissKittyDanger I explained to her that blood is what helps our bodies to do everything and that all living people and animals have it. As for the whole hole topic, I explained to her that it is for poop to come out so that her body can make room for more food to keep it going. I was able to tie the two together while still fresh in her mind, so I think it made a little more sense than it might have otherwise. 
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    kfren said:
    @MissKittyDanger I explained to her that blood is what helps our bodies to do everything and that all living people and animals have it. As for the whole hole topic, I explained to her that it is for poop to come out so that her body can make room for more food to keep it going. I was able to tie the two together while still fresh in her mind, so I think it made a little more sense than it might have otherwise. 
    neil degrasse tyson GIF

    Did she get it? Btw how old is your DD?
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    Another body function/anatomy question. I plan on trying to breastfeed or pump. DD will be 3 a month after baby is born. So far I have been answering questions regarding that area by just saying “it’s your chest.” I’d like to tell her about breasts and breastfeeding when the time comes. I also know she will hear the word boob more than once during this process. However, my mom became really upset about DD repeating the word boobs one other time and it left me wondering if that’s really an inappropriate word for her to hear or if my mom was over reacting (which would be pretty classic for her).

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    @MissKittyDanger DD is almost 4. She seemed to get it for the most part, but I'm sure more questions will surface.
    @2589 My advice to you is to refer to them as something you would not mind having shouted in a public place. I don't find boobs inappropriate, but I sure as hell don't want it advertised in Target that the baby wants boobies. I have always referred to them as milkies. DD knows what nipples are and we have gone through the process of what they do and how they work, but I still haven't taught her another word for them because I'm not sure what substitute I prefer. 
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    @2589 my DD will also be 3 the month after this baby is born! And she says boobs, I don't really see anything wrong with it because that's what I call them. Maybe breasts is better? 
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    @2589 my H taught DS the word "breast."  He's super into body parts and we try to use the correct terminology (penis, not pee-pee).  DS will touch my boobs very gently and say "these your breasts." He's done it to other women too, so we are now working on the fact that some parts of our body are private.  I don't think boob is inappropriate and if that is what you call it, then use it.  I think part of the conversation is that these are private parts of our body (even though our boobs are going to be out for the world to see).
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    @kfren My mum called 2-4 the fun age "where one question creates approx a thousand more. Maybe not then but it will"
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    @May14th2011 Your mom sounds so much like mine.. she also has issues with the words fart (should be toot) and pee should always be potty. 

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    @2589 ah see the problem is I actually love calling people cunts, but I do not like vaginas being called cunts, so that really doesn’t follow my own bad word rule. Sigh. But there’s nothing like saying, “ugh that guy is such a cunt!” @BurlapandLace Twat feels weak to me as an insult. It’s a useless swear word. Don’t want to call a vagina one but also no interest in calling a human one. I think twat is the blandest imo if I think about it. 
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    +1 to everyone who uses proper anatomy words. That seems important.

    I think I will have a hard time cutting back on using swear words. I have a legit potty mouth. But growing up, my parents cussed in front of me frequently. I also knew those were words for grown ups and I wasn't allowed to say them. I have a vivid memory of the first time my mom got frustrated with my brother and I and told us, "I don't give a flying f*ck!" It cracked me up - like I couldn't stop laughing. I repeated it once when my dad got home and promptly got popped for using it. Thus reinforcing that, no matter how funny, those are grown up words.
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    @LaceyBee522 My mum didn't realize she swore until I said it at preschool. It's her fave story.
    I stubbed my toe, said "ah shit" and my teachers had to say something at the end of the day.
    They explained that while it's not allowed to swear, even though I used it properly lmao

    Since then she's said "ah sh-ugar" and "holy snapping butterflies"
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    @doxiemoxie212 - My FIL taught my oldest the words "titties" and "tallywacker".  I could have killed him, especially since he didn't seem to find anything wrong with it and thought it was funny.  DS1 has forgotten tallywacker, but still says titties every now and again.  

    I'd like to say we teach appropriate words, but I haven't really given DS1 and DS2 a word for vagina yet.  They know penis and testicles and know that since I'm a girl I don't have those parts, but I haven't gotten into detail on what I do have.  They know I have boobs (and that's what I call them) and that the baby will drink "Mommy milk" from them just like they did.  I don't know what my own hang up is about vagina when penis is a daily word in our house.

     Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    First Son - born 2013
    Second Son - born 2014 - Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) and Double Outlet Right Ventricle (DORV).  First open heart surgery at 5 days old.  He's had 3 open heart surgeries and several other procedures and is currently doing amazing.
    Third Son - due June 9, 2018
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    @mytinc my poor (future?) sons will know more details of the vagina than they do about their own parts, I swear. It is my mission in this life to demystify the vagina for those in my own family lol.  :D
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    mytincmytinc member
    edited March 2018
    I think my hang up on what to teach them is more about the fact that right now they know they use a penis to pee.  They know I have a place (hole) where the baby will come from and a different place where pee comes out of.  I don't want them to mistakenly think I pee from my vagina and I'm just not ready to get into why I have a vagina when not used for pee/poop (although, the baby is a good a reason to talk about it as any).  I'll bite the bullet the next time it comes up.  It's just hard when they're both in the "why?" stage and answering any question always leads to 100 more.

     Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    First Son - born 2013
    Second Son - born 2014 - Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) and Double Outlet Right Ventricle (DORV).  First open heart surgery at 5 days old.  He's had 3 open heart surgeries and several other procedures and is currently doing amazing.
    Third Son - due June 9, 2018
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