August 2018 Moms

Skin Changes in Pregnancy

Hello all! 

Hope everyone is having wonderful pregnancies so far:) 

Mine’s been pretty great and uneventful thus far, but the strangest thing happened overnight— I’ve developed these little papules on the palm of my hand and outer edges of my fingers— they’re very tiny, slightly itchy, and painful to the touch. Trying not to irritate them too much but that’s somewhat hard when you use your hands for most things. I’m thinking it’s some form of eczema as I already have a history of eczema but it’s never presented this way before. 

Has as anyone else had a similar experience?

Luckily I have my 20 week appointment his Wednesday but just curious as to why this is occurring and how it’s typically treated. 

Thanks and have have a lovely week!

Re: Skin Changes in Pregnancy

  • This would be an awesome question in the questions thread or even symptoms. 

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  • ecwkecwk member

    We are a group of women who have been interacting and getting to know each other since December. We’d love for you to join us but you really should familiarise yourself with the board guidelines first.  Please read the *READ FIRST* thread and if you haven’t already, post in the INTRO thread. One off threads like these are discouraged as is treating the group like your personal google. I have no suggestions other than bring it up with your doctor. Good luck. 

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  • My mom has psoriasis - it sounds like what she has on her hands when she has a flare-up. However, our bodies are going thru so much right now that who knows what it could be. Is it nice where you are? Meaning have you been outside doing any fun stuff that you could have gotten into something?
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