My husband and I are pretty settled on Leo for a first name.
In consideration for a middle name (we have some kind of unusual/unconventional ones in there) :
Leo Oliver
Leo Abram (Abram is my brother's first name)
Leo Oscar
Leo Rufus
Leo River
Leo Austin
Leo Cosmo
Like any of those? Or, give us suggestions! We like old fashioned names and nature-y names.
Second conundrum: We haven't decided if we're going to give baby my husband's last name (which starts with a G) or hyphenate and use both our last names (mine starts with a D, so the hyphenated initials would be D-G.) I am a bit worried that if we go with husband's last name alone, middle names beginning with an O or an A would be ruled out (how bad would it be if baby's initials were LOG? or LAG? I am really not sure!) Could be solved by hyphenating our last names, but not entirely sure I want to saddle the kid with a double-barreled last name (but that's another convo!)
Thank you!!
Re: Middle name for Leo, and initials conundrum
Leo Desmond
Leo Julian
Leo Tobias
Leo Clyde
Leo Alastair
Other middle name suggestions
Leo Vincent
Leo Oswald
Leo Harold
Leo Frederick
Leo Gus
Leo Marcus
Leo James
Leo Paul
Leo Patrick
Leo William
Leo David
Leo Joseph
Leo Abram......(Love this)
Leo Robert
Leo Carson
Leo Henry
Leo Francis
Leo George
I like Leo Oscar G_______. Having the word "log" as your initials is fairly innocuous. There are plenty of initials that spell much worse 3-letter words. If you can't handle 'log" I would go with Leo Rufus G_______. Also a great name!
Leo Austin or Abram are my favorites, i don’t think LAG as initials are an issue
Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
anyone else read “Leo Oscar” and think “yeah, but not as many as he should have won”? Lol
We probably won't hyphenate. I don't want to burden the kid!
It seems like the middles that are coming to the top of the heap are mooooostly Oliver, Abram, and Oscar, which are honestly my faves of the original list as well.
Other suggestions I like: Marcus, Paul, Carson, and Henry. (Henry is actually my FIL's name. We love it but husband's sister has already used it for her kiddo.)
Great suggestions, keep em coming!
Another one I really love the sound of is Leo August- but I realized the astrological sign Leo actually falls mostly in the month of August, so that might be too weird for a kid who will likely not be born that month at all.
Oh- I also don't like when the middle name begins with the same sound as the first name ends with. The reason Leo Oliver and the like don't bother me is that the O is pronounced differently- one ends with the "Oh" sound and the next begins with more of an "Ah" sound. Does that make sense? But I do know what you mean- more contrast between the sounds might be better.
Leo Adrian
Leo Alexander
Leo Andre
Leo Basil
Leo Blaise
Leo Brutus
Leo Charles
Leo Curtis
Leo Devin
Leo Dominic
Leo Edgar
Leo Finn
Leo Harmon
Leo Hector
Leo Jacob
Leo James
Leo Jude
Leo Julian
Leo Millard
Leo Octavius
Leo Parker
Leo Pierce
Leo Preston
Leo Rene
Leo Sebastian
Leo Simon
Leo William
Devin is my husband's name, and while I like it, we had not considered using it as a middle...but now you mention it, it sounds nice with Leo!
I like
Leo Devin, and Leo Alexander, both very much.