Weekly check in for people who are due the first week of May: 4/29-5/5
How far along are you? When is your due date? What's the size of your LO?
What's going on this week? How are you feeling, any rants or raves?
Any upcoming appointments?
GTKY: What is the division of workload like for you? Is your partner pretty hands on or will you get majority of the baby duties?
Re: Weekly check in 3/19: first week of May, 04/29-05/05
What's going on this week? How are you feeling, any rants or raves?
Im just tired and sore by the evening. And I get restless legs. Baby shower on Sunday and then I have a week off work! Yay!
Is anybody else reading the labour and delivery stories from March? They are awesome. And there’s a December group. Our kids will be 7 months old by then. Lol
Any upcoming appointments?
I see the OB on Friday, finally. Her office is right across from the hospital I work at, so that’s super convenient.
GTKY: What is the division of workload like for you? Is your partner pretty hands on or will you get majority of the baby duties?
DH is very hands on. He had diaper duty in the hospital after my c-section so I missed out on most of the meconium. It took awhile for him to not sleep through the baby crying in the middle of the night, but other than that he’s super helpful. I mean, aside from bf of course.
Off topic, I’m still trying to decide on a double stroller. I’m hoping we can go with just a good jogging stroller and not have to buy 2 like we did with the single stroller. DH and I both run, so we are looking at a BOB or a Thule. But are those too cumbersome to use for regular life like grocery shopping?
34 + 4, April 27, a butternut squash
What's going on this week? How are you feeling, any rants or raves?
Sooooo much kicking. It's nice but can get tiresome lol
Any upcoming appointments?
Not till next week for 36 week check-in
GTKY: What is the division of workload like for you? Is your partner pretty hands on or will you get majority of the baby duties?
Very even. Except for night time feedings since he doesn't have the equipment and also will be working in the morning whereas I'm not. It was a good process for us the first time.