July 2018 Moms

FTM check-in week of 3/19

Good morning FTMs!

What week is this for you?
How are you feeling? 
Any new symptoms?
Anything specific you're working on at this stage (registry, shower, organization, classes)?
Any questions we can help each other with?
GTKY: what are you worried anxious about right know about the pregnancy/baby and what are you excited about?

Re: FTM check-in week of 3/19

  • 24w 2d today. I'm still feeling really good, but I'm slowly getting bigger and I'm getting annoying sometimes going up and down the stairs. And it's just the beginning...

    So far, no new symptoms from last week. I've been eating out a lot this past week due to a few scheduled outings and I definitely want to cut that out this week. I'll be traveling to TX to house sit my in laws' house while they're on a trip and I want to make myself some good food in their large kitchen! Haha. But also splurge on a couple of TC favorites.

    I'm working on my registry; I'm making an inventory of all the clothes (I got TONS of hand me downs) and now I'm kind of confused about how many I will need at least for the beginning stages. Trying not to stock up on NB stuff too much but I'm having a hard time figuring out the rest (burp cloths, swaddling sacks, etc.). If anyone has a list with some numbers, that would be awesome! 

    My question is about clothes, I'm guessing short sleeves onesies will be fine but I also think I should get a couple of hoodies or light sweaters for places with cold A/C or for windy days? Summers are generally hot but not hot and humid all the time here. Do I need some long sleeves too?

    My anxiety currently revolves around post partum recovery. The whole sitz bath, Peri bottle, cold pads...ew. not looking forward to that or possibly hemorrhoids. I've always been super healthy and never had to deal with anything more than a cold so I'm having a hard time coming to terms that I'll be needing extra care. However I'm getting very excited to meet this little guy and snuggle with him!

  • 24 weeks today! Feeling good. Officially can't see my vajayjay anymore. Saying goodbye until another time. haha Thinking about possibly waxing. Anybody do that?

    Feeling the baby more and more. Hubby felt her for the first time last Friday. That was exciting! Random people at the gym who I've never spoken a word to have come up to me asking when I'm due. I guess it's looking super obvious now that I'm pregnant and just haven't eaten too many tacos.

    Fully cleaned out the nursery room and got the paint for it! Have it prepped and ready for painting this week. This weekend we're going to start our registry. Very excited about that.

    TTC History:
    Me: 36 H: 40 Married 2015. Together since 2010.
    TTC: Sept 2016-Oct 2017
    BFP Oct 2017. DD born July 2018.
    TTC: March 2020. BFP March 2020
    Due date was Nov 2020
    DS born Sept 2020. DS passed away Nov 2020 due to prematurity and birth trauma.
    TTC: March 2021
    IUI #1 Nov 2021, BFN
    IUI #2 Dec 2021 BFP.  MC Jan 2022
    IUI #3 Aug 2022 BFN
    IUI #4 Sept 2022 BFN
    AMH test came back at .081. Was going to move on to IVF with DE, but have decided not to. Will be leaving it up to the universe now.

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  • What week is this for you? 21w 2d

    How are you feeling? Pretty good. Still having some nasal congestion, but I think I've turned the corner.

    Any new symptoms? Nah. Feeling pretty good actually.

    Anything specific you're working on at this stage (registry, shower, organization, classes)? All of the above! Trying to figure out where to have a shower. No one lives locally so it's kindof just us putting it together ourselves and then having my mom or sister "host" after we nail down the details.

    Any questions we can help each other with? nada today

    GTKY: what are you worried anxious about right know about the pregnancy/baby and what are you excited about?

    I'm just excited about a lot of things at this point. Not much that I'm anxious about but I'm sure that will change
  • 24w 4d for me 

    I’m feeling HUGE. Twins are seriously no joke-from what I understand you measure 6-7 weeks ahead with twins so I look like I’m like 31w pregnant right now and it is getting incredibly hard to move around. The next 13-14 weeks are going to be rough. 

    I have finding a nanny and pediatrician coming up on my to do list soon...finding a pediatrician will be easy as my MIL can just give me a referral and get us in with whoever she thinks is best, but I’m dreading starting to find a nanny just because it’s going to be such an expense and ordeal. Will need one 4 days a week starting in October (wishing I could just do daycare but daycare is about $3k/month here and while that’s affordable for one kid, paying 2 daycare tuitions is just absurd so a nanny will actually be cheaper). Also signed up for CPR and breastfeeding classes in early and mid April so glad to have that set up. 

    Im mostly just anxious about these babies staying in and cooking long enough. Every day I tell myself I just need to make it through April and I’ll feel ok (babies will be 30w starting in May) but the next 6 weeks I’m just going to be so stressed out about them coming too soon. Will relax once we get to June, but even May feels like a huge milestone. Getting excited to be in 3rd tri kind of soon-can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel!

    @rachelsogo I’m too nervous to do waxing while pregnant (don’t want to lay on my back that long, think it’ll hurt more) so I’ve just been shaving blind down there for the past few weeks. I’m sure it hasn’t been perfect but definitely works well enough and makes me feel better! I’m just sensing I’m getting to the end of being able to shave my legs and with warmer weather coming (and a desire to only wear dresses as I get bigger) I’m a little concerned about that 
  • What week is this for you?
    24 + 4

    How are you feeling?
    Feeling pretty good. Feels like I have a mini sonic the hedghog bouncing around inside me though. We're putting this kid in all the sports. Energy is still pretty good but I'm trying to be mindful about taking a rest and not pushing too hard to get everything done in one day.

    Any new symptoms?
    Nothing new for me, funny enough other than the weight gain and constant bathroom trips, DH seems to get getting all the rest of the symptoms. He's the one with all the leg cramps and insomnia. I'd feel bad for him, but then I take my 1000th trip to the bathroom and suddenly have no sympathy for him.

    Anything specific you're working on at this stage (registry, shower, organization, classes)?
    Meeting with our doulas tomorrow. It's actually 3 of them that work as a team so we're getting to know all of them because the way our clinic works is you get whichever of the 3 that is on call when you go into labor. So we're getting to know all of them. Mom and my BFF are planning a shower for me together but that isn't until May, and my workout ladies want to throw me a shower too which will be fun and also weird because we really only see each other at the dance studio and rarely get together in the outside world. No classes until May, but we are going to a consignment event soon and also to a registry event thing being held at one of our local Targets. Our registry is pretty complete, but the event will have some raffles and give aways so we figured why not go.
    Any questions we can help each other with?
    I'm really over taking the prenatal vitamins and really would love to go back to my regular ones, going to ask about it at my appointment next week, but just wondering if anyone else is in the same boat? I've tried three different brands (one pill and two different gummies) and hate them all. I don't need the iron (my body already has too much), and was having a hard time finding a pill that didn't have the iron in it, and could only find the gummy kind without it but those have additional sugar I don't want to be consuming.

    GTKY: what are you worried anxious about right know about the pregnancy/baby and what are you excited about? @kissableviv I'm with you on the worries about the postpartum icky/uncomfortable stuff. I've had DH read up on all the truth of what to expect after so he's not surprised by not only the discomfort, but also some of the bleeding, etc.

    I went to a consignment shop that was consolidating this weekend and picked up a couple of longer sleeved options. One of the little hoodies was brand new with original tags on it but only cost me $1. Yay! We're all about layers here in general. It's one of those if you don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes and it will change sort of places, especially in the summer. So we figure having just a couple of long sleeved things might be good. Plus if you might be somewhere (grocery store, etc) with the AC cranked up for a while a longer sleeve might be nice.
  • What week is this for you? 22! 

    How are you feeling? I'm feeling tired - just disrupted sleep every night.

    Any new symptoms? Feeling a little more achy in the pelvis/hip region - I think the weight of the belly is starting to put some strain on that area.

    Anything specific you're working on at this stage (registry, shower, organization, classes)? I am hardcore nesting, trying to get the nursery done!  Also trying to get pictures on all of our walls before baby comes because I don't think it will get done otherwise!

    Any questions we can help each other with? None today.

    GTKY: what are you worried anxious about right know about the pregnancy/baby and what are you excited about?  I am anxious about a few things that are not baby related 1. DH wants to buy a hot tub (and I'm like....I dunno if this is the time my love), and 2. it is tax season and I am waiting on an amended assessment that hasn't come yet...grrr.  I am excited about all things baby, but right now I am most excited about putting the nursery together! 

    Be back later to participate in discussion.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @noideawhatshesdoing thanks for the advice on the layering. Thankfully in this day and age it won't be a big deal to order something from Amazon or run to Target in case we need more clothes! We just need to survive the first week! Haha. DH is also getting the truth and nothing but the truth about the pp ickyness!

    @devilcat139 I've been waxing for years and while I'm a little more sensitive now it's not a big deal. My appointments last 15 minutes so it's pretty quick! You can also get propped up if needed so you don't have to be on your back as long. But with twins and being larger now it makes sense to wanting to be careful. 

    It reminded me I have to make an appointment...
  • edited March 2018

    What week is this for you? Week 22

    How are you feeling?  Pretty good surprisingly- just digestive issues (but that’s been my whole life)

    Any new symptoms? 
    Very out of breath lately, especially when laying down at night.  Feels like crushing my lungs.

    Anything specific you're working on at this stage (registry, shower, organization, classes)?

    Working on the nursery.  The wallpaper should be here Friday and I already bought the crib, mattress, monogram, changing table, wall décor, rug and a chair with ottoman(bc gliders are soooo expensive)  We already had the room painted as it was our guest room painted a dusty rose, so perfect to keep for baby girl!

    Any questions we can help each other with?

    I don’t think so.  I just feel like the next 18 weeks are going to go by so slow.  The first 20ish were exciting between ultrasounds, appointments, gender reveals, anatomy scans etc.  Now it’s just glucose yuck!

    GTKY: what are you worried anxious about right know about the pregnancy/baby and what are you excited about?

    I’m getting really nervous/anxious for delivery…like, REALLY anxious.  Some friends say it hurts more than they expected and one actually thought it wasn’t as bad.  My body is so sensitive to everything so I am going to try to do without drugs- but then again, I’ve never broken/sprained/hurt anything on my body so I have no way to tell what my pain tolerance will be.


    kissableviv  I did my registry and just added a bunch of stuff- I should probably follow this and get some numbers as well.  It’s tough in the summer because you want short sleeves but with the AC in the house may need long sleeves too.  Advice my friend gave me was don’t register for blankets lol people love to give them and apparently you get a ton whether you ask or not.  I plan on breastfeeding so I only registered for a few burp cloths (5) because breastfed babies apparently from what I’ve read don’t spit up/need burping as much.  Just got them just in case she doesn’t like breast milk or has trouble latching and I need to switch to formula.

    P.s TMI but I just got my first internal hemorrhoid and holy moly does it hurt- I can barely sit down L I feel you on the post partum recovery.


    noideawhatshesdoing I am a horrible mom and completely stopped taking my prenatals- after trying 4 different kinds and them all hurting/upsetting my stomach I just gave up
  • @babygagnon2018 I don't think that makes you a horrible mom at all! Everything is so uncomfortable anyways, why add something else to the mix? I'd just rather go back to my normal vitamin routine if I can, I get a lot of my vitamins from food sources so the vitamins are just there to supplement the things that I can't easily come by with diet. That's my thought process anyways. I just hate that prenatals are more expensive, and finding one without iron seems impossible unless it comes with a lot of unwanted sugar.
  • @rachelsogo I am considering going back to waxing as well - I waxed regularly before pregnancy but stopped because I was a little freaked out about increased sensitivity. But I saw my wax specialist the other day for my brows and she said that she sees tons of pregnant ladies, so it can't be all that bad.  I might forgo my usual full Brazilian and settle on something more manageable (pain-wise)... I'll let you know how it goes when I do.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @noideawhatshesdoing I stopped the additional fish oil but still taking prenatals. I know they are more $$ but I charge them to my HSA card. I also have taken them for 3 years so they really don't bug me, if they are giving you trouble though I don't think it's a big deal to stop taking them. 
  • What week is this for you?
    23 weeks.

    How are you feeling?
    Fine, although I get tired more easily. I need to take breaks more often after physical activity, like vacuuming.

    Any new symptoms?
    I don't think I've ever posted in these, or maybe it's been a long time. I feel pretty good overall, though.

    Anything specific you're working on at this stage (registry, shower, organization, classes)?
    I signed up for a baby care class and a breastfeeding class for May. I have yet to sign up for a childbirth class. I just started prenatal yoga and like it. I also signed up for a hospital tour. We started taking things out of the soon-to-be nursery so we can start planning that.

    Any questions we can help each other with?
    None at the moment.

    GTKY: what are you worried anxious about right know about the pregnancy/baby and what are you excited about?
    I am anxious about the lack of sleep when the baby comes, delivery, and the postpartum recovery period. I've been trying to read up on it as much as I can and telling my husband things so he's not surprised. He's been reading the same books I have, though, so he should have some idea.

    I'm excited about being a mom overall, though, and the family we're creating.
  • @rachelsogo @canucklehead123 so far I've continued get Brazilians once a month, but it's true, they fing hurt. Way more than pre-pregnancy. I think you can take Tylenol, but I've stayed away from taking any medications while pregnant. I like to think of it as mental preparation for labor & just accept the pain  :D My skin heals faster though afterward due to increased bloodflow in the area, just to include one positive.
  • What week is this for you? 20 weeks and 6 days 

    How are you feeling? Just tired all the time. Other than that I feel pretty good most days 

    Any new symptoms? Nothing new. Just the usual headaches, shortness of breath. 

    Anything specific you're working on at this stage (registry, shower, organization, classes)? Currently working on our registry and clearing out the room that will be the baby’s nursery. Now that we know the sex, we are going to go full mode in organizing and getting the room ready. Our parents are hosting a joint shower and just picked out the date in June. Getting very excited for it! 

    Any questions we can help each other with?

    GTKY: what are you worried anxious about right know about the pregnancy/baby and what are you excited about?

    I’m just really excited for the arrival of baby. I know there are not so exciting parts about pregnancy and birth/post birth but I feel like I’m somewhat mentally prepared for it so it won’t be a surprise. 
  • What week is this for you? 22 weeks

    How are you feeling? Other than insomnia, I'm okay.
    Any new symptoms? I'm brusing really easily. 

    Anything specific you're working on at this stage (registry, shower, organization, classes)? I am constantly adding to my registry. My baby shower is out of my hands. So I'm just answering questions as they come. Next class is our labor class.

    Any questions we can help each other with? not at the moment

    GTKY: what are you worried anxious about right know about the pregnancy/baby and what are you excited about? There is a laundry list of things I'm worried about. However, I'm really excited to see what our little girl is going to look like. As well as getting to hold her.

    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker

  • What week is this for you? 25w 2d

    How are you feeling? I've got this annoying chest congestion thing going on, other than that I feel totally fine, just hoping this doesn't develop into anything more
    Any new symptoms? Insomnia has snuck up on me all of a sudden

    Anything specific you're working on at this stage (registry, shower, organization, classes)? We just started a 5 week birth class, tomorrow is our 2nd time going and we get to do the maternity tour tomorrow at the beginning of class. I want to try and find a breastfeeding support group for after he's born. And I am really struggling to find a prenatal yoga class that I don't have to drive 45 minutes for

    Any questions we can help each other with?
    This is a silly one but what do you guys think reclining glider or glider with ottoman? 

    GTKY: what are you worried anxious about right know about the pregnancy/baby and what are you excited about? I have so many questions in regards to policy on labor and after to ask my ob but I get so weirdly anxious in those situations. Like labor-wise I dont want an IV and I want intermittent monitoring so that I can walk around and I'm interested in delayed cord cutting and in delayed bathing and instant skin to skin. But whenever she asks if I have any questions I'm just like "nope!" 
  • What week is this for you?

    How are you feeling? 
    Feeling great, other than terrible leg cramps... I had a 4 min long charlie horse. Keep stretching ladies!!!! 

    Any new symptoms?
    see above lol 

    Anything specific you're working on at this stage (registry, shower, organization, classes)?
    working on my registry my mom and sister tell me I need to have it done yesterday lol and I need to sign up for classes! I should have done it already but forgot, oh and I need to schedule my growth ultrasounds, one for each month for the next few months.... so yeah I better get on that! 

    Any questions we can help each other with?
    Anyone else starting to feel insecure with your spouses, I know this is a touchy subject, so please don’t read if you have body TW, but my DH says I look even more beautiful now, and I can’t help feeling the exact opposite. Don’t get me wrong I am proud of my body, and ecstatic for its changes and growing baby, I just didn’t expect to feel cautious when it comes to intimacy with my DH, wondering if any of you ladies are going through the same thing. 

    GTKY: what are you worried anxious about right know about the pregnancy/baby and what are you excited about?
    im anxious about when baby will be born, I’m like looking at the calendar nervous/excited to find out babies birthdate! Lol and I’m excited about helping plan my baby shower with my mom and sister!!! 

    @kissableviv I also have no clue about how many clothes we will need. I found this article that I thought might help! Everyone else please feel free to chime in if you’ve heard something different. 

    a good friend of mine  wants me to go shopping through her sons clothes that he grew out of, and I’m weary to do it before my shower, I’m like what will I need? How will I know what people will get at the shower. But she anxious to donate them after I go through them. 
  • @carftm2018 it is totally normal to go through some changes with your SO when it comes to intimacy, my DH for a while was pretty much staying away because he didn't want to hurt me! My suggestion is to always talk about it even though it is difficult because more changes are coming and you want to have an honest conversation about it. 

    Thanks for passing on the babylist article! Definitely looking it up. I got a lot of hand me downs and personally I would keep them all if I were you because it's nice to have some gently worn stuff you can keep in the diaper bag/car/ at the in laws' like I did. And if they get badly stained you feel less bad just throwing them away! 

    @carsonraynee I also want some of the things you mentioned. They will have to go into my birth plan and I'm hoping my husband and my doula will keep on top of them when I'm too confused to know what's happening!
  • What week is this for you? 25 weeks today!
    How are you feeling? Good. Besides the Headaches, Heartburn and Backaches
    Any new symptoms? heartburn is newer
    Anything specific you're working on at this stage (registry, shower, organization, classes)? I started and finished my very organized registry. All big furniture is in the nursery just not set up. Need to paint. Plan on classes in the next coming months. 
    Any questions we can help each other with? I am going in for my 3rd glucose test :-( failed the 1 hour passed he three hour at like 11 weeks. I am assuming they tested me so early because of my higher BMI so I mmmm nervous to do it again :-( and it sucks
    GTKY: what are you worried anxious about right know about the pregnancy/baby and what are you excited about? Nervous about ten glucose test and the EIF they found on baby at anatomy scan. Excited for more and more things to come together and get ready for baby. :-)
  • @carsonraynee I am the same way with all those questions. I want to do all those things but I am a littler nervous to present them to my Ob because I love her and want this hospital experience. And I fear she would send me more to a midwife. Which would be ok. But I love my Ob. 

  • @carsonraynee haven't gotten that far yet, but I'm thinking recliner to save some space? Our nursery room is a little small so trying to not trip over something in the middle of the night.  Also, write down your questions/concerns/wants! And on a piece of paper too that you keep in your hand. I do the same exact thing. I had notes written down on my phone and since my phone was in my purse on the chair, I forgot. 

    TTC History:
    Me: 36 H: 40 Married 2015. Together since 2010.
    TTC: Sept 2016-Oct 2017
    BFP Oct 2017. DD born July 2018.
    TTC: March 2020. BFP March 2020
    Due date was Nov 2020
    DS born Sept 2020. DS passed away Nov 2020 due to prematurity and birth trauma.
    TTC: March 2021
    IUI #1 Nov 2021, BFN
    IUI #2 Dec 2021 BFP.  MC Jan 2022
    IUI #3 Aug 2022 BFN
    IUI #4 Sept 2022 BFN
    AMH test came back at .081. Was going to move on to IVF with DE, but have decided not to. Will be leaving it up to the universe now.

  • @zehcnasella I think those are more hospital practices and have nothing to do with your OB. It will be something to talk about with the nurses when you're in the hospital although it doesn't hurt to let your OB know as she would be the one catching the baby. Nowadays these are not rare things that people request so I doubt that would change anything about your current care plan. 

  • @kissableviv that’s great advice on all accounts thank you!!!! 
  • What week is this for you? 24 weeks today

    How are you feeling? Great in general. Still have SI soreness and this week my left knee has been sore and stiff, so I'm wondering if the two are related. Has anyone seen a (prenatal) chiropractor during pregnancy? It's not a big deal now, I just worry that it could potentially affect labor.

    Any new symptoms? Has anyone else noticed that their cervix is constantly really high?? I can't even reach it! 

    Anything specific you're working on at this stage (registry, shower, organization, classes)? Furnishing the nursery. Of course I decided to make more work for myself and re-finish/chalk paint a dresser/changing table.

    GTKY: what are you worried anxious about right know about the pregnancy/baby and what are you excited about? Most of the time I'm excited about the idea of labor/birth, but I worry about everything going exactly as I want it to. I can't imagine feeling unhappy about the birth while dealing a new baby. Sometimes I wish I had planned a home birth!
  • @ckmb_knottie I see my regular chiropractor and she also does prenatal work. I think it can actually help a lot later on with hip pain but I'm not sure it can affect labor unless they do a special maneuver (forget what it's called) which is usually done to help flip the baby or getting them into the right position. I think there's a chance the two issues could be related so maybe it won't hurt to see a chiro!

  • @kissableviv I will def consider it! I guess I meant that I don't want additional pain during birth since I'm planning to go med-free, or if it could put me at increased risk for injury. Of course I ended up googling and finding some lady who's permanently disabled after birth due to joint dysfunction - need to quit googling  :#
  • carsonraynee I’m doing a chair with ottoman just because gliders and recliners are so expensive.

    catftm2018 its been a while since me and DH have been intimate because I am feeling so self conscious.  I guess its only going to get worse so I better suck it up!

    ckmb_knottie  same with the chalk paint changing table- except I sanded it prior to getting pregnant thinking I would use it as a dresser, recently painted it and absolutely hate the color- guess it just makes for yet another project haha

  • @ckmb_knottie oh yes, got it, I thought you meant that the chiropractor work could affect it, that makes total sense. Ideally we all want to get to the end with no major pains it issues but some of them will be inevitable. I thank my lucky stars for any pain free day at this point!
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