TTC After a Loss

TTCAL week of 3/12

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! 

1. Introduce yourself (if new)
2. Status?
3. R/R:
4.GTKY: Do you have a strange phobia?

Re: TTCAL week of 3/12

  • 1. Introduce yourself (if new) Not really new, 2nd week here.

    2. Status? Is it Thursday yet? That's pre-op day and (fx) day I get cleared to start trying again. I've looked over the operative and ultrasound reports and, while I'm not a dr, the reports seem to indicate that this was just a standard non viable pregnancy. I've also convinced DH to NTNP until I get a period, then we we actually start trying.

    3. R/R: Anyone else absolutely HATE the wording of their operative reports/billing? I was prepared for it because a friend who had a loss years ago vented about it. My official diagnosis was "missed abortion". I understand it, but it's not what you think of when you see the word abortion.

    4.GTKY: Do you have a strange phobia? Spiders are the only thing that really get me and that's not strange. I'm totally grossed out by rubber fishing worms but it's not really at a phobia level.
  • 1. Ttc since 1/17. CP 3/17. NMC 9/17.
    2. WTO.
    3. Rave: It's DHs bday today! Rave: my naaty eczema flare up is starting to go away!!!! Rant: i have a chest cold that i think might be turning into something more serious. If it's not improving in a couple days I'll have to go to the dr. Boo.
    4. Cotton. It's like nails on a chalkboard for me. Just the thought of someone touching cotton makes me shudder. My brother used to put cotton balls in my coat pockets when he was mad at me. Cruel.
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  • 1. Introduce yourself (if new) not new been here since August 2016

    2. Status? TWW 12 DPO 
    3. R/R: temp drop this morning ugh.  Yesterday was what should have been a 1st birthday.  Rave My mom, sister and niece were here for the weekend and that was fun. 
    4.GTKY: Do you have a strange phobia? No real phobias other than fear of getting stuck in an elevator  I still go in them so not that severe 
  • 2. Status? CD 33. 10 DPO.
    3. R/R: Starting to be a little BSC. Hard to imagine I made it to 10 DPO though! Temp dipped a bit this morning, but I'm hoping that's more from not sleeping well and other issues, not because AF is coming. I'm really ready to give this another shot and hope for the best. Not sure when/if I'll test yet though... will depend on what my temperatures do as the week goes on.
    4.GTKY: Do you have a strange phobia? Not a phobia really. I hate the weed wacker though, and adamantly refuse to use it. It scares me for unknown reasons. I tell DH that if he dies, the yard will either have to be set up so I don't need to use it, I'll have to hire someone to use it, or it will just not get done!

    prpl11butterfly Yeah, it can be hard to read that on your health statements and whatnot. Even knowing that's the clinical term still doesn't prepare you for the emotional hit of that verbage.

    Kath525  Cotton!?! Odd. So, do you never wear cotton clothes? Just blends? Or is it the more unprocessed type of cotton (like cotton swabs, cotton balls, etc) that bother you?

    MC #1: D&C Oct 23, 2015 (7.5 weeks)
    MC #2: July 1, 2016 (5.5 weeks)
    MC #3: October 17, 2016 (CP)
    RE #1: RPL testing November 2016-January 2017
    MC #4: Feb. 28, 2017 (CP)
    RE #2: Additional RPL testing March-November 2017
    MC #5: January 2019 (6.5 weeks)

    RE #3: More testing 2023. 
    Egg Retrieval Sept/Oct 2023, 2 good embryos after PGT-A testing.
    Surgery for endometriosis January 2024
    Lupron Depo March 2024.  Benched 3 months.

    FET #1: June 3, 2024 (failed)

    Lupron Depo June 2024. Benched 3 months again before next FET.


  • Mack2342  Sorry for the temp drop and passing the first birthday. Those milestones are always hard. :(

    MC #1: D&C Oct 23, 2015 (7.5 weeks)
    MC #2: July 1, 2016 (5.5 weeks)
    MC #3: October 17, 2016 (CP)
    RE #1: RPL testing November 2016-January 2017
    MC #4: Feb. 28, 2017 (CP)
    RE #2: Additional RPL testing March-November 2017
    MC #5: January 2019 (6.5 weeks)

    RE #3: More testing 2023. 
    Egg Retrieval Sept/Oct 2023, 2 good embryos after PGT-A testing.
    Surgery for endometriosis January 2024
    Lupron Depo March 2024.  Benched 3 months.

    FET #1: June 3, 2024 (failed)

    Lupron Depo June 2024. Benched 3 months again before next FET.


  • @Kath525 I hope you feel better soon!

    @Mack2342 a temp drop right on the heels of an anniversary... cruel.

    @dpjennifer hopefully it was just your sleep!  I become a mad scientist with analyzing my chart so it’s been a really nice break this month not temping actually... lol! 
  • @Kath525 Happy birthday DH! And yean I can see the cotton thing. MH isn't really a fan either. Hope you feel better and can avoid a trip to the doc.

    @Mack2342 sorry about the temp and milestones.

    @dpjennifer fx for you! I was terrified of the weed wacker as a child.

    @ccvslp can I ask where your located? Don't need to tell me if you don't want, just curious since we are also expecting another foot of snow tomorrow. And yey for moving! Sounds like it's been quite the wait and will be good distraction for the next 8 days!

  • @dpjennifer hopefully temp dip is a fluke for both of us but I’m not counting on it for me.  I did tak a cheap test this morning and BFN.  FX for you!!!

    @ccvslp congrats on moving back home. Hopefully that will keep you occupied the next few days. 
  • 1. Not new, MC Sept, CP Dec, Jan
    2. Benched, had blood work on Friday and the tech seemed nervous that I had to have 13 vials taken. Never a good sign when they seem nervous lol.
    3. Rave it’s starting to seem a little like spring here! So ready for a new season! 
    4. I’m also afraid of elevators. Will avoid them if at all possible! 

    @prpl11butterfly fx for a good post op appointment!

    @Kath525 cotton is a new one for me! I do have a friend that is terrified of ketchup though. I can’t even use it at the table with her!

    @Mack2342 I’m sorry, that’s a lot to deal with all in one week!

    @dpjennifer sending positive vibes that the temp dip was just a fluke!

    @ccvslp woohoo only eight more days on the bench! 
  • @prpl11butterfly i hope your appointment goes well!

    @dpjennifer FX the temp drop was just due to bad sleep! Let us know how tomorrow's is! Also, mostly it's just unprocessed cotton although some clothing, especially fleece, i just can't touch!

    @ccvslp yay! Congrats on the move! I have loved setting up and decorating when we have moved in the past (not so much unpacking though). My dh does not like the cracking of knuckles either. It always makes him wince.

    @char245 okay... Ketchup? What's the issue there? Like... The sound of the ketchup bottle? I could see that. 
  • @prpl11butterfly - I'm with you on hating the wording of my EOBs. It's frustrating that the medical word and colloquial word have such different meanings - it does somehow minimize the loss, which feels worse in a way.

    @Kath525 - Your brother is a monster. How dare he put cotton balls in your (probably also cotton or cotton-blend) coat. How do you feel about wool?

    @mack2342 - Sorry for the saddiversary. Family visits are the best (except when they're the worst)! Glad yours was good.

    @dpjennifer - All of you charting ladies blow my mind. It is like a foreign language to me. FX for you this cycle.

    @ccvslp - CONGRATS on moving back home! Also, do adults crack their knuckles a lot? Is that a problem you run into frequently? I can't remember the last time I heard someone purposefully crack their knuckles...

    @char245 - 13 vials of blood? sheesh, I feel like they might as well take a pint at that point. Hopefully it helps bring some answers. 

    1. Introduce yourself (if new) - Been here a couple weeks.

    2. Status? NTNP, no clue where I am in my cycle (haven't had a period since D&C).

    3. R/R: R & R - Daylight Savings Time! I am soooo sleepy in the morning, but it was nice getting home this evening and having it be bright enough to take the pup on a nice long walk.

    4.GTKY: Do you have a strange phobia? I am a grown ass woman who still to this day can get freaked out in the dark. I even tried therapy for it a couple years ago but, the best way to get over a phobia is exposure and the exposure would give me anxiety attacks BECAUSE I'M A CRAZY PERSON.

    Me: 36 | DH: 41 | Married: 9/29/07 | DD: December 2018 | BFP: 2/1/21, EDD: 10/6/21
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

  • @Kath525 not the bottle of ketchup, just the actual ketchup itself... so strange. But apparently it’s a real thing!

    @Kabazaba I totally understand the being afraid of the dark! I can get freaked out in my own house at night and I hate it when my husband travels!
  • ccvslpccvslp member
    edited March 2018
    @prpl11butterfly I’m in Maine, frozen tundra.  

    @Kabazaba I work full time with small children.  They do all of the things that make you go “why?!?!”

    @char245 I loathe ketchup.
  • @ccvslp I'm in MA. So almost frozen tundra :lol:
  • @ccvslp ahh. That makes so much more sense.  
    Me: 36 | DH: 41 | Married: 9/29/07 | DD: December 2018 | BFP: 2/1/21, EDD: 10/6/21
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

  • @kabazaba do you watch doctor who? There's an episode called 'silence in the library' where the doctor explains why everyone is at least somewhat afraid of the dark. Kinda scary... :)

    MC #1: D&C Oct 23, 2015 (7.5 weeks)
    MC #2: July 1, 2016 (5.5 weeks)
    MC #3: October 17, 2016 (CP)
    RE #1: RPL testing November 2016-January 2017
    MC #4: Feb. 28, 2017 (CP)
    RE #2: Additional RPL testing March-November 2017
    MC #5: January 2019 (6.5 weeks)

    RE #3: More testing 2023. 
    Egg Retrieval Sept/Oct 2023, 2 good embryos after PGT-A testing.
    Surgery for endometriosis January 2024
    Lupron Depo March 2024.  Benched 3 months.

    FET #1: June 3, 2024 (failed)

    Lupron Depo June 2024. Benched 3 months again before next FET.


  • @dpjennifer that might be my favorite episode!
  • @dpjennifer and @Kath525 I am a huge nerd inc Doctor Who - love silence in the library, and all episodes with River. 
    Me: 36 | DH: 41 | Married: 9/29/07 | DD: December 2018 | BFP: 2/1/21, EDD: 10/6/21
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

  • @tosh24 thinking of you today! Is your FET coming up soon? 
  • @prpl11butterfly Welp... we are in the “jackpot” zone for the storm, apparently... and have TWO FEET on the ground.  Like.... ?!?!?!  Why do I live here again?!  We already have a two hour delay called for tomorrow as it’s supposed to be slow winding down. #sendspring 
  • @ccvslp ugh. We got about a foot I think. They called our delay last night as well. Main roads seem good (I've only gone from home to my mom's = 1 mile  :D ) and only have 1 road from here to work. Our town guys are good. I'm guessing they have been working on the side roads for busses through the night and morning. It's still snowing here as well, it may be stopping soon though. #sendspringFAST
  • Also #readyforspringyesterday!  We got another huge dump of snow yesterday and it's still snowing now.  We don't get delays or snow days, it's just sit in your car for hours waiting in traffic! 
  • They changed our delay to another cancelled day at about 6:30 this morning... we had about two feet last night and when we woke up still lightly snowing.  I’m guessing the crews were going to be unable to clear the schools and dig out the busses even with an extra two hours.  Snow day #9, school until June 27... summer school starts July 9.  Last year they extended one day a week and waived a couple with the state because I guess it messes things up with seniors graduating earlier and needing a certain number of days?  We will see, I will be up the street cleaning and unpacking at my house again I guess!
  • Well, at least it gives you time to do that!
  • @ccvslp how is going up there in the tundra? It's still snowing here. I should have hibernated this winter. 
  • @prpl11butterfly It flurried all day.  More coming beginning of next week I hear.  Hibernation would have been AWESOME for soooooo many reasons this winter! Lol 
  • Yep more next week. There is no end in sight.....
  • 1. Introduce yourself (if new). I introed in September after my loss, but have been benched since then.  I had a MMC in August, that was actually a malignant molar pregnancy.  I also had a MMC 6 years ago
    2. Status? Recently unbenched, WTO
    3. R/R:. I am still feeling estatic about not being benched.  I don't have any too many complaints for rants.
    4.GTKY: Do you have a strange phobia?  I have so many.  Chickens is probably the strangest.

    @prpl11butterfly, the missed abortion and threatened abortion are hard to read.  I get it, but don't have to like it.  How did the appointment go?
    @dpjennifer, FX that it was just poor sleep making your temp drop!

  • @holly321 it went perfectly. Doc said there was nothing to indicate something other the standard chromosomal defects. **tw, successful pregnancy mentioned**

    Said since I've had 1 full term healthy pregnancy already

    I am low risk. He said as soon as I get a period we can continue on our TTC quest. I asked him what if we didn't take any steps at preventing and got preg without a period (while expressing that I know it's unlikely). He said that it is unlikely and he beleives it will take a few months but to start taking my prenatal again (as I had to stop taking them to help accept the loss) and if it happens "we'll talk then".

    Not 100% sure DH is on board with NTNP but I think I've swayed him enough  (and doc helped by supporting my "it's unlikely" comment). I think I am going to stop temping until my period. If we are going to NTNP, then I feel like I shouldn't have "insider" info that he doesn't. Or maybe not. I really doubt I'm going to O anyway.
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