July 2018 Moms


I've decided to make an Instagram for mommy friends only for any questions, concerns, or just sharing anything. I keep forgetting to get on here. So maybe it would be easier? Haha. Anyways, I thought it would be cool if we could follow each other! Anyone who wants to add me, it's @_.ever.after._

Re: Instas

  • Hi welcome back! I am personally not ready to share my social media yet and typically my insta is just for my family (i don’t even hashtag). 
    But i see you have only contributed once because back in December, so welcome back. I’d recommend to participate more in the board so that we can get to know you better this way first. I know life happens and we get pulled away from TB and that’s ok but contributing to a community is how you build trust before going to less private media’s like FB and Instagram. Feel free to jump in on threads and introduce yourself in the Intro board if you haven’t.
  • Welcome back! There’s a pretty overwhelming consensus among regular contributors that we’re not jumping to social media until closer to birth. Stranger danger! Feel free to jump in on some other threads so we can all get to know eachother for when that time comes :)
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  • Ditto to the above. 
    run along Pond...2015/12/10

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • same here

    Isabella & Julian & and now #3!
  • Welcome back! I do agree with pp. My Insta is pretty much all about my dog and her shenanigans as well as the occasional food porn post. Maybe when it's closer to lo popping out, I'll be up for heading over to social media land with the group.

    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker

  • Same, my insta right now is mostly fitness and I have a private one I only share with friends IRL. Love my bump ladies but I agree that we're not ready to connect on social media yet.
  • yup not open to sharing personal feeds with strangers im not even ready to share with the regulars 
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

  • I have different instas, one for real life, one for my hobbies, and just created a new one for LO. I am going to try to be more active, so hopefully it'll work out :smile:
  • I would be open to this but not until the June/July time frame when we are posting announcements.  Lots of the boards here are open to pictures (gender reveals, pregnancy announcements, Bump Days, etc)  
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