How far along are you? / EDD: 13w4d - my last week on the first trimester board!
Any recent/upcoming appointments? Next one isn't until 3/20, but I'm keeping tabs on this lady via home Doppler.
How are you feeling? Pretty good - mostly just bloated and not sleeping through the night ever (even counting bathroom trips).
QOTW: Have you started thinking about/decided on names? DH is pretty set on Lillian (Lily) for a girl. Our last name is pretty strong and 'harsh' and he likes feminine names. This is a guy who can't make a decision to save his life, but going through an online list he landed on Lillian and was like "that's the one." I'm not 100% sold on it but I love the idea that he picked it out so I'm getting used to it. I get to choose the middle name and it's been hard so far but I'm slogging through the options.
How far along are you? / EDD - 7 weeks, 1 day (Late September due date based on twins)
Any recent/upcoming appointments? Had my first "real" OB appointment today! Ended up having an unscheduled U/S this morning (This is now my 3rd at 7 weeks, 1 day!) due to some bleeding last week after my RE U/S. Heartbeats have gone up to 144 and 146 from 121 and 129 last Wednesday. BUT growth slowed a little- they were measuring 6+1 and 6+3 at my 6+3 day scan, and how they are both measuring 6+5 at 7+1. Trying not to worry about that since it's only 3 days behind and HB's went up quite a lot. The scans were also done at different facilities so I'm wondering if there could just be some differences in the measurements/technology as well.
How are you feeling? Morning sickness has been rough. They prescribed me Reglan this morning, but after googling it I'm not so sure I want to take it . Fatigue has been on and off, some days I feel great, and other days I can barely move all day.
QOTW: Have you started thinking about/decided on names? We have a few ideas but now that we know we need to start thinking about TWO at once, I've been gathering some more candidates. We're committed to picking out names early but not announcing them until their birth!
1st cycle of IVF started April 9, 2017. ER- 15R, 7M, 5F, 4 frozen, 1 transferred. BFN
May 2017- Hysteroscopy
June-August 2017- 2nd attempt via FET. 2 Embryos transferred on 08/10/17. BFP, but ended in a chemical.
November 2017- Hysteroscopy
January 2018- 3rd attempt via FET. 2 Embryos transferred on 01/25/18. BOLD BFP on a HPT on 1/31, Beta # 1 on 2/5= 721. Beta # 2 on 2/7- 1903. 6wk+3 day scan revealed twins!
Any recent/upcoming appointments? Last week we had the NT scan. So far all the preliminary labs came back fine, but I know the rest of the NIPT will take a little longer...
How are you feeling? Good! Still hard to shake the nerves completely tho. We told grandpa yesterday, so that was fun!
<span>QOTW: Have you started thinking about/decided on names? We have! Our first girl name has been picked out for a while, but we haven't settled in a MN we can agree to. Boy names are harder, tho I have one I keep circling back to, so we'll see... not sure if H is sold on that one either, tho. At least we're talking about it more!</span>
Any recent/upcoming appointments? Not until March 6th, my first appt with my actual OB!!
How are you feeling? These last few days have been especially rough. Morning sickness is in full swing, I was nauseous all day long yesterday and all day so far today. I also have a sinus infection and just started antibiotics which also could be part of what is contributing to the nausea/crumminess!
QOTW: Have you started thinking about/decided on names? We had a girls name picked out last time that we still both like- Chloe.. we have a few boys names we like but haven't finalized them yet and working on middle names too! DS is Carter Bennett.
Me: 28, DH: 30 Married July 2014 DX: Severe MFI- 3 failed IUI's, IVF #1 Egg retrieval June 4th 2016, 5 day transfer- BFP Baby Boy! EDD 2/25/2017. Our sweet miracle Carter Bennett arrived 2/12/2017 6 lbs, 2 oz 19 inches. Surprise BFP!!! Baby Girl due 10/1/2018.
@sarcasticowl Oh my gosh almost second tri! So happy for you!
@dragonfly6191 Can you take diclegis/unisom if you're too nervous about reglan? I think I would be hospitalized without it and I've heard twins morning sickness is even worse.
Any recent/upcoming appointments? Our first OB appointment is this Friday. I also have another set of bloodwork at the RE this week -- my placenta still hasn't fully taken over so I'm still on estrogen and progesterone. I REALLY want to get off the progesterone so fingers crossed my bloodwork looks better this week!
How are you feeling? Horrifically sick, still, unfortunately...
QOTW: Have you started thinking about/decided on names? My husband is ready to start talking names but I'm too scared
How far along are you? / EDD 12+5 days today- Tues/Weds is beginning of week 13 officially. Last week of first trimester!! woohoo! @sarcasticowl we've made it! Next week I'll be heading to the 2nd trimester board as well.
Any recent/upcoming appointments? Went to ob and got Sono and pelvic exam. Had bleeding Friday for first time since SCH resolved itself. Was very scary, had meltdown this weekend and had to cancel all plans and be on bedrest. But made it through and everything is all good. Could see the little guy very well though tummy sono today as well. Little arms and legs kicking around!
How are you feeling? Meh....thought I might be losing my mind completely this weekend, but then felt fine an hour later. Just a pregnancy hormone meltdown. One updat: we told my in-laws on Friday night. My mom came over and was there on speaker with us as buffer. That helped me get the nerve. Everything went fine and they are very excited. They sent us some cookies that were delicious and a balloon that says 'its a boy'. I'm so glad I don't have to keep the secret any longer.
QOTW: Have you started thinking about/decided on names? Yes, my husband and dad's middle names are Dale and this is also my husband's father's name. So baby's middle name is going to be Dale. We don't know about first names yet but thinking maybe William (will) or miles. Oliver is also on the list. @Dragonfly6191 love the idea of waiting until he is born! I might do that too.... Sorry to hear you and @adirat aren't feeling well. I hope the medications they give you help you feel better. I don't have much advice but sending hugs and thoughts your way!
Hi ladies- 13+2 today! 1st appt w/ OB this morning and I love him. After he heard my story he said it was almost identical to his middle daughter who has a 6 months old. She’s also an attorney, treated w/ my RE and was on Heparin. I feel like the universe was looking out for me! I heard HB for the first time. Scheduled for an u/s next Monday.
I feel great but I definitely have a belly. Isn’t it way too early for this? I’m very thin so thinking that may be why- I’ve gained 8lbs. Wardrobe has become a major issue.
Names- ugh! I tabled this talk until we know the sex b/c DH wants to name after his living brother but I feel strongly that it should be after my deceased dad. Plus I just can’t even picture having a son named Robert...and we have a bunch in our life already including my mom’s SO. We shall see!
TTC since May 2013
Mild PCOS, Compound Heterozygous MTHFR No Folic acid/pharmaceuticals/supplements (too many to list- private message me if interested), IVIL infusion
Wow, Congratulations! @hottietoddy @sarcasticowl and @lablover78 Graduating to Second Tri is freaking monumental, after all you've been through to get here. Yay!!!! <img src="" alt="">
@lablover78. Yes, getting there! FWIW, at 12 weeks, I definitely have a noticeable bump, not sure it looks like I'm actually pregnant or just carrying a lasagne baby. But I gained 10 lbs basically immediately following the bfp, (not to mention the rapid ivf weight gain prior, too). I'm personally just trying to maintain that 10+ as far into 2nd tri as possible. I'm sure you're doing just fine! ❤
I'm not sure how they determine when the placenta takes over other than that they look at my hormone bloodwork. I had a medicated FET so 100% of my progesterone is medication, so I assume they can see the trajectory of the progesterone blood levels over time and determine when supplementation is no longer needed?
I am currently 4+3 with a little girl. Just did FET on 2/15 and have two positive betas showing great numbers (172 and 425). Waiting for an email to tell me when we get our first ultrasound. I know it's early, but I loved the support on this board when I was pregnant with my daughter last year so I wanted to get over here as soon as I could.
Any recent/upcoming appointments? Will have an ultrasound soon, but not sure of the exact date yet
How are you feeling? mild crampiness mostly
QOTW: Have you started thinking about/decided on names? Waiting until we've got our minds wrapped around things a little better before we do that..
Me: Age 40 Husband: Age 41 Chemo killed my ovaries (along with a BRCA1 mutation, which causes DOR) 4/30/13 ER just prior to chemo: 8 embryos frozen at 2pn. 2 survived to blasts/1 PGS normal
4/16 ER cancelled on CD7: 1 follicle on L/ 0 follicles on R FET #1 7/13/16 BFN
Super shocker +HPT 9/19 Baby Alyce arrived 5/8/17
Went forward with donor eggs from my sister for baby #2 ER 4/24, 5 eggs fertilized/1 survived to blast and was chromosomally normal.
FET 2/15 (my sister/donor's birthday!). Beta 10dp5dt:172; beta 12dp5dt: 425
YAY welcome @PNW12RN! I am so grateful for this board.
Also, I forgot to mention yesterday- not sure if anyone else is on Heparin- but OB told me that it can cause the NIPT to show inconclusive so I should be mentally prepared for an amnio. I appreciated the heads up. Now just waiting for my insurance to kick in so we can get this moving already!
TTC since May 2013
Mild PCOS, Compound Heterozygous MTHFR No Folic acid/pharmaceuticals/supplements (too many to list- private message me if interested), IVIL infusion
@sarcasticowl. We are waiting!!! But argh, it's crazy to think they would just give us an envelope, if we asked... :#
@PNW12RN. Welcome! And Congratulations!!! My first scan at 5+ something just showed the gestational sac and the yolk sac, so don't worry if there's not a whole lot to it just yet. But at my second scan at 6+5, we saw/heard the HB! It all happens so fast, even though the time feels like it's going slow... So happy for you!!!
@BusinessWife I give “Team Green” parents all the credit in the world. I would go INSANE not knowing!
@PNW12RN same here as BusinessWife. My very first scan was the tiniest, most inconspicuous little black dot in a sea of white. Even the second scan was hardly anything to write home about. It’s hard to wait but the one benefit of IF is all those early scans so you can watch things happen, as I’m sure you remember with your first. Fingers crossed for you!
@lablover78 Wow, I hadn't heard that before about heparin. Fingers crossed it doesn't affect you. Would it be too late for a cvs vs. an amnio? A cvs can be done earlier which is nice plus it can be done vaginally.
How far along are you? / EDD 9 weeks 2 days/due Sept 30
Any recent/upcoming appointments? My next one isn't until March 20th.
How are you feeling? Exhausted. It's getting hard to wake up in the morning for work everyday. I also have a legit little round bump at this point so that's been fun to hide.
QOTW: Have you started thinking about/decided on names? We will wait until we find out the gender at 19 weeks. With our first we didn't have a name till around 35 weeks.
@lablover78 Wow, I hadn't heard that before about heparin. Fingers crossed it doesn't affect you. Would it be too late for a cvs vs. an amnio? A cvs can be done earlier which is nice plus it can be done vaginally.
I had an amnio at 20 weeks last pregnancy as my blood work came back 1 in 2 for down syndrome. It shouldn't be too late to get an amnio and I believe that has less risk than a CVS?
@PNW12RN Hi and welcome back! I remember you from when I was on here during IVF/ pregnancy with my son! Fun to see some familiar faces again.
@businesswife That's so exciting you are Team Green! It would be so fun to have such an awesome surprise but I could never do it. I am too much of a planner .
Me: 28, DH: 30 Married July 2014 DX: Severe MFI- 3 failed IUI's, IVF #1 Egg retrieval June 4th 2016, 5 day transfer- BFP Baby Boy! EDD 2/25/2017. Our sweet miracle Carter Bennett arrived 2/12/2017 6 lbs, 2 oz 19 inches. Surprise BFP!!! Baby Girl due 10/1/2018.
@marimarii The amnio and cvs risks are equal. For both a lot depends on the skill of the doctor. The benefit to cvs is that it is earlier, so you can get answers sooner and god forbid something is wrong it's easier on your body earlier on or schedule a specialist. A cvs can also be done vaginally.
@chicandbubbly I remember you from the PAIF boards last year! We are sort of mirror images: my first was a miracle natural surprise pregnancy and my second is a FET success. My girls will be 18 months apart. Nice to see a familiar face over here on the success side of infertility!
Me: Age 40 Husband: Age 41 Chemo killed my ovaries (along with a BRCA1 mutation, which causes DOR) 4/30/13 ER just prior to chemo: 8 embryos frozen at 2pn. 2 survived to blasts/1 PGS normal
4/16 ER cancelled on CD7: 1 follicle on L/ 0 follicles on R FET #1 7/13/16 BFN
Super shocker +HPT 9/19 Baby Alyce arrived 5/8/17
Went forward with donor eggs from my sister for baby #2 ER 4/24, 5 eggs fertilized/1 survived to blast and was chromosomally normal.
FET 2/15 (my sister/donor's birthday!). Beta 10dp5dt:172; beta 12dp5dt: 425
Hi ladies!! New here off of the IF board but see some familiar faces!
how far along: 9w5d due date 9/30!
appts: has my first midwife appt today (released from IF doc last week but will be on both estrace and PIO until last day of 1st trimester) anywho, anyone else feel like the first Ob appt is underwhelming? No Doppler or US bc I just had one last week with my IF doc. Basically just lab work and return in 4 weeks at which point they can do the counsyl or Nuchal test if we want.
I was was hoping to do the early screen today so we could find the sex out (I’m so impatient lol) so my DH and I found the sneak peek gender test online and sent that off yesterday. Anybody had luck with that? Supposedly it’s 99% accurate. Couldn’t pass it up for $140 for the speedy one. That’s cheaper than the one at my OB will be.
Feeling good! Not had any nause or vomiting thank goodness!!
Still working on names!
Me 30 DH: 31 Married for 7 years Dx: MFI TTC since 2016 August 2017: IVF #1 (11 eggs retrieved, 8 mature, 3 fertilized with ICIS, 2 Frozen) FET #1: October 11th -- Beta only 12. CP FET #2: January 12th -- BFP!
@tnh0413 congrats! And lucky on the no naseua! I had my first midwife appt today, too, but they did an u/s which was nice definitely older equipment than my RE, though!
@BusinessWife congrats on the test results! I bet that’s really comforting news. We’ll be in the same boat with trying to be team green but having results already. Self-control test, here we go!
@adirat I hope your placenta takes over soon - and that you start feeling better!
AFM: 9+1 today, EDD 10/3
apointments: first midwife appointment today, so I guess I’ve graduated from my RE? I’m on progesterone through the end of this week, so I’m feeling kind of in limbo. Got to see (and hear!) the heartbeat, and see the little gummy bear swim around like crazy. Awww.
Feeling pretty good, aside from naseua. As long as I eat, it goes away, but convincing myself to eat in the morning can be rough.
We’ve had a girl name picked out for a long while, but boy names are still up for debate.
YAY @PNW12RN! Saw your name and wanted to pop in and say hello!! I've been in this land longer then I care to remember but I remember your whole journey prepping with your sister and your super miracle BFP...I question faith at times and your story definitely has to give people hope to many! Can't believe you're already on baby #2! Talk about no breaks, good for you, best of luck to you!!
History of TTC in spoiler box
TTC since 2014 Unexplained Infertility - but I am 40...Low AMH .30 7 - IUI (50mg-150mg Clomid) Feb - August 2016 all BFN IVF#1 August 2016 (Antagonist protocol 4/5 eggs) Cancelled cycle RE thought I would get at least 10. IVF#2 Sept 2016 (microdose luporn pro - disappearing follies, ONLY ONE, convert to IUI) BFN IVF#3 November 2016 (4 ER, 3 F, 3DT)-BFP with TWINS // MC both at almost 10wks IVF#4 March 2017 //EPP (10 ER (1 wonky so 9 ER) 7F, 3B (5AB, (2)5BB) PGS tested- ALL abnormal IVF#5 April 2017 // EPP (7 ER, 7F yes! 6B) 2/5 day 4/6 day - 2 PGS normal! yes!! IVF#6 May 2017 // Antagonist didn't have time for Estrogen Priming...(4 ER, 3 F, 3B) (5AB, (2) 5BB) 2 PGS normal, yes!! IVF#7 June 2017 // EPP praying this is it and then on to an FET!
Thank you, @Hopeful_mom! This whole thing still feels too good to be true sometimes. I am really really excited to tell my sister (and the rest of my family) and start celebrating this pregnancy. It's still so early, though, so I'm trying to hold back the excitement a bit. So many things can go wrong. Once we get to that first US I'll feel better. 2 more weeks!
Me: Age 40 Husband: Age 41 Chemo killed my ovaries (along with a BRCA1 mutation, which causes DOR) 4/30/13 ER just prior to chemo: 8 embryos frozen at 2pn. 2 survived to blasts/1 PGS normal
4/16 ER cancelled on CD7: 1 follicle on L/ 0 follicles on R FET #1 7/13/16 BFN
Super shocker +HPT 9/19 Baby Alyce arrived 5/8/17
Went forward with donor eggs from my sister for baby #2 ER 4/24, 5 eggs fertilized/1 survived to blast and was chromosomally normal.
FET 2/15 (my sister/donor's birthday!). Beta 10dp5dt:172; beta 12dp5dt: 425
Re: 1st Trimester Check-In Week of 2/26
Any recent/upcoming appointments? Next one isn't until 3/20, but I'm keeping tabs on this lady via home Doppler.
How are you feeling? Pretty good - mostly just bloated and not sleeping through the night ever (even counting bathroom trips).
QOTW: Have you started thinking about/decided on names? DH is pretty set on Lillian (Lily) for a girl. Our last name is pretty strong and 'harsh' and he likes feminine names. This is a guy who can't make a decision to save his life, but going through an online list he landed on Lillian and was like "that's the one." I'm not 100% sold on it but I love the idea that he picked it out so I'm getting used to it. I get to choose the middle name and it's been hard so far but I'm slogging through the options.
Any recent/upcoming appointments? Had my first "real" OB appointment today! Ended up having an unscheduled U/S this morning (This is now my 3rd at 7 weeks, 1 day!) due to some bleeding last week after my RE U/S. Heartbeats have gone up to 144 and 146 from 121 and 129 last Wednesday. BUT growth slowed a little- they were measuring 6+1 and 6+3 at my 6+3 day scan, and how they are both measuring 6+5 at 7+1. Trying not to worry about that since it's only 3 days behind and HB's went up quite a lot. The scans were also done at different facilities so I'm wondering if there could just be some differences in the measurements/technology as well.
How are you feeling? Morning sickness has been rough. They prescribed me Reglan this morning, but after googling it I'm not so sure I want to take it . Fatigue has been on and off, some days I feel great, and other days I can barely move all day.
QOTW: Have you started thinking about/decided on names? We have a few ideas but now that we know we need to start thinking about TWO at once, I've been gathering some more candidates. We're committed to picking out names early but not announcing them until their birth!
1st cycle of IVF started April 9, 2017. ER- 15R, 7M, 5F, 4 frozen, 1 transferred. BFN
May 2017- Hysteroscopy
June-August 2017- 2nd attempt via FET. 2 Embryos transferred on 08/10/17. BFP, but ended in a chemical.
November 2017- Hysteroscopy
January 2018- 3rd attempt via FET. 2 Embryos transferred on 01/25/18. BOLD BFP on a HPT on 1/31, Beta # 1 on 2/5= 721. Beta # 2 on 2/7- 1903. 6wk+3 day scan revealed twins!
I'm blogging about it here
Any recent/upcoming appointments? Last week we had the NT scan. So far all the preliminary labs came back fine, but I know the rest of the NIPT will take a little longer...
How are you feeling? Good! Still hard to shake the nerves completely tho. We told grandpa yesterday, so that was fun!
<span>QOTW: Have you started thinking about/decided on names? We have! Our first girl name has been picked out for a while, but we haven't settled in a MN we can agree to. Boy names are harder, tho I have one I keep circling back to, so we'll see... not sure if H is sold on that one either, tho. At least we're talking about it more!</span>
How far along are you? / EDD
10 weeks, 1 day
Any recent/upcoming appointments?
Not until March 6th, my first appt with my actual OB!!
How are you feeling?
These last few days have been especially rough. Morning sickness is in full swing, I was nauseous all day long yesterday and all day so far today. I also have a sinus infection and just started antibiotics which also could be part of what is contributing to the nausea/crumminess!
QOTW: Have you started thinking about/decided on names?
We had a girls name picked out last time that we still both like- Chloe.. we have a few boys names we like but haven't finalized them yet and working on middle names too! DS is Carter Bennett.
@dragonfly6191 Can you take diclegis/unisom if you're too nervous about reglan? I think I would be hospitalized without it and I've heard twins morning sickness is even worse.
@businesswife Can you share the names with us???
How far along are you? / EDD 11 weeks
Any recent/upcoming appointments? Our first OB appointment is this Friday. I also have another set of bloodwork at the RE this week -- my placenta still hasn't fully taken over so I'm still on estrogen and progesterone. I REALLY want to get off the progesterone so fingers crossed my bloodwork looks better this week!
How are you feeling? Horrifically sick, still, unfortunately...
QOTW: Have you started thinking about/decided on names? My husband is ready to start talking names but I'm too scared
12+5 days today- Tues/Weds is beginning of week 13 officially. Last week of first trimester!! woohoo! @sarcasticowl we've made it! Next week I'll be heading to the 2nd trimester board as well.
Any recent/upcoming appointments? Went to ob and got Sono and pelvic exam. Had bleeding Friday for first time since SCH resolved itself. Was very scary, had meltdown this weekend and had to cancel all plans and be on bedrest. But made it through and everything is all good. Could see the little guy very well though tummy sono today as well. Little arms and legs kicking around!
How are you feeling? Meh....thought I might be losing my mind completely this weekend, but then felt fine an hour later. Just a pregnancy hormone meltdown. One updat: we told my in-laws on Friday night. My mom came over and was there on speaker with us as buffer. That helped me get the nerve. Everything went fine and they are very excited. They sent us some cookies that were delicious and a balloon that says 'its a boy'. I'm so glad I don't have to keep the secret any longer.
QOTW: Have you started thinking about/decided on names? Yes, my husband and dad's middle names are Dale and this is also my husband's father's name. So baby's middle name is going to be Dale. We don't know about first names yet but thinking maybe William (will) or miles. Oliver is also on the list. @Dragonfly6191 love the idea of waiting until he is born! I might do that too.... Sorry to hear you and @adirat aren't feeling well. I hope the medications they give you help you feel better. I don't have much advice but sending hugs and thoughts your way!
1st appt w/ OB this morning and I love him. After he heard my story he said it was almost identical to his middle daughter who has a 6 months old. She’s also an attorney, treated w/ my RE and was on Heparin. I feel like the universe was looking out for me! I heard HB for the first time. Scheduled for an u/s next Monday.
I feel great but I definitely have a belly. Isn’t it way too early for this? I’m very thin so thinking that may be why- I’ve gained 8lbs. Wardrobe has become a major issue.
Names- ugh! I tabled this talk until we know the sex b/c DH wants to name after his living brother but I feel strongly that it should be after my deceased dad. Plus I just can’t even picture having a son named Robert...and we have a bunch in our life already including my mom’s SO. We shall see!
No Folic acid/pharmaceuticals/supplements (too many to list- private message me if interested), IVIL infusion
<img src="" alt="">
No Folic acid/pharmaceuticals/supplements (too many to list- private message me if interested), IVIL infusion
As for names, we will probably try to keep that off the internet as much as possible but you just may get a PM, if you're interested... ;)
Did you find out the sex or are you waiting?
I'm not sure how they determine when the placenta takes over other than that they look at my hormone bloodwork. I had a medicated FET so 100% of my progesterone is medication, so I assume they can see the trajectory of the progesterone blood levels over time and determine when supplementation is no longer needed?
How far along are you? / EDD
A veeery tentative hello!
I am currently 4+3 with a little girl. Just did FET on 2/15 and have two positive betas showing great numbers (172 and 425). Waiting for an email to tell me when we get our first ultrasound. I know it's early, but I loved the support on this board when I was pregnant with my daughter last year so I wanted to get over here as soon as I could.
Any recent/upcoming appointments? Will have an ultrasound soon, but not sure of the exact date yet
How are you feeling? mild crampiness mostly
QOTW: Have you started thinking about/decided on names? Waiting until we've got our minds wrapped around things a little better before we do that..
Chemo killed my ovaries (along with a BRCA1 mutation, which causes DOR)
4/30/13 ER just prior to chemo: 8 embryos frozen at 2pn. 2 survived to blasts/1 PGS normal
4/16 ER cancelled on CD7: 1 follicle on L/ 0 follicles on R
FET #1 7/13/16 BFN
Super shocker +HPT 9/19
Baby Alyce arrived 5/8/17
Went forward with donor eggs from my sister for baby #2
ER 4/24, 5 eggs fertilized/1 survived to blast and was chromosomally normal.
FET 2/15 (my sister/donor's birthday!). Beta 10dp5dt:172; beta 12dp5dt: 425
My TTC/Cancer/Random thoughts blog:
Also, I forgot to mention yesterday- not sure if anyone else is on Heparin- but OB told me that it can cause the NIPT to show inconclusive so I should be mentally prepared for an amnio. I appreciated the heads up. Now just waiting for my insurance to kick in so we can get this moving already!
No Folic acid/pharmaceuticals/supplements (too many to list- private message me if interested), IVIL infusion
@PNW12RN. Welcome! And Congratulations!!! My first scan at 5+ something just showed the gestational sac and the yolk sac, so don't worry if there's not a whole lot to it just yet. But at my second scan at 6+5, we saw/heard the HB! It all happens so fast, even though the time feels like it's going slow... So happy for you!!!
@PNW12RN same here as BusinessWife. My very first scan was the tiniest, most inconspicuous little black dot in a sea of white. Even the second scan was hardly anything to write home about. It’s hard to wait but the one benefit of IF is all those early scans so you can watch things happen, as I’m sure you remember with your first. Fingers crossed for you!
No Folic acid/pharmaceuticals/supplements (too many to list- private message me if interested), IVIL infusion
9 weeks 2 days/due Sept 30
Any recent/upcoming appointments?
My next one isn't until March 20th.
How are you feeling?
Exhausted. It's getting hard to wake up in the morning for work everyday. I also have a legit little round bump at this point so that's been fun to hide.
QOTW: Have you started thinking about/decided on names?
We will wait until we find out the gender at 19 weeks. With our first we didn't have a name till around 35 weeks.
@businesswife That's so exciting you are Team Green! It would be so fun to have such an awesome surprise but I could never do it. I am too much of a planner .
Edit to clarify risks
Chemo killed my ovaries (along with a BRCA1 mutation, which causes DOR)
4/30/13 ER just prior to chemo: 8 embryos frozen at 2pn. 2 survived to blasts/1 PGS normal
4/16 ER cancelled on CD7: 1 follicle on L/ 0 follicles on R
FET #1 7/13/16 BFN
Super shocker +HPT 9/19
Baby Alyce arrived 5/8/17
Went forward with donor eggs from my sister for baby #2
ER 4/24, 5 eggs fertilized/1 survived to blast and was chromosomally normal.
FET 2/15 (my sister/donor's birthday!). Beta 10dp5dt:172; beta 12dp5dt: 425
My TTC/Cancer/Random thoughts blog:
how far along: 9w5d due date 9/30!
appts: has my first midwife appt today (released from IF doc last week but will be on both estrace and PIO until last day of 1st trimester) anywho, anyone else feel like the first Ob appt is underwhelming? No Doppler or US bc I just had one last week with my IF doc. Basically just lab work and return in 4 weeks at which point they can do the counsyl or Nuchal test if we want.
I was was hoping to do the early screen today so we could find the sex out (I’m so impatient lol) so my DH and I found the sneak peek gender test online and sent that off yesterday. Anybody had luck with that? Supposedly it’s 99% accurate. Couldn’t pass it up for $140 for the speedy one. That’s cheaper than the one at my OB will be.
Feeling good! Not had any nause or vomiting thank goodness!!
Still working on names!
TTC since 2016
August 2017: IVF #1 (11 eggs retrieved, 8 mature, 3 fertilized with ICIS, 2 Frozen)
FET #1: October 11th -- Beta only 12. CP
FET #2: January 12th -- BFP!
@PNW12RN congrats!
@BusinessWife congrats on the test results! I bet that’s really comforting news. We’ll be in the same boat with trying to be team green but having results already. Self-control test, here we go!
@adirat I hope your placenta takes over soon - and that you start feeling better!
9+1 today, EDD 10/3
apointments: first midwife appointment today, so I guess I’ve graduated from my RE? I’m on progesterone through the end of this week, so I’m feeling kind of in limbo. Got to see (and hear!) the heartbeat, and see the little gummy bear swim around like crazy. Awww.
Feeling pretty good, aside from naseua. As long as I eat, it goes away, but convincing myself to eat in the morning can be rough.
We’ve had a girl name picked out for a long while, but boy names are still up for debate.
YAY @PNW12RN! Saw your name and wanted to pop in and say hello!! I've been in this land longer then I care to remember but I remember your whole journey prepping with your sister and your super miracle BFP...I question faith at times and your story definitely has to give people hope to many! Can't believe you're already on baby #2! Talk about no breaks, good for you, best of luck to you!!
Unexplained Infertility - but I am 40...Low AMH .30
7 - IUI (50mg-150mg Clomid) Feb - August 2016 all BFN
IVF#1 August 2016 (Antagonist protocol 4/5 eggs) Cancelled cycle RE thought I would get at least 10.
IVF#2 Sept 2016 (microdose luporn pro - disappearing follies, ONLY ONE, convert to IUI) BFN
IVF#3 November 2016 (4 ER, 3 F, 3DT)-BFP with TWINS // MC both at almost 10wks
IVF#4 March 2017 //EPP (10 ER (1 wonky so 9 ER) 7F, 3B (5AB, (2)5BB) PGS tested- ALL abnormal
IVF#5 April 2017 // EPP (7 ER, 7F yes! 6B) 2/5 day 4/6 day - 2 PGS normal! yes!!
IVF#6 May 2017 // Antagonist didn't have time for Estrogen Priming...(4 ER, 3 F, 3B) (5AB, (2) 5BB) 2 PGS normal, yes!!
IVF#7 June 2017 // EPP praying this is it and then on to an FET!
Chemo killed my ovaries (along with a BRCA1 mutation, which causes DOR)
4/30/13 ER just prior to chemo: 8 embryos frozen at 2pn. 2 survived to blasts/1 PGS normal
4/16 ER cancelled on CD7: 1 follicle on L/ 0 follicles on R
FET #1 7/13/16 BFN
Super shocker +HPT 9/19
Baby Alyce arrived 5/8/17
Went forward with donor eggs from my sister for baby #2
ER 4/24, 5 eggs fertilized/1 survived to blast and was chromosomally normal.
FET 2/15 (my sister/donor's birthday!). Beta 10dp5dt:172; beta 12dp5dt: 425
My TTC/Cancer/Random thoughts blog: