Trouble TTC


So while I am sitting this month out to get more testing done I thought I would try to get myself healthier. 
So my questions for y'all is....
1) what diet plan do you follow? 
2) do you feel any particular diet has effected your fertility?

Re: Diets....

  • I’m sitting at my RE’s now getting my nutrition plan :smile: his diet that he recommends is basically keto...low carb, high fat, dairy and sugar free.  He’s been having his patients do it for 10+ years with what seems like pretty good success.  I’ll update y’all after my meeting with them, still waiting! 
    Married for 5 years, TTC for 3 years
    PCOS, Low AMH, Endo, Uterine Fibroids, Low Estrogen...
    and a Partridge in a Pear Tree. 
    3 Losses, 8/16 11/16 and 6/2017  o:)
  • Hi, from what I understand lchf is being used to help with pcos. The book "what the fat" provides some good information about the diet and some good recipes 
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  • I am going on week 3 of keto now. I am absolutely loving it. I do feel better and I have more energy and to be honest I'm finally getting my sex drive back. This may just be the way to go!
  • kiwielopingkiwieloping member
    edited April 2018
    I've been recommended a natural diet that has no processed foods (due to the chemicals etc.) and lots of fresh fruits and veg.  Also said to cut down or cut out red meats, dairy, soy, processed sugars and other food that have been proven to affect hormones.  My specialist, the fertility clinic's naturopath as well as my regular Dr. all made the same recommendations more or less.  The naturopath said the closest to a plant based diet the better (although there's no way I could do the vegan thing) as animal products all tend to have some sort of hormone in them.  

    We already eat pretty much like this (no processed food, lots of produce) so the biggest challenge has been cutting down on sugars that hide in places like yogurt and cheese (because I love it sooooo much).  I should add that this is not intended for weightloss since I am not overweight.  It was just based on our infertility diagnosis.

    It's hard to say if it has had any affect since I'm not knocked up :S 
    #1 EDD 01/10/19; Team Green!
    TTC #1 since 01/16; Unexplained IF; Low AMH; Conceived naturally
    Married 11/12; Dating 05/05
    Me: 36  DH: 37

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