
Lifting restrictions after FET

Anyone here have experience with doing an FET after you already have a child?  What were your restrictions after the FET and how did you manage that with your current child? 

My FET is tomorrow, and I have a 20lb 9 month old at home.  My clinic is telling me that I am not supposed to lift more than 10lbs until my first US at 6 weeks.  I'll limit things as much as I can, but there is just no getting around picking up my baby!  She's not yet walking and we have a split-level house so she needs to be carried up the stairs to her bedroom and down the stairs to the living room/garage where the car is for when I take her to daycare.

I wish they had told me about this before yesterday! I was only told because I specifically asked if I had any restrictions--mostly I wanted to know if I could get into a pool on Saturday for my daughter's swim class (answer was no pool x1 week, so my husband will take an extra turn with her)

Me: Age 40  Husband: Age 41
Chemo killed my ovaries (along with a BRCA1 mutation, which causes DOR)
4/30/13 ER just prior to chemo: 8 embryos frozen at 2pn. 2 survived to blasts/1 PGS normal

4/16 ER cancelled on CD7: 1 follicle on L/ 0 follicles on R
FET #1  7/13/16  BFN

Super shocker +HPT 9/19
Baby Alyce arrived 5/8/17

Went forward with donor eggs from my sister for baby #2
ER 4/24, 5 eggs fertilized/1 survived to blast and was chromosomally normal.

FET 2/15 (my sister/donor's birthday!).  Beta 10dp5dt:172; beta 12dp5dt: 425

My TTC/Cancer/Random thoughts blog:

Re: Lifting restrictions after FET

  • I literally just asked my nurse about lifting restrictions this afternoon when she called with my beta results, although mine was more from an exercise standpoint. She told me no lifting over 30lbs, which isn’t going to work bc my 4.5yr old DD is probably 35? Ill just make sure it’s  minimal lifting. I don’t remember these specific lifting restrictions for my first one though? 
  • TW loss mentioned
    I have a 2.5 yr old that is about 25lbs and did a transfer in Aug last year (he was maybe a 1/2 lb lighter then) and we had a missed miscarriage at 10.5 weeks. My lift restriction was 15 lbs. Luckily my mom is temporarily living with us to help deal with that when it becomes an issue again. I think that minimal lifting outside of the restriction is ok but it's also about how you lift. Also I would just talk to the nurse/Dr and see what they suggest as alternative ideas to deal with your specific situation. Good luck! I know outside of the fertility world mom's lift their older kids while pregnant all the time, but it can cause complications. My SIL who got pregnant naturally lifted her 2 yr old son while she was pregnant and ended up in the hospital with contractions and pulled muscles. So be careful. 
    Married since 2009 
    Me-PCOS DH-nothing wrong
    History in the spoiler (child and pregnancy loss mentioned)
    IVF #1 - Jan 2015 - 25 eggs retrieved down to 4 blasts to freeze
    FET #1 - March 2015 -- BFP twin boys
    Lost one twin June 2017
    FET #2 - August 2017 -- BFP single girl
    Miscarriage Oct 2017
    IVF #2 - Jan 2018 - 13 eggs retrieved down to 1 blast
    IVF #3 - June 2018 - BFN (transferred 2, 1 from previous cycle and 1 adopted embryo)
    Break from TTC and IVF
    FET # 4 - Unknown start date, waiting to finalize everything

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