Anyone here have experience with doing an FET after you already have a child? What were your restrictions after the FET and how did you manage that with your current child?
My FET is tomorrow, and I have a 20lb 9 month old at home. My clinic is telling me that I am not supposed to lift more than 10lbs until my first US at 6 weeks. I'll limit things as much as I can, but there is just no getting around picking up my baby! She's not yet walking and we have a split-level house so she needs to be carried up the stairs to her bedroom and down the stairs to the living room/garage where the car is for when I take her to daycare.
I wish they had told me about this before yesterday! I was only told because I specifically asked if I had any restrictions--mostly I wanted to know if I could get into a pool on Saturday for my daughter's swim class (answer was no pool x1 week, so my husband will take an extra turn with her)
Re: Lifting restrictions after FET
I have a 2.5 yr old that is about 25lbs and did a transfer in Aug last year (he was maybe a 1/2 lb lighter then) and we had a missed miscarriage at 10.5 weeks. My lift restriction was 15 lbs. Luckily my mom is temporarily living with us to help deal with that when it becomes an issue again. I think that minimal lifting outside of the restriction is ok but it's also about how you lift. Also I would just talk to the nurse/Dr and see what they suggest as alternative ideas to deal with your specific situation. Good luck! I know outside of the fertility world mom's lift their older kids while pregnant all the time, but it can cause complications. My SIL who got pregnant naturally lifted her 2 yr old son while she was pregnant and ended up in the hospital with contractions and pulled muscles. So be careful.
Me-PCOS DH-nothing wrong
History in the spoiler (child and pregnancy loss mentioned)
FET #1 - March 2015 -- BFP twin boys
Lost one twin June 2017
FET #2 - August 2017 -- BFP single girl
Miscarriage Oct 2017
IVF #2 - Jan 2018 - 13 eggs retrieved down to 1 blast
IVF #3 - June 2018 - BFN (transferred 2, 1 from previous cycle and 1 adopted embryo)
Break from TTC and IVF
FET # 4 - Unknown start date, waiting to finalize everything