May 2018 Moms

Ten things Tuesday 2/13 Not Really Valentine’s Day Edition

Y’all know how this works ;)

Re: Ten things Tuesday 2/13 Not Really Valentine’s Day Edition

  • 1: I’m having a second bag of kind sized m&m’s today. Glycose tolerance test on Thursday be damned!

    2: J acted up in a restaurant for the first time ever today and I left almost in tears. He threw a carrot at another table (hit the floor behind them) because he randomly decided he didn’t want carrots.

    3: He picked up the carrot and put it back on our table saying “uh oh” over and over again before we left, so everyone thinks he’s so cute and I’m mortified.

    4: When we got back I took him outside to play for a while before his nap, and he didn’t want to stay outside with me, he wanted MH.

    5: I tried rocking him to sleep for his nap, and he doesn’t fit in my lap, around my bump, and I nearly cried over that too.

    6: My new car doesn’t have a CD player so I haven’t listened to my music for my corps dance that I’m supposed to choreograph more of tonight. Oops?

    7: Apparently my kid is incapable of going to sleep without being rocked, and he’s having a party in his bed. (MH’s problem at this point, I did try)

    8: Moving is stupid. Trying to move when you don’t have a place lined up is even more stupid.

    9: MH is being an ass today for no reason. I wanted to do Valentine’s Day stuff tonight when I get home from work, but he’s been such an ass all days I just want to punch him in the throat.

    10: I’m going to take a nap.
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  • 1. I got an email notice from the lab that my GD tests results are ready, but my results aren't viewable online (note says they were sent to Dr's office instead). I'm so impatient (I took the test yesterday). 

    2. Today is my "Monday" (I work four 10s) and I have zero motivation to do anything, even though I'm still supposed to be training new people. 

    3. I got a free crib and changing table from a friend. We made plans in advance for me to pick them up this past weekend. She can't find the crib screws (and didn't bother looking in advance!). I'm sure she'll find them, but I'm still mad. 

    4. I'm still unpacking and we bought the house in mid-December. I agree moving is stupid. 

    5. I feel like my to do list is getting longer and I'm running out of time. 

    6. No one is buying stuff from my registry and that's making me irrationally angry. (I know I'm in the wrong for thinking that, I'm just worried about running out of time and money). Maybe it's too early (shower is March 3rd). It also makes me feel like a jerk for buying whatever I want for other people, though I usually try to buy at least one thing from the registry and supplement it with something else. I'll try to stick to the registry going forward. 

    7. Apparently, I'm grumpy a lot now. 

    8. I kind of want to skip our Valentine's Day pizza tradition because of heartburn. 

    9. I saw her yawn twice at last week's appointment (ultrasound every visit) and it was the cutest thing! It made it real for me. 

    10. Despite that excitement, I'm still worried I'm in over my head. 
    Me: 36 DH: 36
    TTC #1 since September 2015
    BFP #1: CP, April 2016
    BFP #2: 10/5/16, MMC 11/3/16 at 7w5d (embryo stopped @ ~6 weeks), misoprostol 11/11/16 (EDD 6/16/17)
    Dx: Luteal phase defect, uterine polyps, stage 2 endometriosis, low morphology
    Uterine polyp removal (laparoscopy) 3/28/17
    BFP #3: 6/19/17, MMC 7/11/17 at 6w3d, misoprostol 7/17/17 (EDD 3/1/18)
    BFP #4: 8/25/17 EDD 5/4/18

    BabyFetus Ticker
  • @sandbar517 He comes up with the craziest things.  It was literally 90 here last week, so I am loving our 50s/60s right now.  Also, your niece is hilarious!  I'm impressed she covered all the details at 6!
  • @mileswithmyles I know, she cracks me up!  And she even thought to include that her best friend's little sister was welcome to come, too!  LOL  

    Me, 35 Hubs, 32
    Married June 2012
    BFP June 2013- blighted ovum, D&C Aug 2013
    BFP Oct 2013- twins!  A&H born May 2014
    BFP Aug 2017- EDD 5/8/17

  • @sandbar517 that is too cute of your niece ha. And nope, @babys_2018 is the one babymooning in Spain! I'm scared of planes and since I can't take a xanax or drink wine now, we are taking the longest train ride ever to Charleston.

    We probably can just wing it while there, but I'm insanely type A, so I want to book some tours now. But I keep napping whenever DH is home and we can actually start planning together. 
    Me: 32 | DH: 35
    Married: 8/22/15
    BFP #1: 8/22/17 | DS: 4/20/18 
    BFP #2: 7/14/19 | EDD: 3/18/20
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy  Baby Tracker

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