1: I’m having a second bag of kind sized m&m’s today. Glycose tolerance test on Thursday be damned!
2: J acted up in a restaurant for the first time ever today and I left almost in tears. He threw a carrot at another table (hit the floor behind them) because he randomly decided he didn’t want carrots.
3: He picked up the carrot and put it back on our table saying “uh oh” over and over again before we left, so everyone thinks he’s so cute and I’m mortified.
4: When we got back I took him outside to play for a while before his nap, and he didn’t want to stay outside with me, he wanted MH.
5: I tried rocking him to sleep for his nap, and he doesn’t fit in my lap, around my bump, and I nearly cried over that too.
6: My new car doesn’t have a CD player so I haven’t listened to my music for my corps dance that I’m supposed to choreograph more of tonight. Oops?
7: Apparently my kid is incapable of going to sleep without being rocked, and he’s having a party in his bed. (MH’s problem at this point, I did try)
8: Moving is stupid. Trying to move when you don’t have a place lined up is even more stupid.
9: MH is being an ass today for no reason. I wanted to do Valentine’s Day stuff tonight when I get home from work, but he’s been such an ass all days I just want to punch him in the throat.
@ivyvines6 moving is stupid. Maybe YH's gift to you can be letting you throat punch him? That's pretty priceless to me. I also want to crawl in a hole when DS is awful in public. It's the worst.
1. It has cooled off here this week and feels so good. 2. I wanted to hurl when the class I was observing was making bacon today. Blech. 3. I'm sad that I think bacon is gross right now. 4. I love watching the Olympics. 5. I am excited to finalize the baby's room this weekend. It is the last big project we have left right now. 6. I am obsessed with these golden nugget oranges from the farmer's market. They are so delicious. 7. DS cracks me up. Every morning when go in to wake him up, he tells me that he wants to be cozy in his bed and stay there Yesterday, he asked me to put his bed on top of my car so he didn't have to get out of it to go to school. 8. I'm excited to sort through some hand-me-down clothes that my friend dropped off last night. 9. Can't wait for the four-day weekend! 10. I am glad that DS's school asked us not to send in Valentine's because it meant one less thing for me to do.
1. I got an email notice from the lab that my GD tests results are ready, but my results aren't viewable online (note says they were sent to Dr's office instead). I'm so impatient (I took the test yesterday).
2. Today is my "Monday" (I work four 10s) and I have zero motivation to do anything, even though I'm still supposed to be training new people.
3. I got a free crib and changing table from a friend. We made plans in advance for me to pick them up this past weekend. She can't find the crib screws (and didn't bother looking in advance!). I'm sure she'll find them, but I'm still mad.
4. I'm still unpacking and we bought the house in mid-December. I agree moving is stupid.
5. I feel like my to do list is getting longer and I'm running out of time.
6. No one is buying stuff from my registry and that's making me irrationally angry. (I know I'm in the wrong for thinking that, I'm just worried about running out of time and money). Maybe it's too early (shower is March 3rd). It also makes me feel like a jerk for buying whatever I want for other people, though I usually try to buy at least one thing from the registry and supplement it with something else. I'll try to stick to the registry going forward.
7. Apparently, I'm grumpy a lot now.
8. I kind of want to skip our Valentine's Day pizza tradition because of heartburn.
9. I saw her yawn twice at last week's appointment (ultrasound every visit) and it was the cutest thing! It made it real for me.
10. Despite that excitement, I'm still worried I'm in over my head.
@ivyvines6 we rarely eat out with DS bc it’s so bad hope it was a fluke for you @mileswithmyles enjoy your long weekend!
1. My mom is home with DS today and they are making a chocolate heart shaped cake ... can’t wait to eat it haha 2. My mom is also making tater tot casserole tonight... 3. I shouldn’t have scheduled my Glucose test when my mom was visiting. Allll the cooking and baking! 4. Planning to finish organizing the kid’s room tomorrow now that we have a new dresser! Yeah! 5. RLS has been the worst lately. No sleep. 6. Happy I have been getting to yoga more the past week! 7. Going to take DS to the zoo on Thursday! 8. Going out with DH Thursday night... not sure what we will do yet, but he works tomorrow night. 9. Ethics meeting at work today discussed difficult cases and one was very sad NICU case. Made me feel sick... boo 10. I hope everyone has a good Valentine’s Day- whatever that looks like for you!!
@desertdweller21 I agree with you 100% on watching the registry! I too am getting so fearful that we aren't going to get our important items! We've received a couple gifts that people have purchased or sent to us that can't come to the shower and it's always clothes or cute picture frames. Don't get me wrong, I love those things. But bottles, car seats and diapers are what I'm stressing over!
1. I get ridiculously emotional at the Olympics. I'm so proud of people I've never met. 2. My DH decided last weekend that now would be a great time to install new countertops in all our bathrooms. I have wanted to do this for awhile, so I didn't say a thing, but I know all the planning will now fall on me. 3. We had our bathtub reglazed today and DH was home. He said "they got paint on the door -- we'll clean it tonight". Why he didn't just do it then, I'll never know. 4. I wrote in the baby books this weekend and it made me happy 5. I pretty much hate all things work right now. I'm finishing my MBA before our twins come and I am so unmotivated. 6. My neighbor wants to get all the parents of young families together more often but all the events she wants to plan involve everyone getting schnockered. Can't we do a book club or something? 7. Pandora is playing on shuffle and Christmas music just came on. I didn't change it. 8. My mom is recently retired and I'm very jealous of her new jet setting lifestyle. 9. DH is working on finishing his PhD and he procrastinates like crazy. I'm not sure he's going to do well with adjusting his time and expectations when the kiddos come. 10. I really don't want to cook dinner tonight so....takeout it is!
@desertdweller21 I feel you on the ever-growing to do list. I mark one thing off and add 5 more.
@holli0801 hope you have a great Valentine's too! We are also postponing until Thursday to avoid crowds.
@nhardler I love filling out my pregnancy journal. I'm kind of obsessive about tracking things.
1. I ate some cheeto puffs and feel super bloated/full now. Big regret. 2. I think baby is transverse. He kicks all over the place. I am really worried about a breech baby. 3. I also don't wanna cook dinner (@nhardler). Especially since I'm so full. 4. I have prenatal yoga tonight and am hoping to make friend(s). 5. DH is very healthy and keeps wanting lentils with dinner and I hate cooking them. 6. Go Chloe Kim! (I miss youth.) 7. Excited for our upcoming babymoon, but stressed bc we still haven't finished planning it (trying to figure out if we should book tours ahead of time). 8. I keep needing a nap every day and it's getting old. Guess I should get used to napping being my main form of sleep... 9. I was borderline anemic at my last appt, so maybe that's why I need all the naps. I hope they check at my next appointment and I'm doing better on the iron. 10. I scheduled my maternity shoot for when I am 37 weeks pregnant...I hope I make it until then.
@desertdweller21 hopefully you start getting the big items you need!
@nhardler yes the Olympics make me super emotional as does everything this pregnancy
1. I’ve really celebrated Fat Tuesday to its fullest today- I can not stop eating and have yet to feel full 2. We are eating dinner at my In laws and she made egg plant parm! 3. DS had a fever yesterday but woke up without one today, Thank God 4. I’m so tired. 5. I’m glad Becca went home on the bachelor last night 6. DS kept saying hi to the baby today and showing/driving his car and trains on my stomach 7. We made valentines for my in laws and brother in laws and DS actually handed them to everyone and hugged them 8. Seriously, I am so tired 9. We haven’t nursed in 4 days!! 10. I really could use a date night with my husband but I’d also rather not shower and sleep
@ivyvines6 I want M&Ms so badly right now, and have been wanting them for two days now. Thanks. I also hate the physical act of moving, but I love the excitement of moving somewhere new, organizing and finding places to put everything, planning new paint colors/decor....all the nerdy stuff LOL I'm sorry YH is being an ass, and that J was acting up. I'm always mortified when my girls don't behave in public, but then also feel like I'm being judged if I let them play on my phone or the iPad to keep them occupied. @mileswithmyles I cracked up at your son's comment. Putting the bed on the roof of the car?? Where do they come up with this stuff? Glad you didn't have to deal with valentines, I'm not looking forward to starting all of that craziness when the girls go to preschool next year. It's also really weird to hear you say you're glad it's cooled off, I'm super excited that it's supposed to be in the 50s today because that's way warmer than normal! @desertdweller21 Hope you get your results soon. My office never actually called me to give me the official answer about my 3 hr test, so I'm just assuming I passed or they would have called me by now! I would be annoyed by what your friend did, too, why wouldn't you put the screws and hardware in a bag and attach it to the crib somehow so you don't lose it? But it is awesome that you got free furniture! I wouldn't stress too much about your registry, I know I hardly ever buy shower gifts more than a week or so in advance, so I'm sure people will start to buy more the closer you are to your shower date. And yawns are so cute, I would love to see mine do that! @holli0801 chocolate cake sounds SO good right now, yum! We have a meeting every week to discuss difficult clinical cases (either diagnostically or socially/ethically) and it always makes me so sad. I've actually stopped going recently, since I was mostly going for the CEUs (I'm research, so I don't have much input on clinical stuff). Hope you have fun at the zoo! We got a family pass to ours last year, so I'm hoping to go a few more times once the weather gets nicer before the pass expires. @nhardler I love filling out baby books. I was really proud of myself for staying (mostly) on top of the girls', but I've fallen behind over the past year. And I've been meaning to get one for this little girl so I can get the pre-pregnancy and early pregnancy stuff filled out before life gets too much crazier. I agree about getting parents together, why does it always have to revolve around-or at least involve- alcohol? I get that it's nice to have a drink and hang out with friends, but it seems like almost everything people do now has to have alcohol involved to some extent. @silverhope Are you the one going to Spain? I hope you have a good time, regardless of where you're going. I've been feeling super weak and tired lately, too, and am wondering if I'm anemic. I tend to be when I'm not pregnant, so I wouldn't be surprised if I am now, too. Good luck for your maternity shoot, I'm sure it'll be fine! @clee5711 I wish I could eat more, I feel like I get full so quickly now. I'm glad your son is feeling better, and it sounds so cute that he's "playing" with your belly. And I'm the same way with date night. Getting out of the house is always good, but requires way too much prep work LOL Bring on the Thai takeout and crappy 80s movies, thanks.
1. I'm leaving work early today for my midwife appointment this afternoon, and I don't feel like doing anything this morning since I'm leaving early anyway. 2. I just printed off my hospital's birth plan template and I'm trying to remember all the questions I wanted to discuss with them so I can talk about them this afternoon. 3. We went to look at two houses yesterday, and MH ended up really liking the one I was super excited about (he'd previously said he wasn't sure about it based on the pictures online). We even discussed doing a low-ball offer just to see what would happen, as it's been on the market since July. 4. The thought of putting an offer in on a house (even one that is a long shot) is freaking me out a little bit. It's such a huge decision, there are so many what ifs, and I want to make sure we're not rushing into anything just because we feel like we have a timeline because of the baby. 5. Instead of working, I just want to be doing my birth plan and designing/imagining updates/construction on the house we liked yesterday. 6. I forgot it was Valentine's Day today when I was picking my clothes out last night, and I'm not wearing a single thread of anything red today. All black and grey. Oops. 7. I just looked at my calendar and realized I'm flying to see my best friend in Arizona, and her new baby, next week. I can't wait, but I'm not looking forward to being on a plane for 6ish hours while 29 weeks pregnant. 8. My 6 year old niece apparently wrote a birthday party invitation for her little brother's birthday party on her best friend's Valentine today, complete with date, time and theme (Elmo). My sister hasn't even started planning his birthday party yet. Her best friend's mom texted my sister to accept the invitation, and now we are all cracking up, and hoping that her best friend's Valentine is the only one that she wrote it on! 9. I feel like my mind is always going a million directions, but I can never think of 10 random things to write on these threads hahahahah 10. Other than parts of the Opening Ceremony, I haven't watched a single minute of Olympics coverage.
Me, 35 Hubs, 32 Married June 2012 BFP June 2013- blighted ovum, D&C Aug 2013 BFP Oct 2013- twins! A&H born May 2014 BFP Aug 2017- EDD 5/8/17
@sandbar517 He comes up with the craziest things. It was literally 90 here last week, so I am loving our 50s/60s right now. Also, your niece is hilarious! I'm impressed she covered all the details at 6!
@sandbar517 that is too cute of your niece ha. And nope, @babys_2018 is the one babymooning in Spain! I'm scared of planes and since I can't take a xanax or drink wine now, we are taking the longest train ride ever to Charleston.
We probably can just wing it while there, but I'm insanely type A, so I want to book some tours now. But I keep napping whenever DH is home and we can actually start planning together.
Re: Ten things Tuesday 2/13 Not Really Valentine’s Day Edition
2: J acted up in a restaurant for the first time ever today and I left almost in tears. He threw a carrot at another table (hit the floor behind them) because he randomly decided he didn’t want carrots.
3: He picked up the carrot and put it back on our table saying “uh oh” over and over again before we left, so everyone thinks he’s so cute and I’m mortified.
4: When we got back I took him outside to play for a while before his nap, and he didn’t want to stay outside with me, he wanted MH.
5: I tried rocking him to sleep for his nap, and he doesn’t fit in my lap, around my bump, and I nearly cried over that too.
6: My new car doesn’t have a CD player so I haven’t listened to my music for my corps dance that I’m supposed to choreograph more of tonight. Oops?
7: Apparently my kid is incapable of going to sleep without being rocked, and he’s having a party in his bed. (MH’s problem at this point, I did try)
8: Moving is stupid. Trying to move when you don’t have a place lined up is even more stupid.
9: MH is being an ass today for no reason. I wanted to do Valentine’s Day stuff tonight when I get home from work, but he’s been such an ass all days I just want to punch him in the throat.
10: I’m going to take a nap.
1. It has cooled off here this week and feels so good.
2. I wanted to hurl when the class I was observing was making bacon today. Blech.
3. I'm sad that I think bacon is gross right now.
4. I love watching the Olympics.
5. I am excited to finalize the baby's room this weekend. It is the last big project we have left right now.
6. I am obsessed with these golden nugget oranges from the farmer's market. They are so delicious.
7. DS cracks me up. Every morning when go in to wake him up, he tells me that he wants to be cozy in his bed and stay there Yesterday, he asked me to put his bed on top of my car so he didn't have to get out of it to go to school.
8. I'm excited to sort through some hand-me-down clothes that my friend dropped off last night.
9. Can't wait for the four-day weekend!
10. I am glad that DS's school asked us not to send in Valentine's because it meant one less thing for me to do.
2. Today is my "Monday" (I work four 10s) and I have zero motivation to do anything, even though I'm still supposed to be training new people.
3. I got a free crib and changing table from a friend. We made plans in advance for me to pick them up this past weekend. She can't find the crib screws (and didn't bother looking in advance!). I'm sure she'll find them, but I'm still mad.
4. I'm still unpacking and we bought the house in mid-December. I agree moving is stupid.
5. I feel like my to do list is getting longer and I'm running out of time.
6. No one is buying stuff from my registry and that's making me irrationally angry. (I know I'm in the wrong for thinking that, I'm just worried about running out of time and money). Maybe it's too early (shower is March 3rd). It also makes me feel like a jerk for buying whatever I want for other people, though I usually try to buy at least one thing from the registry and supplement it with something else. I'll try to stick to the registry going forward.
7. Apparently, I'm grumpy a lot now.
8. I kind of want to skip our Valentine's Day pizza tradition because of heartburn.
9. I saw her yawn twice at last week's appointment (ultrasound every visit) and it was the cutest thing! It made it real for me.
10. Despite that excitement, I'm still worried I'm in over my head.
TTC #1 since September 2015
BFP #1: CP, April 2016
BFP #2: 10/5/16, MMC 11/3/16 at 7w5d (embryo stopped @ ~6 weeks), misoprostol 11/11/16 (EDD 6/16/17)
Dx: Luteal phase defect, uterine polyps, stage 2 endometriosis, low morphology
Uterine polyp removal (laparoscopy) 3/28/17
BFP #3: 6/19/17, MMC 7/11/17 at 6w3d, misoprostol 7/17/17 (EDD 3/1/18)
BFP #4: 8/25/17 EDD 5/4/18
@mileswithmyles enjoy your long weekend!
1. My mom is home with DS today and they are making a chocolate heart shaped cake ... can’t wait to eat it haha
2. My mom is also making tater tot casserole tonight...
3. I shouldn’t have scheduled my Glucose test when my mom was visiting. Allll the cooking and baking!
4. Planning to finish organizing the kid’s room tomorrow now that we have a new dresser! Yeah!
5. RLS has been the worst lately. No sleep.
6. Happy I have been getting to yoga more the past week!
7. Going to take DS to the zoo on Thursday!
8. Going out with DH Thursday night... not sure what we will do yet, but he works tomorrow night.
9. Ethics meeting at work today discussed difficult cases and one was very sad NICU case. Made me feel sick... boo
10. I hope everyone has a good Valentine’s Day- whatever that looks like for you!!
1. I get ridiculously emotional at the Olympics. I'm so proud of people I've never met.
2. My DH decided last weekend that now would be a great time to install new countertops in all our bathrooms. I have wanted to do this for awhile, so I didn't say a thing, but I know all the planning will now fall on me.
3. We had our bathtub reglazed today and DH was home. He said "they got paint on the door -- we'll clean it tonight". Why he didn't just do it then, I'll never know.
4. I wrote in the baby books this weekend and it made me happy
5. I pretty much hate all things work right now. I'm finishing my MBA before our twins come and I am so unmotivated.
6. My neighbor wants to get all the parents of young families together more often but all the events she wants to plan involve everyone getting schnockered. Can't we do a book club or something?
7. Pandora is playing on shuffle and Christmas music just came on. I didn't change it.
8. My mom is recently retired and I'm very jealous of her new jet setting lifestyle.
9. DH is working on finishing his PhD and he procrastinates like crazy. I'm not sure he's going to do well with adjusting his time and expectations when the kiddos come.
10. I really don't want to cook dinner tonight so....takeout it is!
@mileswithmyles enjoy your long wknd!
@desertdweller21 I feel you on the ever-growing to do list. I mark one thing off and add 5 more.
@holli0801 hope you have a great Valentine's too! We are also postponing until Thursday to avoid crowds.
@nhardler I love filling out my pregnancy journal. I'm kind of obsessive about tracking things.
1. I ate some cheeto puffs and feel super bloated/full now. Big regret.
2. I think baby is transverse. He kicks all over the place. I am really worried about a breech baby.
3. I also don't wanna cook dinner (@nhardler). Especially since I'm so full.
4. I have prenatal yoga tonight and am hoping to make friend(s).
5. DH is very healthy and keeps wanting lentils with dinner and I hate cooking them.
6. Go Chloe Kim! (I miss youth.)
7. Excited for our upcoming babymoon, but stressed bc we still haven't finished planning it (trying to figure out if we should book tours ahead of time).
8. I keep needing a nap every day and it's getting old. Guess I should get used to napping being my main form of sleep...
9. I was borderline anemic at my last appt, so maybe that's why I need all the naps. I hope they check at my next appointment and I'm doing better on the iron.
10. I scheduled my maternity shoot for when I am 37 weeks pregnant...I hope I make it until then.
Married: 8/22/15
BFP #1: 8/22/17 | DS: 4/20/18
BFP #2: 7/14/19 | EDD: 3/18/20
@mileswithmyles I’m sorry you hate bacon right now too!
@desertdweller21 hopefully you start getting the big items you need!
@nhardler yes the Olympics make me super emotional as does everything this pregnancy
1. I’ve really celebrated Fat Tuesday to its fullest today- I can not stop eating and have yet to feel full
2. We are eating dinner at my In laws and she made egg plant parm!
3. DS had a fever yesterday but woke up without one today, Thank God
4. I’m so tired.
5. I’m glad Becca went home on the bachelor last night
6. DS kept saying hi to the baby today and showing/driving his car and trains on my stomach
7. We made valentines for my in laws and brother in laws and DS actually handed them to everyone and hugged them
8. Seriously, I am so tired
9. We haven’t nursed in 4 days!!
10. I really could use a date night with my husband but I’d also rather not shower and sleep
@holli0801 have fun at the zoo! I love taking DS!
@nhardler same about the Olympics!
@silverhope Chloe Kim is adorable!
@clee5711 so cute about DS
@mileswithmyles I cracked up at your son's comment. Putting the bed on the roof of the car?? Where do they come up with this stuff? Glad you didn't have to deal with valentines, I'm not looking forward to starting all of that craziness when the girls go to preschool next year. It's also really weird to hear you say you're glad it's cooled off, I'm super excited that it's supposed to be in the 50s today because that's way warmer than normal!
@desertdweller21 Hope you get your results soon. My office never actually called me to give me the official answer about my 3 hr test, so I'm just assuming I passed or they would have called me by now! I would be annoyed by what your friend did, too, why wouldn't you put the screws and hardware in a bag and attach it to the crib somehow so you don't lose it? But it is awesome that you got free furniture! I wouldn't stress too much about your registry, I know I hardly ever buy shower gifts more than a week or so in advance, so I'm sure people will start to buy more the closer you are to your shower date. And yawns are so cute, I would love to see mine do that!
@holli0801 chocolate cake sounds SO good right now, yum! We have a meeting every week to discuss difficult clinical cases (either diagnostically or socially/ethically) and it always makes me so sad. I've actually stopped going recently, since I was mostly going for the CEUs (I'm research, so I don't have much input on clinical stuff).
Hope you have fun at the zoo! We got a family pass to ours last year, so I'm hoping to go a few more times once the weather gets nicer before the pass expires.
@nhardler I love filling out baby books. I was really proud of myself for staying (mostly) on top of the girls', but I've fallen behind over the past year. And I've been meaning to get one for this little girl so I can get the pre-pregnancy and early pregnancy stuff filled out before life gets too much crazier. I agree about getting parents together, why does it always have to revolve around-or at least involve- alcohol? I get that it's nice to have a drink and hang out with friends, but it seems like almost everything people do now has to have alcohol involved to some extent.
@silverhope Are you the one going to Spain? I hope you have a good time, regardless of where you're going. I've been feeling super weak and tired lately, too, and am wondering if I'm anemic. I tend to be when I'm not pregnant, so I wouldn't be surprised if I am now, too. Good luck for your maternity shoot, I'm sure it'll be fine!
@clee5711 I wish I could eat more, I feel like I get full so quickly now. I'm glad your son is feeling better, and it sounds so cute that he's "playing" with your belly. And I'm the same way with date night. Getting out of the house is always good, but requires way too much prep work LOL Bring on the Thai takeout and crappy 80s movies, thanks.
1. I'm leaving work early today for my midwife appointment this afternoon, and I don't feel like doing anything this morning since I'm leaving early anyway.
2. I just printed off my hospital's birth plan template and I'm trying to remember all the questions I wanted to discuss with them so I can talk about them this afternoon.
3. We went to look at two houses yesterday, and MH ended up really liking the one I was super excited about (he'd previously said he wasn't sure about it based on the pictures online). We even discussed doing a low-ball offer just to see what would happen, as it's been on the market since July.
4. The thought of putting an offer in on a house (even one that is a long shot) is freaking me out a little bit. It's such a huge decision, there are so many what ifs, and I want to make sure we're not rushing into anything just because we feel like we have a timeline because of the baby.
5. Instead of working, I just want to be doing my birth plan and designing/imagining updates/construction on the house we liked yesterday.
6. I forgot it was Valentine's Day today when I was picking my clothes out last night, and I'm not wearing a single thread of anything red today. All black and grey. Oops.
7. I just looked at my calendar and realized I'm flying to see my best friend in Arizona, and her new baby, next week. I can't wait, but I'm not looking forward to being on a plane for 6ish hours while 29 weeks pregnant.
8. My 6 year old niece apparently wrote a birthday party invitation for her little brother's birthday party on her best friend's Valentine today, complete with date, time and theme (Elmo). My sister hasn't even started planning his birthday party yet. Her best friend's mom texted my sister to accept the invitation, and now we are all cracking up, and hoping that her best friend's Valentine is the only one that she wrote it on!
9. I feel like my mind is always going a million directions, but I can never think of 10 random things to write on these threads hahahahah
10. Other than parts of the Opening Ceremony, I haven't watched a single minute of Olympics coverage.
Married June 2012
BFP June 2013- blighted ovum, D&C Aug 2013
BFP Oct 2013- twins! A&H born May 2014
BFP Aug 2017- EDD 5/8/17
Married June 2012
BFP June 2013- blighted ovum, D&C Aug 2013
BFP Oct 2013- twins! A&H born May 2014
BFP Aug 2017- EDD 5/8/17
We probably can just wing it while there, but I'm insanely type A, so I want to book some tours now. But I keep napping whenever DH is home and we can actually start planning together.
Married: 8/22/15
BFP #1: 8/22/17 | DS: 4/20/18
BFP #2: 7/14/19 | EDD: 3/18/20