Baby Showers

Having our 3rd child what too ask for on a registry?

I am having my third baby! I have two boys they are 2 1/2 and 18months. I thought we were done so I had gotten rid of literally everything I had. But then we found out we are having another and we are having a GIRL this time. I didn't have a baby shower for my second son just because they were so Close together we still had everything. But we are having a baby shower this time and I'm not really sure what too ask for in a registry since it's our third child 

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Re: Having our 3rd child what too ask for on a registry?

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  • Agree with PPs. I would really side eye and not attend a shower for a 3rd child unless there was like an enormous 10 year age gap or some other extenuating circumstances. I would not register at all and just purchase the basic necessities yourself. I’m sure you’ll get plenty of girly clothes and whatnot as gifts. 
    Me: 31  DH: 32
    Married: 10/3/15 
    TTC: May 2017
    BFP: 7/20/17
    EDD: 3/29/18
  • I can't agree with what's already been said more.  

    Its literally no no one else's fault that you got rid of your baby items and it's not up to others to provide you with what you need for your child.  Having a baby of a different sex doesn't warrant a baby shower.  If you need items, go to the store and purchase them yourself.

    If anyone is feeling generous on their own, they will get you a gift.  

    You're free to make a registry and add items that you'd like to buy/keep track of what you need.  And you can still use the completion coupon.  But you should plan to buy what you need.  A shower for your 3rd child is pretty tacky. 

  • Well thanks for all your inputs but I didn't really ask if I should have a 2nd baby shower or not I asked what you put on a 2nd baby shower registry. And maybe I'll make it more clear for the ppl that have had 2nd or 3rd baby showers what they've asked for. It is pretty common now a days too have a 2nd shower especially for a different gender. And regardless I'm not the one that's throwing it my family is the ones wanting too throw another baby shower. 
  • Regardless of who is throwing it, the guest of honor is allowed to decline it. 
  • I don't mean this to come off as rude, but just register for what you need or want, like you did your other shower? I'm not sure what exactly you want people to tell you. You should have a pretty good idea of what you want since you have two very young kids
  • Good lord in Heaven, I need all of you women to join the CT Mom Club fb group and give this no-nonsense advice to the literally dozens of “its my third/fourth baby and I’m throwing my own pot luck baby shower! Advice???” posts. 
    Me: 34  DH: 35
    Married 2010
    TTC: Feb 2014, BFP 7/14/14, CP 7/18/14
    BFP 3/10/15 - DD #1 born 11/19
    TTC #2: Oct 2017, BFP 12/19/17, CP 12/22/17
    BFP 2/20/18 - EDD 10/31/2018
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