I'm so lame! I literally can't remember any notable Valentines days with my husband, and we've had like 15 of them! We usually just buy some good steaks and eat at home. Beef grosses me out as of late, so maybe some cooked sushi this year
My favorite memories are from when I was little. My parents would always have little baskets of treats for us and we were always really excited to wake up to chocolate or little toys. I'm trying to make all holidays super fun for my kid as a result.
We don’t do anything special. If anything i wait for discounted candy afterwards lol My dad always got us something small on his way back home. Usually candy or something silly.
First Valentine's Day for DH and I, he planned an entire evening of adventures for us - a storytelling show, dinner, and drinks at a really great place for cocktails. Set a high bar! This year, keeping it a little more low-key. Can't say I've ever done anything really nice for Valentine's Day, though...but I usually plan something fun for us for our anniversary.
After one too many disasters restaurant experiences (too crowded and loud) my hubby and I have made a tradition of cooking and staying in and having a nice dinner by ourselves. He cooks the best steak with a balsamic reduction/blue cheese situation, it’s delicious and we both look forward to it every year. Really the only time we spend a lot of money on steak. my job is dessert- I think this year I am keeping it simple and making chocolate covered Oreos. Because they are delish! We then just relax and enjoy the night!!!
We usually stay in and cook at home as well. My husband usually grills some steaks with garlic butter. This year I asked him to also do some shrimp and I'll make broccoli as a side. I should make dessert too - that's a good idea! I've made mini oreo cheesecakes before in muffin wrappers that were pretty yummy and just might hit the spot.
I don't really have a memorable Valentine's Day! I did buy DD the Valentine's Day "Get a Mouse a Cookie" book though - she LOVES those books so I'm excited to give it to her. Maybe I should try to plan a special breakfast for her that day too, but she's not even 2 yet so she doesn't really understand.
Dh and I do not celebrate Valentine's Day. It is just another commercial holiday in our eyes. That being said, when it comes to the littles (nieces and nephews), we do enjoy watching them partake in the crafts and activities for this day. @wildtot I do the same! I go to Target Valentine's Day afternoon and see the prices in candy drop. Don't mind if I do!
DH and I do not really celebrate Valentine's Day anymore, unless my mom offers to babysit the weekend before or after and we go out to dinner.
My favorite Valentine memory though is the same as my favorite gift - for our first Valentine's together, my husband did get me a tanzanite necklace and a stuffed Corgi, with a promise that someday he will get me a real Corgi (which he did, as seen in my user pic).
My favorite gift given was for my DH's 30th birthday... I got us passes to a brewery tour in Portland, ME. It was a perfect fall day and we had a great time.
My dh is HORRIBLE with Valentine’s Day. I’m happy with a card and maybe some chocolate (this year I really want chocolate cherries and I’ve mentioned it multiple times). He usually doesn’t do anything. Including a card. Then, some years he’s done dinner and a movie. It’s hit or miss, but ultimately I don’t have high expectations.
My favorite gift I gave him was when I made chocolate covered maple crown candied bacon and chocolate strawberries! It took me so long but I enjoyed doing it and his response was underwhelming. But, I thought it was creative.
My most memorable Valentine’s Day would have to be 13 years ago when my husband literally knocked me off my feet and that is how we met.
We went to Catholic High school and I was a grade above him. Every grade goes on off campus retreats and I was a leader for his (he was a grade below me). During recreation time everyone went outside to talk and he was playing football with his friends. As he went to catch the ball, he ran into me and I fell in front of everyone. Broke my shoe and got grass stains. I was embarrassed and mad! I didn’t know him before this day and refused to give him the Valentine’s Day candy I had brought for the group.
Afterwards he found me on MySpace. Haha! And we got to exchanging messages back and forth and formed a friendship and that is how it all started. High school sweethearts
I don't care at all about Valentine's day, but my hubs is usually a sap about it and wants to do something. Usually we ask his mom to watch DS and we go out to eat and have some beers. Last year we did a brewery hop which was great. One year, back when we live in DC, he got me a Slapshot-gram, which was the best! We were at a Capitals game and Slapshot (the mascot) came up (during a stoppage in play, so people were so pissed bc it took so long and they couldn't leave) and took a pic and gave me dunkin donuts munchkins and a hot chocolate! I love mascots and on one of the first Caps games we went to we went around stalking poor Slapshot so I could get a pic, so this was a pretty good idea!
I think one of the silliest memories was when i was in high school my senior year, a group of girlfriends and i made “Cupid Is Stupid” shirts to wear since we didn’t have boyfriends and i ended up getting the most obnoxiously large flower display sent to school for me, from my DH and that was 16 years ago!
Nowadays, it’s getting a good dinner out (usually a week or so before or after) and me usually attempting to make homemade chocolate covered desserts for us to much on as we watch a movie on the 14th.
I don’t have any valentines days that are super memorable but my mom would always get us books. We’re all big readers so we loved getting books.
My h and I usually stay in for Valentine’s Day too. My birthday is next week so it’s usually easier to go out for my birthday instead of trying to fight the crowds. Plus I’d rather go out for my birthday anyways. We’ve done lots of cool meals: several shrimp boils, fondue, really nice steak. This year I’m thinking about doing lobster ravioli from a local fresh pasta place.
I’ve had a couple memorable ones but they weren’t anything over the top. One was when I was single and I went out to dinner with a group of my girlfriends for Mexican and margaritas. We had so much fun and walked the twenty blocks home drunk and laughing.
The other was just going to Melting Pot with DH when we were dating. It was a three hour gluttonous dinner full of wine and good conversation. I miss those days when we had lots of extra time and money for overpriced dinners.
We don't do valentine's day. All our friends claim we're the least romantic couple ever because we don't do valentine's day and we also get separate twin beds when we travel abroad. But if you've ever survived the subway in Tokyo during rush hour, you probably understand, the very last thing you want after that is anyone in a three foot radius!
Last year I went to a workout, this year we actually have our anatomy scan that day. I keep making jokes to DH that we're gonna go check and see how our love child is doing, he doesn't think it's funny, but he's no fun anyways When we were dating we would honestly forget it was valentine's and then be super annoyed that everywhere as really busy if we tried to eat dinner out. We'd be halfway through our meal before we realized why everyone else was out!
The only thing I actually do for valentines day is send flowers to each of my nieces. They get really excited about it, so that's fun.
I refuse to go out to dinner on Valentine’s Day. We usually do take out and a movie and then go out a different day. We actually went out tonight for hibachi. And he knows better than to get me flowers. I don’t really like them and the cats just eat them but I did hint I would like some chocolate covered strawberries so hopefully that happens. I always get him fun boxers for every holiday lol.
We usually go out to dinner for Valentine’s Day but we aren’t this year. We always get each other gifts even if it’s just a card and some candy. My DH is great at gifts and I’m terrible at finding creative gifts for him. I’m hoping for the prenatal massage (gift card) I’ve been asking for.
My favorite gift/memory was 7 years ago when I was pregnant with my first baby. I had been hinting to DH that I had never had flowers sent to me at work before and all the girls I worked with would get them. So I was hoping he would send me some. I got up from my cubicle to go the restroom and when I came back I was shocked to find my DH sitting at my desk holding a huge gift basket he put together of my favorite things. It was way better than flowers!
Married 9/19/09 Me (32) Dx PCOS, DH (32) SA = Normal/mild morph issues TTC#5 July 2017 - 3rd cycle TTC = BFP on 11/12/17 at 9dpo Beta #1 = 96 at 13dpo - Beta #2 = 207 at 15dpo
TTC#1 starting Nov. 2009 3 rounds of Clomid + TI and 3 rounds of 7.5 mg Femara + IUI before our BFP on 11/8/10 at 12dpiui TTC #2 3rd cycle of Femara 7.5mg+Ovidrel+TI = 4 follies = BFP on 10/12/12 TTC#3 July 2014 - Metformin +TI = BFP at 9dpo - Twins, one baby lost at 5.5 weeks Macy Annabelle born at 37w4d on 4/29/15. Diagnosed with Cri du Chat and passed away on 6/6/15. Forever in our hearts. TTC#4 3rd cycle of Metformin + Femara 7.5mg+Ovidrel+TI = 3 follies = BFP on 12/24/16
Valentine’s Day is one of the busiest days of the year for DH’s restaurant so we never celebrate on the day. He’ll usually do some corny snack/candy basket and a card on the day of, and maybe use the VDay as an excuse to take a date night later in the week. We’ve got a similar unspoken “you don’t have to get me anything but I’ll me upset if you don’t” agreement lol. I don’t think I’ve ever done anything particularly special for Valentine’s Day. It’s just another Hallmark holiday for me, but I’m all for chocolate.
I’m about the same as many of you. I don’t really care for Valentine’s Day and don’t do the whole go out for dinner thing as it’s too busy. Buttttt I’m also upset if I don’t atleast get a card or some chocolate!
My favorite Valentine's day was when I went out with friends to a double feature. There were 8 of us and my friend J snuck a tub of ice cream in and 8 spoons and we passed it up and down the row lol.
Last year was my first Valentine's day with a significant other and it was meh. Like everyone said, it's a hallmark holiday.
@noideawhatshesdoing Our anatomy scan is also on Valentine's Day! I am hoping it's a good, loving omen. It will definitely be our most memorable V-Day in the coming years.
One of my favorite Valentine memories is when DH and I were right out of college, living with my mom and dad. He was so shy and sweet because he felt awkward at my parent's, but that day he took over the kitchen. He made me two heart-shaped pizzas with pepperoni messages "U R CUTE" and "I LOVE YOU". It's one of my favorite romantic things he's done because it was so creative.
My favorite gift for him...I once did a whole scavenger hunt with little messages on different hearts about why I loved him and it ended with the best seats we've ever had to a Jets game. So much fun hiding all the notes and watching him find them throughout the day.
Valentine's Day was actually our first date. It wasn't on purpose or anything, it just happened. We don't really do much. We go out the weekend before or after sometimes. But in general he hates crowds, so we stay in
@noideawhatshesdoing I LOVE the idea of sending a flower to your nieces!! I might have to do that this year.... the little things mean so much sometimes.
Valentine's Day is also my parents anniversary so that pretty much trumps celebrating V-day.
2 years ago my DH bought me this necklace and I loved it! I was on maternity leave with DS and it was so perfect for our family of 4. (Imma just pretend the new baby fits inside the open space so I can still wear it after #3 comes).
This year I'm excited to make Valentines for the kids to take to daycare. We switched daycares in October to a much larger one (20 kids vs. 4) and the kids love it! I'm making cake pops tonight
Favorite Valentine's Memory is probably being little and getting sweet little Valentine's Day presents from my mom and dad. I am doing it with my son now and its so much fun! Oh also, when I was in 7th grade the boy that I had a huge crush on brought me flowers to school. I had no idea that he even liked me or knew who I was, so it was pretty awesome. We ended up "going out" for the rest of middle school, which my dad was not too thrilled about.
My husband and I have never really been huge on Valentines Day. I usually get some flowers and chocolate covered strawberries, but I honestly wouldn't care if he didn't do anything.
Meagan Married 6.12.10 DS 11.8.12 Baby GIRL! due 7.4.18
@wildtot Discounted candy is LIFE. I do that after every holiday haha.
The only Valentine's day MH and I ever really celebrated full-out with gifts and everything was our first together. He gave me a monogrammed locket and took me out to this out-of-the-way seafood place that was fantastic. I knitted him a pair of socks haha. These days, we don't get each other gifts. We also go out to eat a few days before or after Valentine's Day (even a week before or after sometimes) to beat the crowds. We decided that since it's basically a made-up holiday anyways we can just celebrate it on whatever day we see fit.
We don’t do much for valentines either, my fave one was back in high school! DH made me a huge chocolate chip chocolate cake and we went bowling with my best friend. Recently, I love dressing up DS for holidays!
@krystlerr that is a cute story! Glad it worked out!
I loved making the v-day mailboxes in elementary school and getting all of the mail. So many Valentine’s! Did I go too far back?? My birthday is Feb 8, so usually DH and I just go out to one nice dinner to cover both occasions. I always joke that I get giped on v-day.
I haven't really been a big Valentine's person, but I do love when my husband has my kids make me something (cards, crafts, a picture, whatever). I think that's my favorite. My husband and I started dating in January of 2005, so we had a big fancy dinner in an exclusive restaurant for our first Valentine's Day. I remember specifically how terrible my hair looked that night, but who cares? That was when I knew I was completely in love with this man
@chaser61 I used to love that, too! @stlmegs that's so cute that you remember him bringing you flowers @julybabymama good luck today! @amdftw that's so great!!! Love Corgis! @zg49 I have so much jewelry that represents my kids! I don't know what I'll do when this little surprise gets here! Love that necklace.
Re: GTKY: Valentines edition
My favorite memories are from when I was little. My parents would always have little baskets of treats for us and we were always really excited to wake up to chocolate or little toys. I'm trying to make all holidays super fun for my kid as a result.
My dad always got us something small on his way back home. Usually candy or something silly.
My my high school BF Birthday was Valentine’s Day so I just always refused to celebrate it because it was his day.
First Valentine's Day for DH and I, he planned an entire evening of adventures for us - a storytelling show, dinner, and drinks at a really great place for cocktails. Set a high bar! This year, keeping it a little more low-key. Can't say I've ever done anything really nice for Valentine's Day, though...but I usually plan something fun for us for our anniversary.
We usually stay in and cook at home as well. My husband usually grills some steaks with garlic butter. This year I asked him to also do some shrimp and I'll make broccoli as a side. I should make dessert too - that's a good idea! I've made mini oreo cheesecakes before in muffin wrappers that were pretty yummy and just might hit the spot.
I don't really have a memorable Valentine's Day! I did buy DD the Valentine's Day "Get a Mouse a Cookie" book though - she LOVES those books so I'm excited to give it to her. Maybe I should try to plan a special breakfast for her that day too, but she's not even 2 yet so she doesn't really understand.
@wildtot I do the same! I go to Target Valentine's Day afternoon and see the prices in candy drop. Don't mind if I do!
My favorite Valentine memory though is the same as my favorite gift - for our first Valentine's together, my husband did get me a tanzanite necklace and a stuffed Corgi, with a promise that someday he will get me a real Corgi (which he did, as seen in my user pic).
My favorite gift given was for my DH's 30th birthday... I got us passes to a brewery tour in Portland, ME. It was a perfect fall day and we had a great time.
My favorite gift I gave him was when I made chocolate covered maple crown candied bacon and chocolate strawberries! It took me so long but I enjoyed doing it and his response was underwhelming. But, I thought it was creative.
Bah humbug.
P.s. @lindsayleigh1989 100% LOVE the gif!!!
We went to Catholic High school and I was a grade above him. Every grade goes on off campus retreats and I was a leader for his (he was a grade below me). During recreation time everyone went outside to talk and he was playing football with his friends. As he went to catch the ball, he ran into me and I fell in front of everyone. Broke my shoe and got grass stains. I was embarrassed and mad! I didn’t know him before this day and refused to give him the Valentine’s Day candy I had brought for the group.
Afterwards he found me on MySpace. Haha! And we got to exchanging messages back and forth and formed a friendship and that is how it all started. High school sweethearts
Nowadays, it’s getting a good dinner out (usually a week or so before or after) and me usually attempting to make homemade chocolate covered desserts for us to much on as we watch a movie on the 14th.
My h and I usually stay in for Valentine’s Day too. My birthday is next week so it’s usually easier to go out for my birthday instead of trying to fight the crowds. Plus I’d rather go out for my birthday anyways. We’ve done lots of cool meals: several shrimp boils, fondue, really nice steak. This year I’m thinking about doing lobster ravioli from a local fresh pasta place.
The other was just going to Melting Pot with DH when we were dating. It was a three hour gluttonous dinner full of wine and good conversation. I miss those days when we had lots of extra time and money for overpriced dinners.
Last year I went to a workout, this year we actually have our anatomy scan that day. I keep making jokes to DH that we're gonna go check and see how our love child is doing, he doesn't think it's funny, but he's no fun anyways When we were dating we would honestly forget it was valentine's and then be super annoyed that everywhere as really busy if we tried to eat dinner out. We'd be halfway through our meal before we realized why everyone else was out!
The only thing I actually do for valentines day is send flowers to each of my nieces. They get really excited about it, so that's fun.
candy. My DH is great at gifts and I’m terrible at finding creative gifts for him. I’m hoping for the prenatal massage (gift card) I’ve been asking for.
My favorite gift/memory was 7 years ago when I was pregnant with my first baby. I had been hinting to DH that I had never had flowers sent to me at work before and all the girls I worked with would get them. So I was hoping he would send me some. I got up from my cubicle to go the restroom and when I came back I was shocked to find my DH sitting at my desk holding a huge gift basket he put together of my favorite things. It was way better than flowers!
Me (32) Dx PCOS, DH (32) SA = Normal/mild morph issues
TTC#5 July 2017 - 3rd cycle TTC = BFP on 11/12/17 at 9dpo Beta #1 = 96 at 13dpo - Beta #2 = 207 at 15dpo
3 rounds of Clomid + TI and 3 rounds of 7.5 mg Femara + IUI before our BFP on 11/8/10 at 12dpiui
TTC #2 3rd cycle of Femara 7.5mg+Ovidrel+TI = 4 follies = BFP on 10/12/12
TTC#3 July 2014 - Metformin +TI = BFP at 9dpo - Twins, one baby lost at 5.5 weeks
Macy Annabelle born at 37w4d on 4/29/15. Diagnosed with Cri du Chat and passed away on 6/6/15. Forever in our hearts.
TTC#4 3rd cycle of Metformin + Femara 7.5mg+Ovidrel+TI = 3 follies = BFP on 12/24/16
@noideawhatshesdoing so sweet that you send flowers to your nieces. It makes me want to do the same. You must be their favorite aunt.
I don’t think I’ve ever done anything particularly special for Valentine’s Day. It’s just another Hallmark holiday for me, but I’m all for chocolate.
Last year was my first Valentine's day with a significant other and it was meh. Like everyone said, it's a hallmark holiday.
One of my favorite Valentine memories is when DH and I were right out of college, living with my mom and dad. He was so shy and sweet because he felt awkward at my parent's, but that day he took over the kitchen. He made me two heart-shaped pizzas with pepperoni messages "U R CUTE" and "I LOVE YOU". It's one of my favorite romantic things he's done because it was so creative.
My favorite gift for him...I once did a whole scavenger hunt with little messages on different hearts about why I loved him and it ended with the best seats we've ever had to a Jets game. So much fun hiding all the notes and watching him find them throughout the day.
I LOVE the idea of sending a flower to your nieces!! I might have to do that this year.... the little things mean so much sometimes.
2 years ago my DH bought me this necklace and I loved it! I was on maternity leave with DS and it was so perfect for our family of 4. (Imma just pretend the new baby fits inside the open space so I can still wear it after #3 comes).
This year I'm excited to make Valentines for the kids to take to daycare. We switched daycares in October to a much larger one (20 kids vs. 4) and the kids love it! I'm making cake pops tonight
Oh also, when I was in 7th grade the boy that I had a huge crush on brought me flowers to school. I had no idea that he even liked me or knew who I was, so it was pretty awesome. We ended up "going out" for the rest of middle school, which my dad was not too thrilled about.
My husband and I have never really been huge on Valentines Day. I usually get some flowers and chocolate covered strawberries, but I honestly wouldn't care if he didn't do anything.
Married 6.12.10
DS 11.8.12
Baby GIRL! due 7.4.18
Married 6.12.10
DS 11.8.12
Baby GIRL! due 7.4.18
The only Valentine's day MH and I ever really celebrated full-out with gifts and everything was our first together. He gave me a monogrammed locket and took me out to this out-of-the-way seafood place that was fantastic. I knitted him a pair of socks haha. These days, we don't get each other gifts. We also go out to eat a few days before or after Valentine's Day (even a week before or after sometimes) to beat the crowds. We decided that since it's basically a made-up holiday anyways we can just celebrate it on whatever day we see fit.
I loved making the v-day mailboxes in elementary school and getting all of the mail. So many Valentine’s! Did I go too far back?? My birthday is Feb 8, so usually DH and I just go out to one nice dinner to cover both occasions. I always joke that I get giped on v-day.
Married: 6/27/2008
DS: 3/14/2010 Planned, PG first try
M/C 6/2012
DD: 4/22/2013 Planned, UnDx Infertility, PG on our own
BFP: 10/28/2016 Unplanned, HUGE SURPRISE!
M/C 12/12/2016
BFP: 10/27/2017 Unplanned, HUGE SURPRISE
EDD: 7/2/2018
@stlmegs that's so cute that you remember him bringing you flowers
@julybabymama good luck today!
@amdftw that's so great!!! Love Corgis!
@zg49 I have so much jewelry that represents my kids! I don't know what I'll do when this little surprise gets here! Love that necklace.
Married: 6/27/2008
DS: 3/14/2010 Planned, PG first try
M/C 6/2012
DD: 4/22/2013 Planned, UnDx Infertility, PG on our own
BFP: 10/28/2016 Unplanned, HUGE SURPRISE!
M/C 12/12/2016
BFP: 10/27/2017 Unplanned, HUGE SURPRISE
EDD: 7/2/2018