Weekly check in for people who are due the second week of May: 5/6-5/12
How far along are you? When is your due date? What's the size of your LO?
What's going on this week? How are you feeling, any rants or raves?
Any upcoming appointments?
GTKY: Would you rather let a complete stranger name your child, or take the name the stranger chose for yourself and get to pick your child's name?

Me, 35 Hubs, 32
Married June 2012
BFP June 2013- blighted ovum, D&C Aug 2013
BFP Oct 2013- twins! A&H born May 2014
BFP Aug 2017- EDD 5/8/17
Re: Due Date Check-In Second Week of May: 5/6-5/12 (Week of 2/5)
Size of a bowling pin (there is no effing way these are accurate hahah). 26+2, due 5/12
What's going on this week? How are you feeling, any rants or raves?
Nothing this week. Counting down the days until maternity leave because I’m basically checked out already.
Any upcoming appointments?
Nothing until GD test and final ultrasound on 2/22
GTKY: Would you rather let a complete stranger name your child, or take the name the stranger chose for yourself and get to pick your child's name?
I would rather take the name a stranger picked and get to name my own kid. Good question!
26+6, due 5/8, I don't remember the size. A scallion or something?
What's going on this week? How are you feeling, any rants or raves?
I'm feeling okay, a lot more tired than before-not sleepy necessarily, I just have to rest after doing anything physical, and starting to have some more fun symptoms that I had selectively forgotten from last time. Restless legs at night, calf cramps if I stretch the wrong way, hip and back pain sometimes. I still feel small compared to my pregnancy with the girls, but I'm starting to feel uncomfortable anyway, and it's no fun. I guess that's my rant lol Rave- we're getting closer to putting our house on the market, and I can't wait. We've been casually looking at houses, and it's getting me excited. I'm still trying to figure out if I'd rather try and move hugely pregnant or with a newborn, and both options truly suck LOL I guess I'd rather do it before I have the baby so I don't have to help as much HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Any upcoming appointments?
I have another repeat ultrasound on Wednesday to see if my placenta has moved off my cervix. Please keep your fingers crossed for me, I'm really hoping I don't need a C-section. Although the scheduled aspect of it would be convenient, it's not enough to make me want to deal with that recovery.
GTKY: Would you rather let a complete stranger name your child, or take the name the stranger chose for yourself and get to pick your child's name?
I think I would also take the name the stranger picks. After having my name for 36 years, I think most people would just keep calling me my own name instead of a new one anyway.
Married June 2012
BFP June 2013- blighted ovum, D&C Aug 2013
BFP Oct 2013- twins! A&H born May 2014
BFP Aug 2017- EDD 5/8/17
What's going on this week? How are you feeling, any rants or raves? same old same old. finally finished painting the nursery, trying to get over my food aversions, and worked my first 70 hour week of the season. Only 60 more days until maternity leave!
Any upcoming appointments? Next week. Standard OB check-up.
GTKY: Would you rather let a complete stranger name your child, or take the name the stranger chose for yourself and get to pick your child's name? definitely would just take the name for myself.
@sandbar517 keeping my fingers crossed that your placenta has moved! Exciting about the house...I agree...I think I'd rather make the move before baby.
@bjkay22 right there with you! Maternity leave can't come soon enough. Going to cherish the days of mat leave before delivery.
What's going on this week? How are you feeling, any rants or raves? Seriously, this LO is dancing on my bladder. I go to the bathroom sooo much! And I thought the 2nd tri was when you're supposed to get a break from that. Flying across the country this weekend to visit family and praying for good weather and for my DD to behave well on the flights and that none of us get sick. Everyone seems to be sick.
Any upcoming appointments? Not for another 2 weeks.
GTKY: Would you rather let a complete stranger name your child, or take the name the stranger chose for yourself and get to pick your child's name? I think I agree with everyone else; I'll take the name the stranger chose for me. If I let a stranger pick my kid's name, everyone would blame me if it was a bad one!
@sandbar517 We moved when DD was 3 months old and it was kind of a nightmare. If I were moving again, I'd rather do it before baby is born! But moving with preschoolers won't be a picnic either, but I guess there's no getting around that part. And fingers are crossed!
@crunchyice +1 for the awkward and heavy. I keep feeling like when people ask me my due date, they're expecting me to say a date that's really soon. Also, I should probably stop eating junk food with a vengeance. That might help.
What's going on this week? How are you feeling, any rants or raves? feeling pretty good, nothing really new. Loving all the baby movements, but as usual, I'm so used to them now, that I get nervous when I don't feel him as much.
Any upcoming appointments? 1hr GTT, appt, and ultrasound with 4D
GTKY: Would you rather let a complete stranger name your child, or take the name the stranger chose for yourself and get to pick your child's name? I would definitely name my own child, we're way too picky on names to let anyone else even attempt to name our kiddos.
@sandbar517hoping previous resolves for you!
@SaVy_05 I get nervous when I don't feel him much too. He is probably sick of me poking him and wiggling my belly to get him to kick me.
How far along are you? When is your due date? What's the size of your LO?
27w2d. 5/6. Size of a fennec fox (minus the tail).
What's going on this week? How are you feeling, any rants or raves?
Always emotional. Yay. This week it is rage instead of tears. Not sure which one I prefer. I think tears actually.
Any upcoming appointments?
Growth ultrasound in 2 weeks and a reg OB appt two days after that.
GTKY: Would you rather let a complete stranger name your child, or take the name the stranger chose for yourself and get to pick your child's name?
I feel like such a selfish only child, but I would keep my name. I changed my name from my middle name to my first name when I was 5 (my mom wanted everyone to call me by my middle name before that), so I feel like I fought hard for this name. Ppl name their kids such weird things now that I'm sure my kid will survive even if he gets a weird one
Married: 8/22/15
BFP #1: 8/22/17 | DS: 4/20/18
BFP #2: 7/14/19 | EDD: 3/18/20
How far along are you? When is your due date? What's the size of your LO?
27 weeks today, due May 8. Apparently he is the size of a head of lettuce? Is that supposed to be bigger than a kale?? I agree @SaVy_05, the bump comparisons suck!!
What's going on this week? How are you feeling, any rants or raves?
I don't even know. I'm so all over the place. I went through a pretty bad depression last week where all I could do is cry, but now I've improved to just being sort of grumpy sometimes, but overall not bad. The heartburn has been hitting me more and more often and my SPD is not great, although I do think the chiro has helped and I have high hopes for the physio I met today!
Any upcoming appointments?
I have my general OB appointment Thursday, and since the physio is in the same hospital I'll have a check in with her too.
GTKY: Would you rather let a complete stranger name your child, or take the name the stranger chose for yourself and get to pick your child's name?
Out of guilt I would have to take it myself, even though if I was honest I agree more with @silverhope 's logic!
@bjkay22 I am so with you. I finally chose my official last day of work (April 20) it feels simultaneously so close and so far away!!
@sandbar517 I hope your scan goes well, fx! Super exciting about almost being ready to sell your house! I love house shopping, even though the actual process of moving kinda sucks. 100% love and agree with your logic on moving before the birth!!
@crunchyice @maplemom18 also on the awkward and heavy train. I don't know if I'm imagining it but I also feel like people look surprised when I tell them my due date. And I don't think I am since once kind soul told me I was going to be enormous by the end if I was already this big now. Thanks so much for that.
Married: 8/22/15
BFP #1: 8/22/17 | DS: 4/20/18
BFP #2: 7/14/19 | EDD: 3/18/20