July 2018 Moms

Weekday Randoms pt 1 2/5 - 2/6

nimmlenimmle member
edited February 2018 in July 2018 Moms
What's happening this week?

Re: Weekday Randoms pt 1 2/5 - 2/6

  • woke up at 3am feeling like I had to puke. Now I'm really tired and cranky. ugh Mondays
  • I am really nervous for our anatomy scan next week. While I kind of hope it is a boy since we have a girl already I am completely fine either way. my husband made a comment the other day when I asked if he was hoping either way and he said he was resigned to girls being his lot in life. It about broke my heart. Don't get me wrong he is amazing with our daughter and she is definitely a daddy's girl but I can just tell he wants a boy so bad but doesn't want to get his hopes up:(
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

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  • Last night I had my mom over to watch the super bowl. My 2.5 yo normally goes to bed at 7. She was super excited to see her grandma, mom, and dad all together and was acting out a bit, running all around, jumping on people, squeeling, etc. I just chalked it up to excitement. She started getting extra rowdy around 6 pm and I threatened her to straighten up or she was going to bed. She yelled back "go to bed!" I just brushed her off and started eating chips again. She walked up to where I was sitting, SLAPPED the plate of chips out of my hands, and yelled "no chips! Time for bed!" I took her up to her room and she let me change her and flew into bed with 0 problems. Usually it's kind of a fight to go to bed, so it was definately not the norm lol

    She has never done anything like that. With toddlers things just come out of total left field and it's so hard to keep a straight face sometimes. The good news is I actually got to watch the game with minimal distractions ;)
  • @lindsayleigh1989 I hope everything goes well next week! I think it’s fun to have one of each. I know how hard it can be to hope for one or the other and then have some disappointment if that’s not the outcome. I felt a lot of shame about that after my first was born, but I think it’s healthy to acknowledge the feeling so that you can move on.

    @cseley321  jealous. My 2.5 year old and 5 year old were crazy lunatics till the game was over. And then my 2 year old had an epic meltdown as we tried to leave my friends house. Needless to say- TONS of distraction. 

    As the game was ending my H got a call from someone needing help with snow removal so we was out till almost 1 am and I stayed up waiting for him kind of on accident. Because my whole family was up so late last night we were slow to get moving this morning and *almost* missed my son’s bus. We were lucky that it was light enough out for the bus driver to see us come out of the garage or else we definitely wouldn’t have made it. 

    My eye is still swollen. I probably should just take Benadryl or something to see if that helps keep it away but I don’t like feeling comatose with a toddler running around. 
  • Please no spoilers from This Is Us. I feel asleep at the game and went straight to bed after. I had the most horrible gas pain all night and this sharp pain on my right pelvic won’t go away. It’s kinda like RLP because it hurts every which way i move.

    @cseley321 it’s so hard not to laugh sometimes but glad it was a smooth bedtime!
  • cseley321cseley321 member
    edited February 2018
    @hillbillywife yeah the past two years I haven't been able to enjoy football at all because my kid is either awake, or if it's a 7:30 pm game, I am too exhausted to really enjoy it or have chores to handle. I used to pretty much plop down for an entire day and just relax... all in the past now!
  • @wildtot I am behind a few episodes myself and literally closed my eyes every time they had a commercial on! I have got to catch up asap

    Also- I went to a Super Bow Party is was super low key- but I feel like I got hit by a freight train this morning, like hungover. I think I’m just exhausted. Baby definitely needs more sleep then I’m used to! I feel like an old lady, I have to keep reminding myself to be kind because I am in fact pregnant! Lol 
  • @catftm2018 I am with you on the getting hit by a freight train feeling. We didn't even go to a party. We just sat on our couch eating chinese and watching the game. I even snoozed during the fourth quarter until the last turnover where the eagles stripped Tom Brady of the ball then went to bed right after. Still exhausted.
  • @wildtot word! I don't have cable so I need to wait for Hulu to release the episode.

    We don't watch football so we had a low key Sunday and had an early dinner at a Thai restaurant. Took a bath and was in bed at 11pm last night. Really not ready to tackle Monday and wishing it was a 3 day weekend already!
  • We went to our friends last night for the game, knowign we would leave at the half. Weather said snow and then rain, but it was supposed to stay above 35 so I wasn't worried. It snowed on the way there, it snowed for the 2 hours before half, and when we left the roads were like a ski trail. The good way home that took us to the highway ended up being blocked by a car whose engine exploded so we had to back up all the way back to my friends house, turn around, and go down a back mountain rd. Thank god it existed, that's not always an option around here, but still took us 1.5 hours to get home and its a 45 min drive. DS was up til 10 and was up 3 times in the middle of the night, but I didn't have to go into his room. He is somehow still filled with energy, we have already been out to play in teh snow!
  • Chinese sounds delicious @nimmle!  We had nachos and I went to bed after the Replacement Alexa commercial.  

    Since I'm still battling this sinus infection I've been taking 1 regular Mucinex prior to bed time and I'm finally able to sleep again.  I feel like a different person!  I also told DH last week that I really needed him to help me not to pick up DD so much - he was awesome about it this weekend and I told him that I could really tell a difference.  I didn't feel as exhausted and wasn't hurting as bad as the week before, which also meant that I was in good spirits all weekend.  Yay!  
  • @cseley321 I would have been in shock! But glad you got to watch the game in peace, lol.

  • We had fun at the Superbowl party we went to but I couldn't help look around at all of the adorable kids and think how different life is now than it was just a few years ago. Toddlers excited about all the junk food and not having to go to bed until later, adults not taking shots for every minor thing they've bet on for the game, not waking up hungover AF today and dragging myself into work. I definitely don't miss those days and I look back on them fondly because they were so much fun, but it's just interesting to see it like that. 
  • @Kenya715 we had some friends in town this weekend with their two boys and we were talking about how different life is now than it was a few years ago.  But it's so awesome, and I love seeing our son bond with all of our friends kids!  :)

    <3 Married 6.12.10 <3
    DS 11.8.12
     Baby GIRL! due 7.4.18
  • @moguippy Hope you start feeling better! :( I know that's not a good way to start a Monday.

    @lindsayleigh1989 Awww!! I hope everything goes well and you find out it's a boy. I understand where you're coming from though, same way with my DH. He's amazing with the girl we nanny but he wants to pass on our last name since his other two brothers probably won't. I'm glad your DH will love the baby regardless!

    @cseley321 half way though reading I was thinking I would give her the biggest spanking ever but hey, if it's normally a hassle and she was practically begging to go to bed, GO! haha I'll gladly let you go!

    @carsonraynee Good luck at your appointment tomorrow!

    @smashjam I hate not living in snowy places but your experience from last night makes me thankful sometimes! I'm glad you made it home safely.

    @michelleAG05 Glad you're feeling better today, especially on a Monday since they're always a drag!

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I'm excited and jealous for everyone getting their anatomy scans too! 4w 5d to go until mine!
  • @paytonpedro our anatomy scan isn't until next Thursday! Feels like it might as well be next year! Just want to make sure everything still looks alright in there and and everything is developing correctly. DH knows what we're having but I don't, and I'm hoping LO keeps the goods covered up because I don't want to know!
  • @nimmle My anatomy scan is not even scheduled yet! I'm going in for my appointment tomorrow so the ob will probably schedule it. I'm 18w2d today. 

    Happy for everyone who had a great Superbowl time whether at home or at a party! And congratulations to those of you who just found out the sex:) soon enough we'll all know! 
  • My random is that we are getting a new faucet, we had a leak and the landlord just straight up decided to get a new one. It's just a bother because they've been here for over an hour and I had to miss half an hour of my online birth class. But it's recorded, so it's all good! It's going to be a busy Monday.
  • @gspmom21 nah I wouldn't have spanked her over that (at this age anyway). She is just now getting better at communicating but still gets super frustrated about it if she feels we don't understand her. If she was a bit older we would of had a big problem though
  • I’m so jealous of everyone having their anatomy scans right now! Mine isn’t until 3/8...so over 4 weeks away!
  • @ashbub714 mine isn't til 3/2! I hoping my fetal echo is earlier. 

    @noideawhatshesdoing I can't believe your DH knows but you don't! That is some self control. If you guys make it the entire time without him slipping I'll be so amazed! DH would love doing that to me though and would make sure he never slipped, haha.

    When it comes to the sex I told DH I wanted to do reveal cupcakes just in case its our last, but his condition is that we don't find out until everyone else. I am like, NO I want to know immediately! So now I am torn. One way does get me delicious cupcakes tho...
  • @ashbub714 mine isnt until 3/22! Ugh. If I didnt know what we are having, Id go crazy!
    Married since 5/23/09
    DS #1 born 1/25/10
    DS #2 born 4/25/12
    BFP 2/2016 M/C 3/2016 @ 5 weeks
    Trying for #4 since 11/2015
  • @zande2016 don’t blame you one bit! When I worked in a lab they would get the fasting patients in first thing (of course) and we’d always ask them where they’re going for breakfast after lol. 
  • @zande2016 I hope you find something yummy!
  • @cseley321 sorry, I completely read over what age you said she was. That is a little young! When I read it I was thinking she was way older than that.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @zande2016 Agh! Good luck! It'll definitely be time to eat by the time you're done. Props to you having to wait!
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @zande2016 good luck! And enjoy breakfast! 
    <3 Married 6.12.10 <3
    DS 11.8.12
     Baby GIRL! due 7.4.18
  • Thanks all. I forgot how much worse the 3 hour drink is than the 1 hour. :grimace: 
  • good luck @zande2016!!
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

  • Yuck.  Good luck @zande2016!

    I'm relieved this morning to find out that the heater we have in DD's room is a different model than has been recalled.  Thank goodness because we use that thing a lot!

    My gender scan is Monday - so excited!  I'll be almost 19 weeks - last time they had us wait until 22 weeks!
  • good luck @zande2016 ! treat yourself to something yummy afterwards
  • @zande2016 good luck!  I always do the same thing after a glucose test lol.  I hope the 3-hour drink doesn't make you feel too bad.  I always feel awful after drinking it!
    Married 9/19/09
    Me (32) Dx PCOS, DH (32) SA = Normal/mild morph issues
    TTC#5 July 2017 - 3rd cycle TTC = BFP on 11/12/17 at 9dpo Beta #1 = 96 at 13dpo - Beta #2 = 207 at 15dpo
    TTC#1  starting Nov. 2009
    3 rounds of Clomid + TI and 3 rounds of 7.5 mg Femara + IUI before our BFP on 11/8/10 at 12dpiui
    TTC #2 3rd cycle of Femara 7.5mg+Ovidrel+TI = 4 follies = BFP on 10/12/12 
    TTC#3 July 2014 - Metformin +TI = BFP at 9dpo - Twins, one baby lost at 5.5 weeks 
    Macy Annabelle born at 37w4d on 4/29/15.  Diagnosed with Cri du Chat and passed away on 6/6/15.  Forever in our hearts.
    TTC#4 3rd cycle of Metformin + Femara 7.5mg+Ovidrel+TI = 3 follies = BFP on 12/24/16
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Sarafuss said:
    @zande2016 good luck!  I always do the same thing after a glucose test lol.  I hope the 3-hour drink doesn't make you feel too bad.  I always feel awful after drinking it!
    Thank you, so far just sleepy and hungry. So hungry lol. 

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