18 weeks. Artichoke, or multi-tool, or baby tribble
New/Interesting/Festering Symptoms
Boobs still hurt. And I've had two nosebleeds this week, not fun.
Appointments/US this week
Nothing this week.
Random Questions
Is it normal for nausea to come back at 18 weeks? I've felt ick the last couple of days and it's really annoying
Sort of a rant, I still haven't felt LO move around in there yet. Hoping too soon, but also just barely showing and I know everyone is different, but it sort of makes me feel like I'm way behind or something. So I guess less rant, and more pity party! lol
What cravings and/or food aversions are you experiencing? Anything you feel like you HAVE to have or CANNOT have? Haven't had any real cravings as of yet, I mean I've given myself the permission to eat things I normally would pass up, but no real "I must have it now, it's all I can think about" sort of thing. Early on I couldn't be around chicken at all, so gross, smelled horrible, and I'm afraid I'm not over that so no chicken in our house. Which is sad because it's been really icky outside and perfect weather for a chicken pot pie.
had a growth scan yesterday (I'm not sure why). Tech said baby looks good and is 6 ounces, measuring 6 days ahead.
Random Questions
probably but I can't remember right now
DH seems to not realize we are trying to save money for a baby
What cravings and/or food aversions are you experiencing? Anything you feel like you HAVE to have or CANNOT have? Aversions: chinese food cravings: not really, sometimes pickles or baked potatoes
Headaches sometimes, SPD is killing me-I an a frequent and fast walker generally so having to go super slow and limit myself to not feel pain is super annoying
Appointments/US this week
Nothing this week-had an early anatomy scan last week, have regular OB appointment and cervix check with MFM in a week. I realize I’m lucky to have every other week check ups but the weeks I don’t have one-like this week- are brutal!
Random Questions
I’m seriously ready for it to be spring. Just sick of the cold, per usual when we get to this point in the year. Also somehow June (when the twins will be delivered) seems both really soon and SO far away at the same time. I want to start getting things prepared but there’s so much time to go so I feel silly and unproductive
What cravings and/or food aversions are you experiencing? Anything you feel like you HAVE to have or CANNOT have?
No really strong cravings, just happy to be past my aversion to chicken. Made getting enough protein really hard. Also I guess that’s a lie I am craving raw toro like a crazy person and will have a sashimi feast the day I give birth or I will have nothing!
How far along today? How big is baby? 15 weeks. spongebob/travel deodorant/cinnamon roll.
New/Interesting/Festering Symptoms: I'm also sick. And super anxious about being good at life and momming. Every few days it gets especially bad. Like, today I realized my fit bit says I only had 3300 steps so I was like, "why the eff do I sit on my a** all day. Does this mean DS isn't getting enough activity? Why do I always sit while he is playing? I should be moving." Then I am like, "Oh because my back hurts when I am on my feet to long." Then I am like, "Why does my back hurt so much? Is it because I am not active?" Anyway basically I am crazy.
Appointments/US this week Nope!
Random Questions:
What cravings and/or food aversions are you experiencing? Anything you feel like you HAVE to have or CANNOT have? Nothing sounds good. I just eat because it keeps me alive. All food sounds horrible. OMG I AM SUCH A DOWNER.
@SmashJam yesterday my Garmin only registered like 3500 steps for me, oops. And that included a trip to the grocery store and Costco. Sorry about the food thing. Nothing at all sounds good?
@devilcat139 I've not been brave enough to see if I'm over the aversion to chicken, it's still banned from the house. And that sucks because it is such a good source of protein.
Festering- still throw up 75% of the time when I brush my teeth.
Appointments/US this week
3 weeks until the anatomy scan!
Random Questions
Heading to Florida on Saturday! Ready for some warm weather and relaxation!
What cravings and/or food aversions are you experiencing? Anything you feel like you HAVE to have or CANNOT have? dairy queen blizzards. I could eat one every day. Don't worry I've only had 2...
Me: 31 DH: 34 Married: April 2016 TTC December 2016 BFP 2/28/17 // CP 3/1/17 MFI Diagnosis: Aug 2017 BFP 11/1/17 // DS born 6/18 TTC January 2019 BFP 3/21/19 // D&C (MMC) 5/8/19
@noideawhatshesdoing the first time I tried having it again it was part of a cheesy panini and in small pieces-definitely how is go about reintroducing it. It took a few tries before I was able to eat bigger pieces of plain chicken again. Hope it’s gone for you too!
Still have morning sickness and throwing up. So over it!
Appointments/US this week
I saw the midwife and she wanted to practice with her ultrasound machine and was able to tell it was a boy! Now I can save my money and not pay for the 3D one.
@mikayla14mom thanks for the sympathy! I have a tiny bump that really only shows in clothes after a full meal, otherwise, nada. I was told at my workout last night that I don't even look pregnant, that certainly didn't help. I know I'll catch up sooner or later!
Re: Thursday ticker change 2/1
Haven't had any real cravings as of yet, I mean I've given myself the permission to eat things I normally would pass up, but no real "I must have it now, it's all I can think about" sort of thing. Early on I couldn't be around chicken at all, so gross, smelled horrible, and I'm afraid I'm not over that so no chicken in our house. Which is sad because it's been really icky outside and perfect weather for a chicken pot pie.
festering: gagging/dryheaving
Aversions: chinese food
cravings: not really, sometimes pickles or baked potatoes
15 weeks
Just not feeling hungry at all. Being uncomfortable at the time has started
No, had a sono after my fall last week and then an appointment isn’t until the 15th
i seem to be craving meats. Which is unlike me
Headaches sometimes, SPD is killing me-I an a frequent and fast walker generally so having to go super slow and limit myself to not feel pain is super annoying
Nothing this week-had an early anatomy scan last week, have regular OB appointment and cervix check with MFM in a week. I realize I’m lucky to have every other week check ups but the weeks I don’t have one-like this week- are brutal!
I’m seriously ready for it to be spring. Just sick of the cold, per usual when we get to this point in the year. Also somehow June (when the twins will be delivered) seems both really soon and SO far away at the same time. I want to start getting things prepared but there’s so much time to go so I feel silly and unproductive
No really strong cravings, just happy to be past my aversion to chicken. Made getting enough protein really hard. Also I guess that’s a lie I am craving raw toro like a crazy person and will have a sashimi feast the day I give birth or I will have nothing!
@devilcat139 I've not been brave enough to see if I'm over the aversion to chicken, it's still banned from the house. And that sucks because it is such a good source of protein.
dairy queen blizzards. I could eat one every day. Don't worry I've only had 2...
TTC December 2016
BFP 2/28/17 // CP 3/1/17
MFI Diagnosis: Aug 2017
BFP 11/1/17 // DS born 6/18
TTC January 2019
BFP 3/21/19 // D&C (MMC) 5/8/19