WTF to my sleep cycle. My body thinks 5am is the new 6am. I have been waking up at this time pretty consistently for the past week. This cannot possibly be pregnancy insomnia already. Right? RIGHT???
Meagan Married 6.12.10 DS 11.8.12 Baby GIRL! due 7.4.18
Wtf to my colleague. We have a meeting in a couple of hours and she JUST messaged me before I even log in asking me where I took certain numbers...I mean, she had all day yesterday to review them. And I've been working on these for 3-4 days.
WTF to myself. I bought cute pregnancy announcements to send out to family/friends and now that I’ve gotten them I’m getting anxiety about everyone knowing. So I’m second guessing sending them out which makes zero sense. I think I’m just worried I’ll send them out and something may go wrong.
WTF to my OB office. I know they get behind sometimes, but I go to an office with 9 different doctors so you’re much less likely to be delayed due to a delivery. My appointment was supposed to be a quick one, just listening to heart rates, urine test, and a chat with the doc. I was there for over an hour and a half! I wouldn’t care so much, but I have a home daycare and I’ve worked it out so I only have one kid on Wednesday’s. She goes to work with her mom and I pick her up there on the way back from my appointments. Usually she only has to stay with her Mom half an hour. So, she missed her nap and she’s cranky today.
@powellgirl my obgyn office was always behind when I used to go for my yearly checkups. So to try to avoid the waiting I make all my appointments for first thing in the morning before they can get behind. Is that a possibility for you? It’s made a HUGE difference for me.
@powellgirl So annoying! I feel your pain. I have my 3rd appt (16 week check up) next week and the office called me to say I'll have to see someone else because another dr broke her hand and my dr has to fill in for her that day. And my first appt was with a midwife because that's how the practice does it. So 4 months into pregnancy and I've seen my actual dr once. Hope it doesn't continue to be an issue argh
A day late but WTF its less than 30 degrees out and we have some flurries coming down. I see a school who let their kids out outside to play. Then a baby wearing only a onesie outside. Maybe it's just me since I am not a native to CO, but really? Don't schools have a rule of when weather is not kid friendly? And if they are out cover them up!!
@powellgirl@kinny512 My OB's office is super busy as well. I know it speaks to how amazing and in-demand she is but it's annoying. I have yet to see my dr, I'm just past 15 weeks and I've seen a different OB in the practice once and the rest has been her PA. Finally have an appointment with her 2/9 so hoping that sticks. Grr!
@wildtot I just saw this so sorry for reviving the VT kids go out to play above 0 with the windchill, including actual 0! SUCKS so hard if you have recess duty lol
Re: WTF Wednesday
DS 11.8.12
Baby GIRL! due 7.4.18
So yeah WTF to my freakin worrier brain.