2nd Trimester

Looking for anyone who has experience with Small/abnormal fetal head measurement 13 week


I am looking for support and anyone who has been in this boat. We did a Early screening ultrasound last night and got a call from our doctor with in the hour. The neck measurement was fine but they noticed some abnormalities in the size of out babies head and now we have been referred to a high risk specialist for further testing and genetic counseling. We are devestated and have hardly slept. We won’t be seen till Thursday at 2. I am looking for anyone who went through something similar and had it turn out okay. There isn’t much infor or post about something like this happening.  We aren’t feeling much hope right now. Thanks for any help or positive thoughts. 

Re: Looking for anyone who has experience with Small/abnormal fetal head measurement 13 week

  • Well at my son’s anatomy scan they found a bright spot on his heart which is considered a soft marker for Down’s Syndrome. We were referred to another clinic for a level two ultrasound and also had non invasive prenatal testing done (the Harmony test). He was born perfectly healthy and without DS.  I’m not really familiar with your condition but I imagine you might have a follow up ultrasound and then be offered a blood test like the one I did. It’s a tough time, for sure. The waiting can be agonising. It helped me to call back the doctor to get some clarification about exactly what this information meant or could mean because when they told me initially I was kind of in shock and couldn’t process it well. Best of luck to you! Try to keep busy and distracted, although I know it’s easier said than done! 

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  • I had a very similar experience to @ecwk and all turned out well. Ours was initially based on a thick nuchal fold. Baby girl was born 4 years ago. Healthy as can be. 
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