Hi ladies - This is for all of us expecting more than one little blessing! How are you doing this week?
Feel free to post bump pics or ultrasound pics and of course babies pics when they finally get here.!.!
OUR Multiple Mommies!!
37wks cut off
@kikikav38wks cut off
@Sardavbak ,
@vflux33 @lexigirl1228 ;
EDD 3/4 B/B@awolfff EDD 3/8 B/G
@Momma6angels11 EDD 3/9 B/G
@Sardavbak EDD 3/12
@vflux33 EDD 3/14 B/B
@i-wanna-b-the-girl-w-most-cake EDD 3/14 B/B
@Mnddnvn EDD 3/16 B/G
@Syssa-o EDD 3/21 B/G
@amanning2011 EDD 3/25 G/G
@Gingham EDD 3/26 B/B
@kikikav EDD 3/29 G/G
1. How far along are you? What are the babies sizes, or if you know their weights??2. Any recent appointment updates,if not when is your next appt?
3. How are you feeling?4. Best moment with the babies this week?
5. Any Rants/ Raves/Questions, or Advice ?
Re: MOMs(Moms of multiples weekly check in for the week of January 21st
1. How far along are you? What are the babies sizes, or if you know their weights??
32w4d 5lb 5oz & 4lb 11oz
2. Any recent appointment updates,if not when is your next appt?
Just a growth check that went well except baby A wouldn't show us "'practice breathing" so I think we failed the ultrasound tech's test. But my MFM doc didn't seem at all concerned. Also discussed the PUPPS rash and how it probably won't go away until I deliver so that sucks big time.
3. How are you feeling?
Itchy and big
4. Best moment with the babies this week?
Felt them both hiccup again which is always very cute!
5. Any Rants/ Raves/Questions, or Advice ?
I feel myself giving into the C section idea. Even though both babies are head down my OB thinks it's less risk for the twins. I've been fighting for a vaginal birth but at this point I just want to have a game plan (I'm not keen on surprises) so I can prepare mentally and physically.
1. How far along are you? What are the babies sizes, or if you know their weights??
At last ultrasound A was 6.6 %ile and B was 10.2, next growth ultrasound in a week and a half.
2. Any recent appointment updates,if not when is your next appt?
My cord doppler check with the MFM and OB appointment both went well (I thought I was getting a growth scan but I mixed up the appointments--oops!). My NSTs last week went OK in that I passed both. In the one on Friday I was told my blood pressure was reactive and I had mild contractions every 5 minutes for the whole hour. They didn't feel the need to check my cervix since the contractions were too mild for me to feel, and they said the BP was only a bit elevated and went down with a second reading, plus no protein in urine, so guess I shouldn't be too concerned, but they gave me the pre-E waning signs and instructed me to call right away if I had any. The MFM said as long as both A and B stay above 3rd %ile we should be OK as far as IUGR goes, so that was good news. I asked my OB how common it was for babies who are dx'd with IUGR to grow out of it later in pregnancy and she said it does sometimes happen but not usually. More protein bars for me!
3. How are you feeling?
Not bad, but, you know, very uncomfortable and just super anxious about the birth--both in the sense that I want everyone to come out of it OK and also want to know what type of birth so I can mentally prepare. I'm sure you can all relate given how near we are to the finish line!
4. Best moment with the babies this week?
The day before yesterday I drank chocolate milk and they both went NUTS and had a little fistfight in there, I think! So that was fun.
5. Any Rants/ Raves/Questions, or Advice ?
I'm just constantly surprised how I'm much more I'm being pushed toward a vaginal birth than anyone else in this group and I can't shake the idea that this has more to do with region/hospital culture than the differences in our or our LOs' medical status. Would you guys be comfortable sharing your region? I'm in Northern California and I can't help but think that is part of why all the doctors here are pushing me to vaginal moreso than all of your doctors...
You know, I bet you're right about the regional thing. I'm in Austin, TX which you'd think is a bit more hippie dippie but it seems twins = c section here.
I’ll update the with answers to the questions on Thursday....right now, I’ve got no updates.
@Vflux33 Im in South Carolina.
AFM I will post sometime after Tuesday since I have my MFM appointment on Tuesday.
@vflux33 I'm in Washington State. I definitely sense a preference for vaginal from all medical staff I've met with lately (which is a lot!), including my doctor.
@momma6angels11 Thanks for asking. I was released from the hospital on Friday for home bed rest. I'm now on day 10 of bed rest.
Here's my update:
1. How far along are you? What are the babies sizes, or if you know their weights??
32+2, baby a is 3lbs 12oz and baby b 3 lbs 7 oz which I was told was 10th percentile and felt like such a dip to me from the last measurements that I felt worried about that.
2. Any recent appt updates?
In the hospital I had daily monitoring of contractions and heart rates. Now that I'm on home bed rest I will have weekly appointments and ultrasounds. My next appt is on Friday.
3. How are you feeling?
Bored! And continuing to feel a little crampy, trying to stay relaxed and positive.
4. Best moment with the babies this week?
Them not being born!!! Haha. Also, during an ultrasound last week they started kicking each other because they each thought the other was pushing on them but really it was the ultrasound wand. They are also now both head down! That feels like such a small victory now, because if they come too prematurely we may still do a c-section so it's not too stressful for them.
5. Any Rants/ Raves/Questions, or Advice ?
To answer last weeks question, I have gained 31 pounds. Has anyone started losing their mucus plug? I did this weekend, which probably has something to do with my preterm labor but still has me worried.
Thanks everyone who answered my region question. I find these kind of differences to be really interesting.
Glad to hear you're out of the hospital! Bed rest is SO BORING but that's why we have these boards I guess! I got the pine tar soap on Sat. and have been using it a few times a day. It does seem to help for a few hours and smells horrible but whatever works. Also using Gold Bond anti itch and Vistiril.
I've basically put myself on bed rest too as of last week. Moving around is just too much. And going anywhere is even harder. Then I get the comments like "it looks like you're about to bust" and I'm thinking, Yep! Feels that way too but got another month or so to go. I'm so glad I stopped working though, it's way easier than trying to get dressed and put on shoes every morning!
I’m with you on the mucus plug, but I’ve been told it can be regenerated— at least enough to prevent infection. I don’t know how true that is though. I try not to worry about it. This pregnancy has brought more worry than I’d like to admit.
31.5 weeks.
2. Any recent appointment updates,if not when is your next appt?
Had an appointment today but it was just a quick u/s to check their positions (both head down!) Not sure of the weights. I'm on weekly appointments from now on...eek!
3. How are you feeling?
Ok, actually. I get really crampy and uncomfortable in the evenings/night time (and sleep is a joke) but most of the day I feel pretty decent.
4. Best moment with the babies this week?
Just all of the movement. I feel like there's not a minute of the day that goes by without at least some movement.
5. Any Rants/ Raves/Questions, or Advice ?
I'm still not sure when to stop working. Like two weeks ago I just felt done, but now I'm feeling better and like I can keep working for awhile. I guess I'll just take it day by day.
@vflux33 regarding the regional thing: I'm in Southern California and my Dr. really seems to have no opinion which is annoying, lol. He's like "Well, which would you prefer?" I had a quick and easy birth and labor with a big baby previously so he thinks I should be fine with vaginal. I am terrified of a c-section, but of course want to do what's safest for the babies. He also won't give me a cutoff date and says as long as everything is good with the babies, he'll let me go all the way. He delivered my boss's twins and didn't induce her until 39+1
1. How far along are you? What are the babies sizes, or if you know their weights??
33+5 today will know weights next week.
2. Any recent appointment updates,if not when is your next appt?
Had MFM appointment yesterday and both babies passed their BPP ultrasound with flying colors but baby b is still breech
Am i the only one that is scheduled for delivery already?
Anyone having trouble shaving legs and ready to give up?
Anyone getting a birthing ball to sit on to see if it helps back and hip pain?
Shaving is SO HARD. I went down to shaving once a week, and if I didn't have a shower stool it would be impossible.
I already have an exercise ball, which I think is the same thing, and you just inspired me to bring it into my living room and watch TV while sitting on it later.
34 weeks today
2. Any recent appointment updates,if not when is your next appt?
nothing new for me. Been playing phone tag with the c/s scheduler and boy is still breech. Dr told me even if he flips she still wants to c/s me because he’s “too big”. She also told me that I won’t have her perform it, which I’m not sad about and using it as an opportunity to switch drs this late—based on the logic that I’ll be given the opportunity to get to know the physician performing the c/s...which is true, but I’m also hoping for a second opinion. I’m still hopeful that b will flip and if he does I atleast want a physician who will give me the opportunity to try a vaginal delivery.
3. How are you feeling?
Back is killing me. I’m super uneasy about the c/s and feeling such a huge mix of emotions. Excited, happy, nervous and scared all at the same time.
4. Best moment with the babies this week?
They have been moving like crazy!
5. Any Rants/ Raves/Questions, or Advice ?
We hired a nanny...really having a hard time with it. She’s kind of an odd duck and at the risk of sounding super judgy, lady could not make Mac n cheese. Who messes up Mac n cheese (while reading the instructions!)? Just kind of odd to me. Especially since she claimed to be a “really good cook”. Also, she kind of started crying 3 times on the first day...Can I be the one who’s a mess with hired help that is even keeled and not a hot mess? Anyways, it’s been a weird week.
@momma6angels11 I am really limited on shaving. It’s definitely tough, but I have really thick hair and get very prickly when I haven’t shaved for a day..... it drives me nuts! Also, back pain has been crazy lately. Going to the chiropractor Saturday. Hoping it helps move baby b head down. Not sure of the likelihood with twins, but it’s worth a shot (especially if what they do helps with the back pain).
ETA: how is everyone feeling about the NST?
I have mine twice a week and they are getting to be annoying. Yes, glad all is well, but twice a week just seems excessive.
I cant say that I like shlepping to the hospital twice a week for the NSTs, but given the growth issues we have I’m glad to get the frequent updates. I also really like my NST nurse. They are, er, stressful though. Is there a reason you have 2/week? I started at 1/week (standard at my hospital for uncomplicated twin pregnancies) —they upped me to 2 only because if the IUGR.
Im glad im not the only one with shaving difficulties..lol..
Why is baby b too big? @awolfff What was the last weights?
Our birth doula is including postpartum care in her fees. If we have a c/s she will dedicate more hours to postpartum/breastfeeding. The nanny is more so to make sure the toddler is getting that interaction while we navigate the twins. We aren’t too concerned with cooking either..more of a nice to have.
For the NSTs- I’m not sure what their standard is, but they haven’t led me to believe there is anything out of the norm. Nice that yours started as once a week and then ramped it up.
For me, the appt itself is annoying but also the parking lot is insane and I always end up having to park far and end up walking a bunch...in sandals because who can put on real shoes at this point in the pregnancy (not me!)
I hear you on the shoes and parking. It rains here all winter so I can’t do the sandals thing, and putting on these boots or sneakers everyday has become a process. Our hospital is installing solar panels in their parking lot and you have to factor in an extra 20 minutes just for parking to get around the construction, plus I’m not moving (or rather, waddling) super fast these days. Every time I go there I run out of time, end up rushing, and then I get a high BP reading and have to retake it.
While we’re on the subject, how are your NSTs actually going? I didn’t realize I was getting contractions so often but apparently I get mild ones, like, constantly. She said since I didn’t feel them that I could go home, but was a bit concerning. She also said my blood pressure is very reactive (probably because of what I said before about the parking). Then this last time on Tuesday she said there were small dips now and then with the babies’ heart rates and she had to double check with the on call OB to make sure I could leave. They let me go, but not feeling too great about it and hoping it was just a fluke. Has that happened to any of you?
With the NSTs, I’m kind of getting the sense that the machine confuses contractions and baby movements. I noticed today the monitor on my uterus was going off the charts every time baby boy pushed against my belly. The machine said I went from a 15 to an 85...but they haven’t said much to me about it. They just ask if I feel them (and I never do) and then they send me on my way. When I went into triage for preterm labor before they told me “if you can’t feel it, then you are okay...if you start to feel them, come in right away”. Kind of reassuring but also kind of stressful because sometimes i feel something and it’s nothing..Sorry if this is tmi, but sometimes I have gas and think “oh I feel something” and then I fart and all is well again.
Interesting what you said about the contractions vs movement in the machine. I will keep an eye out for that. They told me the same about the severity of the contractions— said if they don’t “take my breath away” then probably not labor.
@awolfff lol. I Know, i went back to last weeks and found it myself. I dont think 6lbs is that big either, but i think its because of the difference between the 2. How do they know that baby a won't catch up before delivery?
Both babies passed their NST today and at first no contractions were showing up on monitor and then i moved it lower and bam my highest was at a 44 togo. But the weird thing is they never mentioned the contractions. I know i was surely feeling them.. i was there for over 3 hrs today due to ob being behind from assisting with another delivery earlier, then my blood pressure went up so she ran blood and urine tests to check for preeclampsia which was negative, but then found my platlets are low so im supposed to tell mfm on tues, im guessing to see if he suggests delivery earlier?
Then she asked if i wanted to attempt a vaginal delivery even if baby b is still breech and pray she flips after A comes out...OR just do a C-Section? She said since baby b has the 2v cord she will not attempt a breech delivery or even try to turn her for risk of putting her in distress.
This whole time shes told me that we could only attempt a vaginal delivery if both babies were head down?? So now im wrestling with do i wanna take a bigger risk of having both vaginal and a C-section or do i just go with a C-Section..i mean dont get me wrong even with both head down there is still a chance the same thing could happen. So now im just a nervous wreck and the low platelets thing worries me as well cause u need platlets to clot your blood and you need more for a C-Section as you are getting cut open..maybe im wrong but what to do? Just cant think about it anymore its making me too emotional..
Went to the chiropractor today and I’m feeling sooo much better. She worked mostly on my lower back, did some work on the round ligaments, adjusted my neck(which felt amazing) and then taped me up to help my back for the next few days. She’s used Webster technique which I’m told helps encourage babies to flip to head down position. Not sure it will work with flipping baby b...but my back feels much better and round ligament pain is pretty minimal
I will definitely let you know what happens with baby b. Doula suggested using an ice pack(or something cold) and/or peppermint oil on where baby b’s head is....she says babies don’t like the cold and it will encourage him to flip. Webster technique (What my chiropractor uses) is designed to give the babies more space to get into ideal position—same thing with spinning babies techniques, the chiropractor recommended to not do the spinning babies exercises alone. Hopefully some combination of these help! I feel like in order for me to really be at peace with a cesarean is to feel like I have tried all that I could to safely have a vaginal delivery.