March 2018 Moms

3rd time Mom, 2nd section

1. Are you definitely having a c-section, considering one, or more likely than average to need one? If already scheduled, when are you having it?

I have a c section scheduled for March 5(39 weeks). I will try to VBAC if I go into labor before my c section 

2. Why are you having or possibly having a c-section?
This will be a repeat for me plus I have a partial placental abruption.

3. Have you had a c-section before? If so, when and what were the circumstances? Any details you are willing to share about your past experience/birth story would be great. If you've had both a c-section and a vaginal birth feel free to compare your experience with the two. If you had a vaginal birth and were later told your next should be delivered by c-section, what was the reason?

My first child was delivered vaginally at 41 weeks- 6lbs. My second child was born at 40 weeks via c section after attempting labor and pushing-8 lbs. He was posterior and I wasn’t able to push him out.

4. How do you feel about having or potentially having a c-section? 

I am actually nervous even though I’ve had a c section before. My first section was fast, I was tired and ready for everything to be done. Now I will have to go to the hospital and wait and then be taken back. 

Re: 3rd time Mom, 2nd section

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