July 2018 Moms

Tuesday Ticker Change Day 1:

How far along today?

How big is baby?

New/Interesting/Festering Symptoms

Appointments/US this week

Random Questions


What is your biggest fear about how a (or another) baby will change your life/routines? Biggest excitement?
April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

Re: Tuesday Ticker Change Day 1:

  • How far along today? 16 weeks!! 

    How big is baby?  avocado :smile:

    New/Interesting/Festering Symptoms  All the tiny movements! I won't lie, they freak me out a tad at first. Yesterday I was doing yoga and it wasn't just a tiny movement, it was two "hey you're squishing me!" jabs and I just stopped and did something else. Haha!!

    Appointments/US this week  I just have gone blood draw tomorrow. I LOVED all my appointments with my daughter, but having to bring her this time makes them less fun and more stressful. Haha! She isn't a fan of any doctors offices!

    Random Questions

    Rants/Raves I'm really getting excited. I have been putting together my registry on amazon and it's starting to feel real... also got news that I'm being thrown a shower and just so happy and thankful and excited! :smile:

    What is your biggest fear about how a (or another) baby will change your life/routines? Biggest excitement?  
    Im always a little sad it won't just be my daughter and I, but I really think a baby will fit into our homebody lifestyle perfectly and know she will love it. I'm irrationally concerned with how to grocery shop with two kids. I am studying moms of 2+ at the grocery store every time I'm there! Any suggestions? Obviously a carrier??? Haha!
  • How far along today? 13 weeks

    How big is baby? A lemon

    New/Interesting/Festering Symptoms None really! Been feeling pretty good the past couple weeks.

    Appointments/US this week Nope, had my first last week, won't have another until 16 weeks

    Random Questions Anyone know if its ok to have whey protein shakes while pregnant? I meant to ask my OB but I forgot. It's not a major concern but I've been craving one lately and Dr. google is inconclusive. 

    Rants/Raves I'm so excited the holidays and my DS's birthday are over! They were a lot of fun but so stressful and I just feel 1000 times lighter with them done. 

    What is your biggest fear about how a (or another) baby will change your life/routines? Biggest excitement?
    New baby will definitely affect our routine with the older kids but it shouldn't be too bad. I'm afraid of the extra cost. We recently started a new daycare and it's been rough with paying for that, and now we are adding a 3rd kid to household expenses and infant daycare. I just don't know where we are going to find the extra money. I'm excited because both kids are so excited! They're already talking about the new baby, my DS is caring around baby dolls and taking care of them. It's just adorable! 

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  • @mamabird18 When I took my two shopping and my son was really small, I wore him in an infant carrier and put my daughter in the cart, either the front or the basket part. Once my son was old enough to sit up, I put him in the front and my daughter in the basket. Obviously it's easier when it's not freezing cold. If you have to take the infant carseat inside, I never felt comfortable hooking it to the handle and I would just place it in the basket part, so I only did that when I had small amounts to get. 

    I always park next to a cart return, and most times it is easier to grab a cart from there and plop kids in right away instead of carrying them both inside and then getting the cart situated. Also easier for unloading the groceries - put the kids away first, unload and then you are right there by the cart return. LOL sorry for the book of explanation. 

  • How far along today? 16 weeks

    How big is baby? dill pickle

    New/Interesting/Festering Symptoms
    the headaches are definitely festering ugh

    Appointments/US this week
    had my monthly this morning. im going to start some physical therapy and try massage for my headaches. baby sounded great 

    Random Questions
    none right now :)
    Excited to get a massage this week and hope it helps get rid of some of this tension. DD finally slept through the night again after so many issues! 

    What is your biggest fear about how a (or another) baby will change your life/routines? Biggest excitement?
    I worry about balancing my care for both kiddos. So excited to see dd as a big sister. I think she will be great (fingers crossed) 
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

  • @zg49 My ob cleared shakeology for me but in days i have it i dont take my prenatal but take a folic acid pill due same amounts of vitamins in both. she did not want me to have an over amount of a few of them. 
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

  • How far along today?
    13 weeks! 

    How big is baby?
    Lemon or Jalepeno

    New/Interesting/Festering Symptoms
    I have started having lower back pains at the end of the day, super low and sometimes tail bone pains. I am not sure if this is related to anything or what is causing it. Didn't figure back pain would start up just yet.

    Appointments/US this week
    Not until next week

    Random Questions
    Does anyone else have back pain this early on? Any advice? 

    I need to buy bigger bras and have been avoiding it but I can't wait for much longer, no excited about this. I was already very large to begin with. Also, I am wondering if there are even nursing bras for my size. UGH bras are my rant for sure! 

    What is your biggest fear about how a (or another) baby will change your life/routines? Biggest excitement?
    I think I'm too naive to be worried about how it will change things. FTM so no other kiddos around, obviously it will change how/what my husband and I do but right now I'm just excited for that change to come. Excited to get in a routine with the baby and be our own little family. 
  • edited January 2018
    How far along today? 15 weeks

    How big is baby? They are the size of oranges.

    New/Interesting/Festering Symptoms Intestinal bloating/cramps/grossness

    Appointments/US this week None

    Random Questions Anyone else have pain around belly button? not directly at the belly button but around. i'm not sure if it's just a growing thing or what? My uterus is an inch to two inches above my belly button [twins + 4th preg]

    Rants/Raves Raves -- hot pockets. Yes. It's what pregnant dreams are made of. 

    What is your biggest fear about how a (or another) baby will change your life/routines? Biggest excitement? 
    I'm nervous for no sleep with twins + 3 big kids. Who wouldn't be?!
  • How far along today? 12 weeks 

    How big is baby? Plum 

    New/Interesting/Festering Symptoms- felt a little dizzy yesterday when I stood up which was new. 

    Appointments/US this week- physical, blood work and ultrasound this Friday! I’m excited. Since my husband can’t go due to work, my mom is joining me and she’s just as excited for it. 

    Random Questions

    Rants/Raves- rant: still feel like I’m moody sometimes so hoping that goes away soon. Raves: my husband had a cleaning lady deep clean our house yesterday and I couldn’t be more appreciative. House is looking good plus he made dinner while I went to Pilates. Win! 

    What is your biggest fear about how a (or another) baby will change your life/routines? Biggest excitement? I am really excited for this new routine with the baby. I guess I am oblivious right now being a FTM so I don’t really have any fears. One thing I’m afraid of which may sound silly is that our bark happy/overprotective dog will be barking too much and scaring or waking the baby. I guess we have to work on that behavior now before the baby comes. I’m grateful we have a lot of family support and family nearby so I’m just so excited! 
  • How far along today? 12 wks 3 days

    How big is baby? Plum

    New/Interesting/Festering Symptoms - Evening nausea, please tell me this ends soon. 

    Appointments/US this week - None, had my NT and first blood work last week. 

    Random Questions

    Rants/Raves - People at work asking a friend of mine if I'm pregnant. Seriously, this has been going on for months since I'm "at that age" and DH and I have been together awhile. I plan on announcing this week, so thankfully that will all be over with.

    What is your biggest fear about how a (or another) baby will change your life/routines? Biggest excitement? Balancing being a working mom, this is baby number 1
  • @kg_tx Yes! I have been getting it too. usually a bath or a heating pad help a lot! 

    @bradybunchmom89 I haven't but I have a lot of extra padding definitely good be stretching? 
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

  • @lindsayleigh1989 Glad I'm not alone! You're right, baths do help some. I actually don't have a heating pad but just ordered one that will be here tomorrow. Thanks for the suggestion.
  • I'm a day late but I'm going to post anyway!

    How far along today?
    13 weeks

    How big is baby? Size of a lemon

    New/Interesting/Festering Symptoms Most of my symptoms are subsiding but I am still feeling super bloated/gross/like I ate too much at the end of the day.  Then wake up the next morning super hungry.

    Appointments/US this week No appointments until 1/31

    Random Questions None at the moment.

    Rants/Raves Rave - I've told people at work that I'm pregnant so now I don't feel like I have to hide my bump/blump in the office!  Freedom!

    What is your biggest fear about how a (or another) baby will change your life/routines? Biggest excitement? 
    I'm generally anxious about getting through the day to day with two kids.  Also worried about paying daycare for 2 (though DS4 will be Kindergarten in fall 2019 so we'll be paying double daycare for less than a year, phew).  

    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • @mamabird18 I'm glad I'm not the only one worried about grocery shopping with two kids!  Especially for "quick trips" where right now I can just let DS4 in with me to grab a few things (as opposed to dealing with the shopping cart).  Can't exactly do that with an infant.  I'll have to start observing moms of 2+ like you mentioned - didn't even think to do that.
    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • I'm a day late too, but still want to post.

    How far along today? 
    15 weeks!

    How big is baby? Orange

    New/Interesting/Festering Symptoms I've got intense congestion.  Add that to the swollen nasal passages and I'm a mess and not feeling well today.  My doc recommended Claritin and a decongestant nasal spray so I'll pull those out of the medicine cabinet after I get off this conference call.

    Appointments/US this week My appointment was today!  Just a belly and heartbeat check - 130 and healthy!  

    What is your biggest fear about how a (or another) baby will change your life/routines? Biggest excitement? 
    Add me into the group who definitely doesn't want to have an only child, but at the same time am mourning the fact that I won't have as much alone time with DD. I cried about this often in the first couple weeks that I was pregnant!  She LOVES babies though, so that will hopefully be fun.
  • OH - and I definitely plan to do exactly was @zg49 says for grocery shopping!
  • @MichelleAG05 for nasal congestion try a Neti pot if you haven’t already. It has helped me a lot! 
  • edited January 2018
    @kg_tx My back pain started around probably 7-8 weeks with this pregnancy. I have sacroiliitis so I'm sure that contributes but it's most intense mid to lower back. I find stretching, back support when sitting, and a good pair of supportive shoes really helps. Also, for bras - I'm a 32DDD prepregnancy and I've found that I can get a few more months out of my regular bras if I add an extender. They can be purchased at a fabric store or most craft stores (or I'm sure on Amazon).

    @bradybunchmom89 During my first pregnancy, the first change I noticed in my belly (besides size) was tingling around / just above my belly button. It definitely felt weird, almost painful like when your foot is falling asleep. It eventually went totally numb just from the skin stretching so much. The feeling came back as soon as LO was born though :)

    Editing bc words
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