New/Interesting/Festering Symptoms headaches continue but nausea does seem to be getting a bit better Appointments/US this week no appointments this week Random Questions nothing really Rants/Raves hate that my nasal passages are so swollen all the time. Favorite memory from the Holidays this year? my daughter seeing her joy with our families and excitment
How far along today? 14 weeks New/Interesting/Festering Symptoms My ass is humongous. My baby is performing miracles! Lol (Excuse the dirty mirror. My SO’s cat loves smearing his dirty paws everywhere.) Appointments/US this week Supposed to be notified of my upcoming ultrasound. *Eye roll* Random Questions How women can look so graceful and beautiful while pregnant? I feel like a whale. And not a majestic one. Rants/Raves My SO is so moody. I guess we’re just two moody people this week. Favorite memory from the Holidays this year? On Christmas when I got to watch my son open all his gifts. He was especially excited for his Thomas train set.
New/Interesting/Festering Symptoms Nothing new, random headaches but thankfully they are getting less common.
Appointments/US this week Nothing this week
Random Questions Can't think of anything at the moment.
Rants/Raves I'm getting paranoid that I haven't felt symptoms since week 7 and I don't go back to the dr until week 14. I had been doing good with embracing it and being thankful for no symptoms but the paranoia is creeping in now. I so can't wait for my appointment in 3 weeks.
Favorite memory from the Holidays this year? Getting all of my decorations put out, my grandmother passed away last year and I received a lot of her christmas decorations that I always enjoyed at her house. It was very special to have them out at my house this year.
How far along today? 10 weeks - the size of a strawberry! I'm due the absolute last day of July, so just joining you guys now.
New/Interesting/Festering Symptoms Nothing new. Total exhaustion with intermittent nausea and headaches.
Appointments/US this week Nothing until next week.
Random Questions Nothing off the top of my head.
Rants/Raves It was a balmy 1°F this morning when I left the house. I'm trying to remember when pregnancy made me feel like a human incubator last time.
Favorite memory from the Holidays this year? Having my son "help" me make Christmas cookies. They all turned out okay, despite his more unique methods. :-)
How far along today? 11 weeks! Size of a brussels sprout or a fig.
New/Interesting/Festering Symptoms ALL the gastrointestinal symptoms. All of them. At once.
Appointments/US this week First prenatal with my OB is on Friday! They're not doing an ultrasound for some reason, so I have to bring copies of my last US from my RE. I'm nervous to have "graduated" to the regular OB and to not be having US all the time anymore.
@chicxulub +1 for not understanding graceful and beautiful pregnant women. I'm just a big ball of bloat, and I look about as sick and tired as I feel. My makeup couldn't cover it up today, and I got a few "you look tired" comments. Yeah, thanks people.
@beanship My SO likes to shake my belly. When he does that, in my head all I can picture is fat bastard from Austin Powers. In addition, I don’t even bother with makeup anymore. I can count on my fingers how many times I put it on in 2017. I’m just a lazy oaf. Makeup is too time consuming. I rather look like Oscar the grouch tbh. Lol However I wonder if I’m having a girl because this “pregnancy glow” is nonexistent.
How far along today? 14 weeks on Tuesday (14w 2 d b/c I'm behind updating this.)
New/Interesting/Festering Symptoms The nausea festers and festers and needs to end soon.
Appointments/US this week Had an appointment on Tuesday. Weight gain is not what I would have wanted, but I'm claiming Christmas + nausea meaning I only want carbs. Hoping the nausea clears up so I can start eating better, and the energy comes back so I can get back to my exercise regimen. Dr. suggested movement would help--the elliptical this morning did not seem to help. Sigh.
Random Questions No questions this week, unless anyone has a crystal ball to let me know when I'll feel better.
Rants/Raves Boy #3 is on the way; when will boys #1 and #2 learn to pee IN THE TOILET instead of on the seat/on the floor/who knows where else? The smell from their bathroom is gag inducing; making them clean it tonight.
Favorite memory from the Holidays this year? Watching my boys open their gifts, and the joy on their faces.
~~Wife to one amazing man~~ ~~Mama to 3 crazy boys~~ ~~Wrangler of 2 cats~~
Re: Tuesday Ticker Change 1/2/18
14 weeks! size of a beet!
New/Interesting/Festering Symptoms
headaches continue but nausea does seem to be getting a bit better
Appointments/US this week
no appointments this week
Random Questions
nothing really
hate that my nasal passages are so swollen all the time.
Favorite memory from the Holidays this year?
my daughter seeing her joy with our families and excitment
14 weeks
New/Interesting/Festering Symptoms
My ass is humongous. My baby is performing miracles! Lol (Excuse the dirty mirror. My SO’s cat loves smearing his dirty paws everywhere.)
Appointments/US this week
Supposed to be notified of my upcoming ultrasound. *Eye roll*
Random Questions
How women can look so graceful and beautiful while pregnant? I feel like a whale. And not a majestic one.
My SO is so moody. I guess we’re just two moody people this week.
Favorite memory from the Holidays this year?
On Christmas when I got to watch my son open all his gifts. He was especially excited for his Thomas train set.
11 weeks
New/Interesting/Festering Symptoms
Nothing new, random headaches but thankfully they are getting less common.
Appointments/US this week
Nothing this week
Random Questions
Can't think of anything at the moment.
I'm getting paranoid that I haven't felt symptoms since week 7 and I don't go back to the dr until week 14. I had been doing good with embracing it and being thankful for no symptoms but the paranoia is creeping in now. I so can't wait for my appointment in 3 weeks.
Favorite memory from the Holidays this year?
Getting all of my decorations put out, my grandmother passed away last year and I received a lot of her christmas decorations that I always enjoyed at her house. It was very special to have them out at my house this year.
10 weeks - the size of a strawberry! I'm due the absolute last day of July, so just joining you guys now.
New/Interesting/Festering Symptoms
Nothing new. Total exhaustion with intermittent nausea and headaches.
Appointments/US this week
Nothing until next week.
Random Questions
Nothing off the top of my head.
It was a balmy 1°F this morning when I left the house. I'm trying to remember when pregnancy made me feel like a human incubator last time.
Favorite memory from the Holidays this year?
Having my son "help" me make Christmas cookies. They all turned out okay, despite his more unique methods. :-)
New/Interesting/Festering Symptoms ALL the gastrointestinal symptoms. All of them. At once.
Appointments/US this week First prenatal with my OB is on Friday! They're not doing an ultrasound for some reason, so I have to bring copies of my last US from my RE. I'm nervous to have "graduated" to the regular OB and to not be having US all the time anymore.
Random Questions
Rants/Raves Frozen pipes. Hunting husband. Uncooperative stomach.
Favorite memory from the Holidays this year? Telling family about the baby! Also I love decorating the tree.
New/Interesting/Festering Symptoms I developed a SCH and have been having intermittent heavy bleeding. It's terrible.
Appointments/US this week I had one yesterday -- babies are measuring 12w6d and 13w2d and kicking and bouncing like crazy!
Random Questions Anyone have experience with SCH?
Favorite memory from the Holidays this year? Reading christmas books with my kiddos every night during the season
14 weeks on Tuesday (14w 2 d b/c I'm behind updating this.)
New/Interesting/Festering Symptoms
The nausea festers and festers and needs to end soon.
Appointments/US this week
Had an appointment on Tuesday. Weight gain is not what I would have wanted, but I'm claiming Christmas + nausea meaning I only want carbs. Hoping the nausea clears up so I can start eating better, and the energy comes back so I can get back to my exercise regimen. Dr. suggested movement would help--the elliptical this morning did not seem to help. Sigh.
Random Questions
No questions this week, unless anyone has a crystal ball to let me know when I'll feel better.
Boy #3 is on the way; when will boys #1 and #2 learn to pee IN THE TOILET instead of on the seat/on the floor/who knows where else? The smell from their bathroom is gag inducing; making them clean it tonight.
Favorite memory from the Holidays this year?
Watching my boys open their gifts, and the joy on their faces.
~~Wife to one amazing man~~
~~Mama to 3 crazy boys~~
~~Wrangler of 2 cats~~