I want one that i can see. I like your arrow @wildtot. I've been considering something on an arm or on the inside/front of my shoulder, but haven't decided on what yet nor have I saved up the $$ for it.
no tats here! too scared of needles for anytbing but necessity and plasma donation haha also I am so impulsive at times I would fear I would get something I would hate down the line
I have six. My first was a small heart on my sleeve, but I want to cover it. I have "walk a little straighter" on my foot, "in spite of my history, this is me" on my arm, a semicolon on my wrist, just got a safety pin for Friday the 13th and the ambigram "I'm fine/save me". Most of mine are on my left arm as I'm working on turning it into a sleeve.
A few, but super behind. I'm working on a quarter sleeve, I have a cherry blossom branch and two lotus flowers on my arm and shoulder so far, but still need to get my marigolds and delphinium added in. Then I have two little birds over my heart, need to add a third, though. I also have Expecto Patronum cuffed around my other arm above the elbow. Need to still get Carol King lyrics with my mom, too, as well as convince my best friend to do a corresponding one with me, and my husband to do ring fingers with me (he's lost some many rings he just doesn't wear one at all). Tattoos are so fun!!!!!
P.S. I hate needles too, lol. I can't watch them be done on me.
3 tattoos here, but they’re all small. I’ve got one on my wrist, hip and middle finger. I’d love to get a partial sleeve- I love the look, but I don’t think I could ever commit to something so big.
DH says i would look good with a full sleeve but yeah maybe too much for me. I want to get things that mean something. He has a full sleeve and chest and they look nice and all have strong personal meanings. I’ll probably wait at least another year or so for the second. I was thinking a feather with 3 birds (one would be partially formed to honor two living children and my MC. But I’ll wait on that.
@wildtot That sounds beautiful. I am in full support of waiting for meaning, that's what all of mine are (actually, the birds on my chest are for MCs, they went a long way in helping me heal, so I will totally encourage you on that one).
People always say "you'll regret it when you're older," but they are all so heavy with sentiment that I honestly feel I never will. It's artwork mapping out my life's important experiences, so even when I'm older and I'm not in the same place, it's still an expression of where I've been, and I'll never be able to regret that
I have one on my left wrist. It says strength. I got it 2 days after my 18th birthday. I’ve always wanted a half sleeve. Would it look weird to just have a half sleeve from the wrist to the elbow? I have fat upper arms and not sure it would look as good up there.
@d_marie_23 totally agree; they key to not regretting when you're older is to not make rash choices based on meaningless current trends or to get a tattoo just to have one. Not every design I have on me has personal meaning, but the reason I got it does. I literally let my best friend pick the design of my last tattoo, because I got it with her for her 40th birthday. It was one she wanted her whole life, and I wanted to celebrate our relationship. So it means something and I love it even if I didn't chose the design (which I also love, incidentally. I wouldn't have gotten something I hated). My first I sat on for 6 years before getting it, and ended up getting inked on our five year anniversary. My second and third I got at the same time, when we decided to move to CO, Which was extremely significant. So all of mine are tied to life events in some way, or to relationships I have. There's no way I'm going to ever regret that.
Oops, I actually have six! I forgot about the teeny one I got on my ring finger of my husband's initials. I got it at the same time as another because it was so tiny it's not the kind of tattoo you go and pay for on its own.
These are the only two I can photograph easily on my own. The bottom is our family tattoo, my husband has the same one and we'll add to it as we have/adopt more kids. The top is the California tattoo I always wanted and finally got when we decided to move.
christycalifornia said: the key to not regretting when you're older is to not make rash choices based on meaningless current trends or to get a tattoo just to have one.
I couldn’t stress this more! Back when I was 16 I lost a bet, and went to get my tongue pierced with my bestie. Thankfully they were out of studs (!!), so instead I got a tattoo. I had never even contemplated the idea before, and so I told the man “give me something no one else will have”. Well, he did. I ended up with what is best described as Gumby on Crack (green & yellow & white), on my lower abdomen. His arms were elevated above his head, raising the roof style, and just the head & arms were visible above bikini bottoms. Strangers would stop me on the beach bc ‘they had a friend who could cover it’.
My 30th bday gift to myself was tattoo removal! Sadly, I was very ill at the time & literally had to do all 10 laser session without any pain meds.. but totally worth it to get rid of it!!
@Crystal321 Looking back, it’s pretty funny now. I was a super rebellious over-achiever (valedictorian & the whole 9-yards) - so it was entirely out of character & probably righteous payback for what I put my parents through from 14-21 years old.
No tattoos here. I am definitely not against getting/having one myself, I’ve just never come across or thought of anything that really struck me as meaningful or important enough to put into a design for a tattoo. Maybe someday!
Lab Mom (x2): Sept/Oct 2014 Married: August 2015 DS: Nov 2016 (36w) Baby H #2: July2018 (Team Pink!)
i have one tattoo, it started out as a dove with an Olive branch that says love & peace in polish (Milosc i pokoj) but, now it looks like a crow. -_- it’s on my inner hip/ belly and I got it at 18. My stretch marks weren’t kind to it last pregnancy.
The only tat I have is my lower back tattoo I got when I was drunk and 17 underage. Womp womp God I hate that tattoo shop that allowed me to get inked there. Man did I get in big trouble.
I have one, on my right foot- the Chinese symbol for Love. I want a lot more, but DH hates them, so that's out. I know it's my body, blah blah blah but out of respect for him, I won't do it.
@WorkinWeezel it took me years to get one out respect (fear) of my parents who hate them. They often judged people with them (mostly my mom), but i always wanted one. Finally gave in at 29 yrs lol
@wildtot I was 21 and asked my parents' permission. I knew they hated them, but I was a good student, worked all thru college, and they couldn't give me a good enough answer not to LOL
Re: K
#4- EDD July 14
#4- EDD July 14
#4- EDD July 14
#4- EDD July 14
Thats a cute arrow!! @wildtot
Side note - was this an accidental post?
ETA exclamations to show my excitement
Lab Mom (x2): Sept/Oct 2014
Married: August 2015
DS: Nov 2016 (36w)
Baby H #2: July2018 (Team Pink!)
I have 2 tattoos; 1 on my left foot and the other on the back of my neck.
Eta: the bump ate part of my post.
P.S. I hate needles too, lol. I can't watch them be done on me.
People always say "you'll regret it when you're older," but they are all so heavy with sentiment that I honestly feel I never will. It's artwork mapping out my life's important experiences, so even when I'm older and I'm not in the same place, it's still an expression of where I've been, and I'll never be able to regret that
Oops, I actually have six! I forgot about the teeny one I got on my ring finger of my husband's initials. I got it at the same time as another because it was so tiny it's not the kind of tattoo you go and pay for on its own.
These are the only two I can photograph easily on my own. The bottom is our family tattoo, my husband has the same one and we'll add to it as we have/adopt more kids. The top is the California tattoo I always wanted and finally got when we decided to move.
Well, he did. I ended up with what is best described as Gumby on Crack (green & yellow & white), on my lower abdomen. His arms were elevated above his head, raising the roof style, and just the head & arms were visible above bikini bottoms. Strangers would stop me on the beach bc ‘they had a friend who could cover it’.
My 30th bday gift to myself was tattoo removal! Sadly, I was very ill at the time & literally had to do all 10 laser session without any pain meds..
but totally worth it to get rid of it!!
Lab Mom (x2): Sept/Oct 2014
Married: August 2015
DS: Nov 2016 (36w)
Baby H #2: July2018 (Team Pink!)
i have one tattoo, it started out as a dove with an Olive branch that says love & peace in polish (Milosc i pokoj) but, now it looks like a crow. -_- it’s on my inner hip/ belly and I got it at 18. My stretch marks weren’t kind to it last pregnancy.
Married: 6/27/2008
DS: 3/14/2010 Planned, PG first try
M/C 6/2012
DD: 4/22/2013 Planned, UnDx Infertility, PG on our own
BFP: 10/28/2016 Unplanned, HUGE SURPRISE!
M/C 12/12/2016
BFP: 10/27/2017 Unplanned, HUGE SURPRISE
EDD: 7/2/2018
Married: 6/27/2008
DS: 3/14/2010 Planned, PG first try
M/C 6/2012
DD: 4/22/2013 Planned, UnDx Infertility, PG on our own
BFP: 10/28/2016 Unplanned, HUGE SURPRISE!
M/C 12/12/2016
BFP: 10/27/2017 Unplanned, HUGE SURPRISE
EDD: 7/2/2018