July 2018 Moms

Elevated liver enzymes 1st tri

I had slightly elevated liver enzymes week 6 of pregnancy. Did a recheck blood test today and waiting for results. I also have abdominal tightening and the constant urge to pee since yesterday but also happened a week ago for a day. It is every 3-10 min I am on the toilet. Anyone have experience with either of those things or maybe they are related? 

Re: Elevated liver enzymes 1st tri

  • Hi welcome, I don't think I have seen you post before. If you are new make sure to add an intro to the introductions thread and your i fo to the spreadsheet and also read the "read first " post :) I apologize if you have and this js all repeat. 

    I haven't had this happen before as far as enzymes but I do get the cramping and feel like I have to pee quite often. I am kind of wondering what it is you are looking for so we can be helpful? such as just looking for shared experience or if anyone has had symptoms like that? 
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

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