TTC after 35

TTA35 Weekly Check In : 12/25/17

Status (WTO/TWW/Benched/in process of testing or treatment)

CD, CD/DPO (if applicable):

What are you doing this cycle? (Testing? Treatment? Vitamins/supplements?):


Questions for the group:

GTKY: How was everyone’s holiday??

What are you thankful for this week?

Re: TTA35 Weekly Check In : 12/25/17

  • IVF

    Possibly triggering tonight just waiting for the call! If I do egg retrieval will be on Thurs! She said there is still some smaller follicles but she doesn’t want to lose the bigger ones.

    Ugh H just got on my last nerve! Isn’t funny how we can love them one minute and want to strangle them the next?!?!

    Holiday was great other than I have like a million things to put  away! 

    I am thankful that I will Be able to drink on NYE :D.
  • @ndz2018 good luck with the trigger & egg retrieval! FX for success!

    Status (WTO/TWW/Benched/in process of testing or treatment): WTO (any day now!)

    CD, CD/DPO (if applicable): CD 14

    What are you doing this cycle? (Testing? Treatment? Vitamins/supplements?): Temping/timing

    : More of an embarrassing moment, but my dad and stepmom came over to see our new house on Christmas Eve. I wasn't expecting the master bathroom to be part of the tour and my CBE OPK was still sitting out. Dad thought it was a pregnancy test and asked if it was positive. I just told him "that's a fertility monitor, but either way, nope."

    Questions for the group:
    none for now

    GTKY: How was everyone’s holiday??
    Ours was good. DD is with her dad for Christmas this year, DH's parents were sick, and my dad and his wife are in the process of moving so on Christmas Day it was just DH and me. It was a nice, slow, relaxing holiday. We went to a wonderful candlelight service at church and then slept in Christmas day, opened gifts, and DH made ham and stuffing for dinner and egg nog mixed drinks for dessert :D

    What are you thankful for this week?
    I'm thankful Christmas is over. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE the holiday season and go obnoxiously all out every year, but I'm ready for new years and to start getting back to normalcy. 
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  • I'm in TWW and AF should come by New Years yippee lol! I had my random spotting start up again yesterday and today. Should stop soon. I have no idea why this new symptom is starting up.

    im still taking my gazillion supplements. Re consult in a couple weeks. I'm ready and nervous. Not sure if they'll find something abnormal in my uterus or not. It's the only thing left to look at. All else is normal range in my body. Dh still says it all about the timing but I'm over perfectly timed intercourse.

    we have tons of toys in our house and the mess is driving my anxiety up! We enjoyed Xmas and time off with family. Dh and myself are off for another week so that's nice!
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  • Turns out one More night of stims and triggering tomorrow. Guess they want the smaller follicles to grow.
  • Lots of bigger follicles today especially on the right, I lost count around 11 ... all good measurements! Less on the left maybe like 7, honestly they go so quick I can’t keep up. But things are finishing up  ER should be Friday and I couldnt Be more ready for it! 
  • great news @ndz2018 - GL on the ER.

    I played at a really nice funeral service today.  Dang is it cold!  Anyone feeling that arctic blast?  Just makes me want to stay inside.
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  • when you said your DH pissed you off the other day it reminded me of something DH says sometimes to me.  When we are talking about fertility treatments he'll say "maybe you just need a jump start"  what am I a car?!  Because I tell him everything is working properly in me so that's why he says jump start.  I don't like when he said maybe medicine is the only way I will conceive.  I told him I've conceived twice without medicine before.  He's more open to trying medicine than I am - I'm more open to natural remedies.  Guess it is my body and I'm picky about what goes into it then he says it just depends on how much I want a baby.  I guess we'll find out.
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  • @vlagrl29 Yeah sometime they literally don’t get it!  When is your appointment for the RE again? 
  • Jan 9 at 9:45. I didn't want to do it when DD is on Xmas break and that was a good decision. I need to fax my stuff over today or tomorrow. Get it done for the final time!!
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  • @vlagrl29 Ok so it’s less than 2 weeks away!
    Got the call!! Triggering tonight and tomorrow morning for fri morninng retrieval! The nurse said we ROCKED IT! She was telling me numbers but I was driving so didn’t get them but it sounded like a lot 
  • Glad the numbers are good! @ndz2018

    do they do an u/s the first appt or is it only a consult? The saline thing you had done is it a certain cycle day?
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  • @vlagrl29 the first app was the consult , US and BW. The saline sono was around the same time as the HSG test, actually it was the day after my HSG. I think It was between Day 7-14, if I remember correctly.
  • I had HSG done cycle day 8 so it might work out well as I'll be cd 8 or 9 day of consult. Fx I don't have to repeat all the tests I've already had done.
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  • I really hope they don’t have to repeat any of them! Did you ask if your tests you’ve done in the last year would still be good ? 
  • I told the receptionist I've had it all done with an OB. She said to fax them over. We are on a very small budget so I hope they'll take that into consideration. That would wipe it all out. I'll pay for that saline sono though. Hope it's not to expensive.
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  • Status (WTO/TWW/Benched/in process of testing or treatment): WTO should be any day

    CD, CD/DPO (if applicable): CD14

    What are you doing this cycle? (Testing? Treatment? Vitamins/supplements?): Prenatal vitamins D, coq10 red rasberry leaf tea


    Questions for the group:

    GTKY: How was everyone’s holiday?? Busy but nice 

    What are you thankful for this week? For my 3 day weekend coming up and I have no plans to do anything since last week was spent running around.

    @ndz2018 Good luck tomorrow with ER sounds like you had a great number!!!! 

    Not feeling very hopeful this cycle as DH had been working weird hours and we only BD once so far. When he works nights he has to leave by 8 and I get home around 630 so it's like hurry up and half the time I don't even feel like it after working all day. 
  • @Labluver2 I’m so looking forward to the 3 day weekend as well!! We are supposed to go to Philly for the night and to see Pretty Lights but my foster dog is still coughing and everyone we know has dogs, and we wouldn’t chance their dogs getting it or the ones without dogs have plans. So it may just be a relaxing night at home.

  • yea for last shot! @ndz2018 until PIOs right?

    I'll be faxing over our medical release forms for the fertility tests today.  Oh and we have 3 6 year old girls in our house today - let the fun begin!
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  • YUP! Last shot till PIO, which probably won’t be till March, potentially April.

    Oh boy! Have fun with those lil sassy things! H and I always say we hope we have a boy Bc if our daughter is anything like me we are in BIG trouble! 
  • DD is so strong willed and sassy! She will give me attitude lately and I have to tell her not to. I left dh with them while I went to get groceries. He's surrounded by girls!
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  • So I was googling saline sono and it looks like it can see scar tissue which is great cause that's what I want. However I hope they are ok with me waiting until cd13 or 14 to get it done since I have history of not turning a bfp until cd 12 and I don't want it to hurt an embryo just floating around I don't know about.  I don't O until cd 15-17 so that would be the ideal window to get it done. OCD I am :)
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  • ndz2018ndz2018 member
    edited December 2017
    @vlagrl29 did it say what the cost  was?
  • No but I'm fine if it's around $200. The office told me ultrasounds were around $200.
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  • holy crap! @ndz2018 - I can't even imagine.  What do they do with them?  Freeze them until it's time to use them?
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  • @ndz2018 Woah!!!! What's the next step after? I'm sure they freeze them right? 
  • ugh I started spotting more today so I'm sure AF is right around the corner - I'm over it.  Onto month 12 TTCAL - I just want to stop all of this.  Take me to hawaii....
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  • And AF just came perfectly on time
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  • @vlagrl29 I'm sorry. I know how frustrating it is. I've been at it for 4 years I don't want to loose the small bit of hope I have left but every month I'm just used to a BFN which is why I don't test anymore. IUI was even more emotional bc I thought I would have a better shot but after 6 failed IUIs I'm back where I started not being able to afford ivf. 
  • @Labluver2 - thanks. Some months are better than others but this month was a bit harder for me as its been a year since the loss. I've already been thru the worst and don't want to go thru the infertility treatment roller coaster so I'm going to be very direct with the RE. This evening I told dh AF started. I told him it's ok, we are about to be at the last step of this journey and then I'll be done. I said 2018 is the last year we will actively ttc. I'm so over it but I need this last part of the puzzle to get some clarity. He came back in the bedroom and hugged me while I cried.

    i don't test anymore either. I just don't see the point when AF always comes and in a very timely manner.
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  • @vlagrl29 Ugh im sorry AF showed up :/ it truly sucks
    @Labluver2 and @vlagrl29 today I will get a report on how many were fertilized we’ll be using ICSI so I’m hoping quite a few. Then we wait..... wait to see how many make it to day 5 those will get biopsied and frozen. It takes about 2 weeks to get the results from the PGS testing. 
  • @ndz2018 - I'm glad you had a lot of eggs.  I always think it's better to have as many as possible in case some don't make it.
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  • Got the call this morning the 25 were matured and 21 fertilized. 
  • @ndz2018 I'm glad a lot fertilized. Can you believe your body produced that many eggs? 
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  • @vlagrl29 NO! I cant! They may be fertilized but there is no guarantee how many will Be normal. 
     I can feel  my ovaries screaming at me now though, I’m very sore and do not feel well today, at all. 
  • Well I hope you feel better @ndz2018

    what are everyone's plans for New Years?  Dh is feeling sick today so if he feels better tomorrow we are going to find something to do with DD. If not we'll just stay home.
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  • @vlagrl29 Thanks! Hope DH feels better and you guys can enjoy NYE!
    We were supposed to go to Philly for a show and party all night but They told me I’m not suppose to drink for a week and if I feel Like I do Now, I’ll be asleep way before The clock strikes midnight! 

  • @ndz2018 maybe next New Years you'll be partying with a newborn :)

    im always good to watch the ball drop and promptly pass out afterwards.
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  • @ndz2018 wishing you luck!!!

    So today I've been having lots of watery CM so now I'm wondering if I'm going to ovulate later I'm CD17 today. I had some left ovary pain today guess I will proceed to BD just in case I haven't ovulated yet.

    @vlagrl29 hubby has to work so I'll be spending NYE with the fur kids alone. Not really feeling like going out and the fur kids are much better company sometimes. 
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