I totally stood with the “pregnant woman stance” on the subway at on the ferry in NY in order to guilt someone into giving me their seat. My feet hurt so bad that I didn’t care.
My kid already has too many Christmas presents and I bought 2 more last night because I felt like it. And we already do not need anymore toys. I am highly suggestable. Thanks Amazon Prime for promising to deliver before Christmas.
@cups4 sameeee. I’ve bought all the stuff and was ready to do it before I got sick. And now I couldn’t care less. I’m hoping my mom does it before I’m off bedrest.
My dad came over with his electrician friend and they're doing all this stuff around the house. I'm so thankful, but forgot they were going to be here and the house is a mess and i have so much to do today. I kind of just want them to leave.
Also, DH had a half day today but they kids didn't do we were going to get lunch but don't think we can now.
@onesmallcoconut, if my shower head could talk it would be able to reveal all my deep secrets and all of my plans for arguments that may or may not happen, haha.
My fffc is I never pictured myself as a "boy" or "girl" mom. I always just wanted to be a mom and seriously never gave much thought about which sex I'd prefer. DH is the same way. We just knew we wanted to be parents. We'd get so mad during our first pregnancy when people would ask what we "preferred" the twins to be and then argue with us when we said we didn't care. "But you have to care! Everyone cares!" Nope. We didn't and we still don't. If our twins had been the same sex I could see us having maybe a small preference for the opposite sex this pregnancy, but I'm not even sure about that. And even people now ask what we prefer and then say "you know, it's your tie breaker!" No crap genius. We still don't care!
@suchaglencoco my next confession was goi g to be that I didn’t care about the sex of the baby either time. People assumed that I would be excited to have a girl this time around since we already have a boy, but I honestly was indifferent. They way I saw it, if we had a boy, we had all the clothes and are “used to” having a boy and if we had a girl, it would be cool too because we already have a son.
I still call baby it even though we know the sex. It's a habit I cant seem to break.
Thanks for the reminder! At 6 am, in a fog of non sleep, I decided we shall stop calling this baby "bean" and call it "baby Mayday". It was really funny that early... now I'm not so sure.
Ok, is that weird?? I thought maybe it was, but then thought it was just me. My ob actually said it during my last appt as well.
@mileswithmyles, glad I'm not alone in this. My mom was excited to finally have a girl after 2 boys and I was not what she expected. Everyone we met thought I was a boy. I liked dirt over dolls. I played sports and hated dance. My eldest brother hates to be dirty, loves to shop, was in theater. So I guess in my mind, kids surprise you with their own personality so I never pictured one sex doing one activity with me, if that makes sense.
Ugh, I wish I hadn't cared what sex this one is. We had our AS on Thursday and I've been in a funk since. I really wanted another girl. I was in love with the idea of my daughter having a sister, reusing all the outfits I loved so much, and I have no fucking clue what I want to do about circumcision. I never wanted to have to decide on that issue. I've been crying off and on since we found out and I feel like a monumentally shitty mom because of it.
Mentally, I know I'll love him and, one day, I won't be able to imagine life without him. But my heart, fuck my heart is broken ATM. My husband and I went through the 13 bins of clothes and supplies I had saved from our daughter. I have 3 keepsake/hopeful 3rd bins and 2 bins of sizes she hasn't grown into yet. I actually realized that I was putting a lot of emotional emphasis on clothes that really was seriously misplaced. An overwhelming majority were clothes that were cute but weren't really *that* special. I cried a lot through the process but actually came out of it feeling as though the experience was pretty cathartic. I'll consign the clothes we purged and it may be enough to fund this boy's wardrobe before we move in June.
Anyway, I'm still not as excited as I want to be but I'm making steps in the right direction. I'll get there before he arrives, I'm sure of it.
@suchaglencoco i mean, what's the debate you need another child to decide? I get why people say it i guess, it just seems weird. In our house, DD2 wanted us to sit "boy girl" (they did it at preschool) and was disappointed to find that we couldn't really accomplish that with 3 females and 1 male. So for seating reasons, she's open to having a boy.
@nanifrog, I guess how the majority of us will pee???? I don't really know! I mean I guess I could see semi hoping for a boy so we spend less on tp and tampons eventually, haha.
We've lightly toyed with the idea of a 4th here and there in the future and I already dread the "I bet you hope this one is a XYZ to even out your family" type of things. That'll be a big fat no as well! I loved being the only girl with 3 brothers. DHs sisters loved having a sister and he didn't care about not having a brother.
@suchaglencoco, you make a good point about the peeing. If you have another boy, your H will be the one taking 2 to the bathroom in public. I'm so happy i won't have to take 3 kids. This also means H will be doing most public diaper changes since I'll have 2 in the bathroom. The girls only want to go to the women's bathroom so they won't even go to the family one unless there's no choice. I realize toileting is a big trigger for our family and not the focus of everyone else's world.
I honestly don't really have a preference on the sex of this baby not did I for DS, but I'll say this for my son...he's a mommy's boy! Without prompting, he hugs me and tells me he loves me multiple times a day. He'll rub my cheek and say, "I love you, Mommy!" He's my only child (at the moment), so nothing to compare it to. I've just heard that mothers and sons have a special bond.
@suchaglencoco, you make a good point about the peeing. If you have another boy, your H will be the one taking 2 to the bathroom in public. I'm so happy i won't have to take 3 kids. This also means H will be doing most public diaper changes since I'll have 2 in the bathroom. The girls only want to go to the women's bathroom so they won't even go to the family one unless there's no choice. I realize toileting is a big trigger for our family and not the focus of everyone else's world.
The public bathroom saga is so hard! My boys are almost 6 and 4, and the 6 year old started wanting to go to the men's room at about 5- which is fine if DH is there but if it's just me I have to have a raging internal debate over the ethics of having him in the ladies room vs. the dangers of the restroom alone. This probably belongs in questions vs. confessions but what is the appropriate age for boys to use the restroom/ locker room by themselves? I suppose my confession is that I take both boys to the (kids) girls locker room at the Y after swimming- they need supervision showering and dressing still, and they don't have a family locker room that has a shower and stuff. Is this appropriate?
@k5678 I think it's appropriate for him to still use the locker room with you. Is the y thinking of creating a family locker room? DS is only 2.5 so I haven't had to cross that bridge but I totally get where you are coming from.
I will take my boys in the bathroom/locker room with me until at least 7 or 8, depending on where we are. Our suburban pool down the street, they can go in the men’s room, some random bathroom in downtown chicago? They’re with me. I saw an 8 year old boy in the womens room the other day, who had his eyes closed and was announcing “I’m not looking, I can’t see anything, I have my eyes closed!” As his Mom led him by the shoulder to a stall. It was pretty cute.
I guess i don't often think about the downside of that. DD1 insists on the women's room. If there's no family or unisex bathroom (thankfully in NY this had become more frequent) he nervously stands outside the women's room. He hates feeling like someone is going to think he's a creep and is always worried something will happen to her. Once, they were at the county pool and DD1 went into the women's room. She wasn't coming out and DH was getting really worried (i think she was 5). He asked the attendant to check. She had decided to take a shower !!!
Re: FFFC 12/22
Also, DH had a half day today but they kids didn't do we were going to get lunch but don't think we can now.
Don't potty train till 3.
My fffc is I never pictured myself as a "boy" or "girl" mom. I always just wanted to be a mom and seriously never gave much thought about which sex I'd prefer. DH is the same way. We just knew we wanted to be parents.
We'd get so mad during our first pregnancy when people would ask what we "preferred" the twins to be and then argue with us when we said we didn't care. "But you have to care! Everyone cares!" Nope. We didn't and we still don't.
If our twins had been the same sex I could see us having maybe a small preference for the opposite sex this pregnancy, but I'm not even sure about that.
And even people now ask what we prefer and then say "you know, it's your tie breaker!" No crap genius. We still don't care!
Ok, is that weird?? I thought maybe it was, but then thought it was just me. My ob actually said it during my last appt as well.
@mileswithmyles, glad I'm not alone in this.
My mom was excited to finally have a girl after 2 boys and I was not what she expected. Everyone we met thought I was a boy. I liked dirt over dolls. I played sports and hated dance. My eldest brother hates to be dirty, loves to shop, was in theater. So I guess in my mind, kids surprise you with their own personality so I never pictured one sex doing one activity with me, if that makes sense.
Mentally, I know I'll love him and, one day, I won't be able to imagine life without him. But my heart, fuck my heart is broken ATM. My husband and I went through the 13 bins of clothes and supplies I had saved from our daughter. I have 3 keepsake/hopeful 3rd bins and 2 bins of sizes she hasn't grown into yet. I actually realized that I was putting a lot of emotional emphasis on clothes that really was seriously misplaced. An overwhelming majority were clothes that were cute but weren't really *that* special. I cried a lot through the process but actually came out of it feeling as though the experience was pretty cathartic. I'll consign the clothes we purged and it may be enough to fund this boy's wardrobe before we move in June.
Anyway, I'm still not as excited as I want to be but I'm making steps in the right direction. I'll get there before he arrives, I'm sure of it.
I mean I guess I could see semi hoping for a boy so we spend less on tp and tampons eventually, haha.
We've lightly toyed with the idea of a 4th here and there in the future and I already dread the "I bet you hope this one is a XYZ to even out your family" type of things. That'll be a big fat no as well! I loved being the only girl with 3 brothers. DHs sisters loved having a sister and he didn't care about not having a brother.