Pregnant after IF

3rd Tri Check in Week Dec18th ***NEW LEADER NEEDED***

This is a weekly check in for the mamas  who have made it to the 3rd trimester!!! If you are in week 28 or past, feel free to join in on the weekly fun.

If you're just joining us please post a: 
•Mini synopsis in your first post with your EDD
•How many babies you are pregnant with
•If you know the gender(s)
•How you have been feeling in your 3rd tri
•Any upcoming or recent appointments you may had

Feel free to share pictures of your bump, nurseries, baby gear, and of course those babies when they arrive! 

Hi all, Since I'm 39 weeks today its probably time to hand off this thread to one of you lovely ladies. 

@wabash15 EDD 12/25 Team Green
@thucks EDD 2/12 with a little girl
@kaseycoco 2/27 with a little boy
@momma6angels11 3/9 with B/G twins

QOTW: What is the favorite thing you have either purchased/made or been given for your impending bundle(s) of joy?
TTC 1/2012
Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
TTC #3 5/2016
Restarted Fertility tx
IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17

Re: 3rd Tri Check in Week Dec18th ***NEW LEADER NEEDED***

  • Hey everyone. I hope you are all doing great and GL @wabash15 being at 39w. Any day now the baby will be here. 
    I am 31w3d and my next apt is Thursday. Next week is funky because of the holidays so they are doing my 32w apt 2 days early.  
    So this weekend was a little different. My family went to a wreath laying ceremony here for the VA cemetary and this lady seen I had twins. Usually I get the same o twin questions that I've gotten used to but today was different. She noticed I was also pregnant. This is how it went. Lady: You have twin girls and one on the way? Me: yes she will be here in Feb. Lady: you are married right? Me: Umm yes Lady: And is he here to help you? Me: Umm yes he's very much involved Lady: Ok just making sure your not making a mistake......     Really? lady for one what is it your business? For 2 you have no idea what I have gone through to get these 3 beautiful girls. I was just in shock!!! 
    QOTW: My favorite this I've bough so far is the take home outfit. I'm in love with the fabric. I'm having a onesie made with her name on it. I also bought the matching headband. 
    Me: 33  DH: 39
    Me: Endo, PCOS, 
    DH: low life span and mobility 
    Married and TTC since 12/2008
    3 IUI's in 2012
    IVF #1 BFN 08/2012
    IVF #2 11/2012 Twin Girls born at 35wks 7/2013
    ER 4/2016 Freeze all 11 embryo's 
    FET #1 5/2016 Transfer 1 BFN 
    FET #2 7/2016 Transfer 1 BFN 
    FET #3 09/2016 Thawed 3 Transfered 1 CP 
    FET #4 1/2017 Transfer 2 CP 
    FET #5 April 24, 2017 Transfering 1 BFN
    FET #6 June 8, 2017 Transfer 2 Beta #1 721 Beta #2 1363  
    US on 7/5 1 baby found EDD 2/24/18
    Insta acct ionlywant1more

  • @thucks WFT to that lady!! way to judge without even having a clue about the situation. Even if you were single having a 3rd child is not a "mistake". Wow, just wow. I'm sorry someone said that to you. I love those pants!

    AFM, still baking here... just plugging along. I have a MW appointment tomorrow, I haven't decided if I want my cervix checked yet or if we will wait till 40 weeks. Part of me thinks its better to live in blissful ignorance
       QOTW: I knit blankets for the twins and one for this one... I was so excited about it but I didn't measure well and it ended up being 9 feet long! Opps.. DH had a good idea and I folded it in half and stitched it together so its better but it still makes me a bit sad. My other favorite thing are a pair of soft slippers, they are grey with little arrows on them and are just so sweet. 
    TTC 1/2012
    Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
    6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
    TTC #3 5/2016
    Restarted Fertility tx
    IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17

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  • @wabash15 I was just stunned I didn't know what to say. I'll give you props right now for waiting and seeing if you go naturally. I'm to much of a scheduler This baby will be here by 39 wks unless she comes earlier. I like the idea of blissful ignorance for your cervix.
    Welp I just got rid of the last of my IVF meds. A co-worker of DH is having their first retrieval on Jan 22nd so I shared the remainder of my meds with her.  I don't plan on using them any more so why not let her use them. Feels kinda great to see them go. 
    Me: 33  DH: 39
    Me: Endo, PCOS, 
    DH: low life span and mobility 
    Married and TTC since 12/2008
    3 IUI's in 2012
    IVF #1 BFN 08/2012
    IVF #2 11/2012 Twin Girls born at 35wks 7/2013
    ER 4/2016 Freeze all 11 embryo's 
    FET #1 5/2016 Transfer 1 BFN 
    FET #2 7/2016 Transfer 1 BFN 
    FET #3 09/2016 Thawed 3 Transfered 1 CP 
    FET #4 1/2017 Transfer 2 CP 
    FET #5 April 24, 2017 Transfering 1 BFN
    FET #6 June 8, 2017 Transfer 2 Beta #1 721 Beta #2 1363  
    US on 7/5 1 baby found EDD 2/24/18
    Insta acct ionlywant1more

  • @thucks I am sure that is a greatly appreciated gift, sharing your meds. Its weird being 39+2... being this pregnant and just waiting to see what is going to happen. Its a bit silly but I am really hoping this kid gets to pick their birthday. 
    TTC 1/2012
    Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
    6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
    TTC #3 5/2016
    Restarted Fertility tx
    IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17

  • @wabash15 did you have a c-section with the twins? Are you trying to do a vbac this time? My OB  wants me to consider it but it makes me nervous. That's why we scheduled a c-section for the Feb 12 and will play by ear if she decides to come earlier. I know that she's going to be big so I don't want to go more than 39 weeks. 
    Me: 33  DH: 39
    Me: Endo, PCOS, 
    DH: low life span and mobility 
    Married and TTC since 12/2008
    3 IUI's in 2012
    IVF #1 BFN 08/2012
    IVF #2 11/2012 Twin Girls born at 35wks 7/2013
    ER 4/2016 Freeze all 11 embryo's 
    FET #1 5/2016 Transfer 1 BFN 
    FET #2 7/2016 Transfer 1 BFN 
    FET #3 09/2016 Thawed 3 Transfered 1 CP 
    FET #4 1/2017 Transfer 2 CP 
    FET #5 April 24, 2017 Transfering 1 BFN
    FET #6 June 8, 2017 Transfer 2 Beta #1 721 Beta #2 1363  
    US on 7/5 1 baby found EDD 2/24/18
    Insta acct ionlywant1more

  • Just finished my 32w check up. I have a tiny trace of protein in my urine but my blood pressure is great. My biggest fear is peeclampsia again. He suggested cutting salt from my diet adding alot more water and no fast food. I'm bad I crave Ice coffee, potatoes and anything with red sauce (meatballs, meatloaf, spaghetti) burger king is my go to in the morning for hashbrowns and ice coffee and then subway for lunch, meatball sub. It's bad I know now I have to cut it out lol. 
    Me: 33  DH: 39
    Me: Endo, PCOS, 
    DH: low life span and mobility 
    Married and TTC since 12/2008
    3 IUI's in 2012
    IVF #1 BFN 08/2012
    IVF #2 11/2012 Twin Girls born at 35wks 7/2013
    ER 4/2016 Freeze all 11 embryo's 
    FET #1 5/2016 Transfer 1 BFN 
    FET #2 7/2016 Transfer 1 BFN 
    FET #3 09/2016 Thawed 3 Transfered 1 CP 
    FET #4 1/2017 Transfer 2 CP 
    FET #5 April 24, 2017 Transfering 1 BFN
    FET #6 June 8, 2017 Transfer 2 Beta #1 721 Beta #2 1363  
    US on 7/5 1 baby found EDD 2/24/18
    Insta acct ionlywant1more

  • @thucks Yes I had a c-section with the twins. they were getting too big and DD was breech. we had a lot of discussions about doing a version and the pros and cons. At the time she was measuring the larger of the two and was baby B. My MFM was very concerned about the larger kid going second. In the end it was a good choice because she was transverse with her back down at the time of delivery. so if we had tried vaginal I would have ended up with a double whammy. I am going for a VBAC this time. So far every indication is I'm a good candidate. (c-section was not due to failed labor)
          I guess my thought is that our bodies are made to do this, to give birth. Yes there are times intervention is needed but its worth a shot to me. The thought of recovering from another c-section and chasing the twins scares the crap out of me. I'm excited about the possibility of an unmediated birth but we will see what happens. If I get to 41 weeks and this kid is still not here, my induction options are limited so we will have to see. 
          I'm sorry about the protein in your urine. Its so hard to avoid those foods... just reading your post makes me want a meatball sub.  
    TTC 1/2012
    Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
    6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
    TTC #3 5/2016
    Restarted Fertility tx
    IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17

  • @wabash15 I had bad preeclampsia with the twins. Went in for my 35w apt and was sent to the labor department for monitoring. When they got my blood work back they scheduled me for a c-section 2 hrs later. I was very sick and it was bad. I felt great starting the day but by the time they put all those meds in me and I had alot of blood loss I was a hot mess. I wouldn't mind doing a vbac and letting baby girl come naturally but I also don't want to wait more than 39w.   
    I think secretly I'm trying for a red head with all the red sauce and meatballs I can eat lol. 
    Me: 33  DH: 39
    Me: Endo, PCOS, 
    DH: low life span and mobility 
    Married and TTC since 12/2008
    3 IUI's in 2012
    IVF #1 BFN 08/2012
    IVF #2 11/2012 Twin Girls born at 35wks 7/2013
    ER 4/2016 Freeze all 11 embryo's 
    FET #1 5/2016 Transfer 1 BFN 
    FET #2 7/2016 Transfer 1 BFN 
    FET #3 09/2016 Thawed 3 Transfered 1 CP 
    FET #4 1/2017 Transfer 2 CP 
    FET #5 April 24, 2017 Transfering 1 BFN
    FET #6 June 8, 2017 Transfer 2 Beta #1 721 Beta #2 1363  
    US on 7/5 1 baby found EDD 2/24/18
    Insta acct ionlywant1more

  • @thucks I'm sorry you a rough go with your twins birth. I got lucky and was one of those twin moms who went to term and MFM told me it was time because they were getting too big. So my C-section was a good experience but once we were home from the hospital I was by myself with the twins and it was a lot to recover and manage both without help. I think the most challenging part of going VBAC so far is  not having any frame of reference for when this kid is coming. I have no idea when I would have gone into labor with the twins, so this is uncharted territory being 39+4 and just waiting. From talking with my midwife most OB's have a cut off of 40 weeks for VBAC. My MW will let me go to 41 but if this baby has not shown up by then we will have some discussions and probable change in game plan.
    TTC 1/2012
    Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
    6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
    TTC #3 5/2016
    Restarted Fertility tx
    IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17

  • Sorry ladies!
    I haven't posted yet this week as I have felt horrible.. couldn't  sleep, babies in my ribs and just so uncomfortable and didnt feel like doing anything. 
    29wks today
    OB appointment was on Wednesday and I got good news! My low placenta moved up and pelvic rest has been lifted. Also, Im not sure how but my cervix went up to a 5...she said ive got a cervix of steel..not so happy about that i would think it would at least be going down some by now. Also baby girl flipped breech..
  • @momma6angels11 hey lady. Sorry your so uncomfortable. Have you tried soaking in a deep tub or going to a pool? it can help the babies shift a round a bit and provide some relief. A cervix of steel is a WONDERFUL thing with twins! So glad to hear your low lying placenta moved. Also my DD flipped positions all the way up to delivery. head down, breach, transverse all in less than a week at 36-37 weeks pregnant... so there is plenty of time for her to change her mind. 
    TTC 1/2012
    Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
    6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
    TTC #3 5/2016
    Restarted Fertility tx
    IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17

  • @wabash15 thanks! I know a long cervix "made of steel" is great! Especially when there are many that have cervix issues. I am just hoping to go into labor on my own before my 37wk induction. I sadly have not been able to go in a deep tub or a pool. We actually just tore out our garden tub before this pregnancy and now im wishing we hadn't. If my sisters pool was heated id go there but its not..
  • I hope everyone is having a great Christmas eve and Christmas!!
  • @momma6angles11 Merry christmas! I found a local YMCA (the only semi public pool in town at the time, and though I could only go once a week, it was amazing. I hope your hanging in there.
    TTC 1/2012
    Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
    6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
    TTC #3 5/2016
    Restarted Fertility tx
    IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17

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