TTC after 35

TTCA35 Weekly Checkin 12/18/17

Status (WTO/TWW/Benched/in process of testing or treatment)

CD, CD/DPO (if applicable):

What are you doing this cycle? (Testing? Treatment? Vitamins/supplements?):


Questions for the group:

GTKY: What’s the best thing that’s happen to you this week?

What are you thankful for this week?

Re: TTCA35 Weekly Checkin 12/18/17

  • ndz2018ndz2018 member
    edited December 2017
    Status (WTO/TWW/Benched/in process of testing or treatment):  IVF started 

    CD, CD/DPO (if applicable): Well CD4 but I suppose it doesn’t matter since it’s IVF time.

    What are you doing this cycle? (Testing? Treatment? Vitamins/supplements?): prenatals, ubiquinal, Vit D

    : Finally got this IVF Cycle going!! Started with 300 units of Gonal-F and 20 Units of low dose HCG. Though he’s been through this with his ex wife I think and the whole giving shot things isn’t really new to him but last night I swear He was more nervous than I was Lol! It was kinda cute. 

    Questions for the group: 
    Not right now 

    GTKY: What’s the best thing that’s happen to you this week? 
    Fostering a senior dog of course! I am In love with him. When i was texting with the Rescue yesterday they told me they have a couple people interested in him, my heart sank a lil Bc I’ve grown so attached(though i think the man of the house is a little more attached than I am), shoot I was Attached before I picked Him up lol and as much as we would LOVE to adopt him, we are going through IVF and it’s just not the right time. I will Obviously foster him as long as need be, but the medical expenses will be too much for us to handle at the moment. As for now i will spoil him and love him as if he were my own. Now if we can all send him positive doggie Health vibes he still pretty sick and I think he’s been sent to me to prepare me for sleepless night, as he’s up coughing all night long. We have a strong opiate cough med for him at night but today I think We’ll stick with the robitussin as I do not want him to develop a dependency on them... yes dogs can just like people.
    What are you thankful for this week? 
    Thankful that I am Able to open my home to this sweet senior dog! I am Also thankful to my mother once again for taking my dog as what the foster has is VERY Contagious.
  • Status (WTO/TWW/Benched/in process of testing or treatment): WTO

    What are you doing this cycle? (Testing? Treatment? Vitamins/supplements?): PNV, fish oil, vit d, vit c, ubiquinol, 2 thyroid supplements, probiotic

    still trying to head off this cold.  Added echinacea and drank a berry/spinach smoothie yesterday.  Hoping to get some more juices today at the store.  Today is our older dogs 10th birthday.  I need to call the RE and make a consult appt for Jan.

    GTKY: What’s the best thing that’s happen to you this week? 
    Probably going to see star wars with friends and family over the weekend.  the 3 of us dressed up - I was leia, DD was Rey, and DH was Luke

    What are you thankful for this week?  
    After tomorrow I'm on xmas break and don't have to teach until after new years!  Always enjoy time off.

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  • ndz2018ndz2018 member
    edited December 2017
    @vlagrl29 I think we’re going to see Star Wars this week!!! I’m so excited! UMM LOVED that you guys dressed up!!
  • It's really good @ndz2018
    Well I made an RE consult for Jan 9th now I need to get everything faxed to them so they can see all my perfect fertility test results lol.
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  • Status (WTO/TWW/Benched/in process of testing or treatment): WTO

    CD, CD/DPO (if applicable): CD 6

    What are you doing this cycle? (Testing? Treatment? Vitamins/supplements?): Trying the good old natural way prenatals, vit D, coq10 red rasberry leaf tea,  maca will prob add the dhea for a few months. 


    Questions for the group:

    GTKY: What’s the best thing that’s happen to you this week? Yesterday we did our annual Peddlers village trip went out to eat walked around and did some shopping. I bought this delish goda smoked cheese and olives stuffed with feta from this Italian shop so yummy. That's how they get you with samples. I also got my mom these two shirts she saw she liked without her seeing me. 

    What are you thankful for this week? That I have a 3 day weekend coming up!!!!
  • Status (WTO/TWW/Benched/in process of testing or treatment): Still TWW, sort of.  I think 15 DPO and still waiting for my period to show up.  

    CD, CD/DPO (if applicable):  CD37, 15 DPO. I've been spotting in the am and pm daily since 10DPO, which is not normal for me.  But I'm not pregnant (tested and first response should have surely shown by now, also progesterone related PMS symptoms seem to have peaked Saturday and now are gone.)  Now I wonder if I just didn't ovulate this cycle.  :/  

    What are you doing this cycle? (Testing? Treatment? Vitamins/supplements?):  PNV, Ubiquinol.

    :  Rant - this first cycle tracking has been a bit crazy-making!    Rave - Holiday season is coming and I'll be visiting my parents & siblings in less than 1 week.  Yes!

    Questions for the group:  
    If my period doesn't show up for real, does this warrant  visit to the doctor? Or should I relax, count the spotting as a period, and move on to next cycle?

    GTKY: What’s the best thing that’s happen to you this week?   
    Got an extra dog this weekend (dog sitting for a friend) and got in a couple great hikes in nice weather :)  Simple pleasures!

    What are you thankful for this week?  
    Time off starting on Wednesday!  I'm taking some vacation days (staycation) to extend the holiday because I've been so burned out lately.
  • @ndz2018 it's so easy to become attached to them isn't it? I'll be fostering again after the new year.
  • @vlagrl29 Can’t wait to see it!! Glad you made your app. There’s a lot of people on the IF boards that have unexplained IF seems so frustrating. 
  • @ndz2018 - I'm sure.  My face probably looks confused as to why it's not happening, but I know by the time we try something different I'll have done my absolute best on my own.  When it's unexplained I don't consider it infertility - more like WTF? LOL.  this is the best time for me to do this though.  I'm in the best mental state I've been at for a year and I'm confident in my body and I've gotten rid of a lot of negative talk in my mind. I just need this last little part to feel at peace with everything before we let it all go.
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  • @jeanobean - I'd probably call your doctor and ask them esp if you are very regular that is odd.  Maybe slow rising hcg?  It could be possible you're pregnant?
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  • @jeanobean My Cycle has been SUPER whacky i think I’ve been under a lot of stress   during these last few month, first TTC naturally, then the RE, and then the impending IVF. Keep testing, I would def call the Dr if you feel something is “off” that’s how we wound up at the RE early.. I just “Knew” something was wrong.

    @Labluver2 He’s really really sick. Doc called with the blood work and he has pneumonia for an older dog you know how bad that is here is what we have to do tonight . 2 different shots, IV fluids and oral medication. Looks like I wont Be the only getting shots tonight
  • Oh poor guy! I'm really rooting for him. Maybe he just needs the medicine and love to pull thru.  You and the dog can bond over shots. Lots of medicine in your home :)
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  • @vlagrl29 We totally are bonding! I actually gonna give him the shot in case I need to do it myself one day 
  • Unfortunately, I'm not super regular (1-2 weird cycles a year and some variation even in normal cycles).  My guess is the most likely thing an anovulatory cycle (with probable LH surge - I'm new to OPK and stopped after I thought it was positive).  Conception, if it occurred, would have been at least 2 weeks go by now and I think slow rising HCG is quite rare.  The spotting thing is weird though. But - I will check with the doctor if still no period by Friday, just to see what they have to say. I was so NOT stressed this month, so I'm annoyed if my reproductive system decided to be flaky for no good reason!  Well, wasn't stressed until now, lol!

    All my googling basically says "you are pregnant, or it means something bad."  I really don't think I'm pregnant.  But, Google tends to underrepresent the "weird, but no big deal" situations.  This is why I need to talk to a doctor...

    @ndz2018 congrats on starting the IVF cycle and good luck!

  • @jeanobean I’ve had the same thing happen to me, I’ve gotten positive OPK test and was like this is it! Then 2 weeks went by and then the 3rd week I finally got AF. But I was Like 21DPO, and that cant be! LOL my guess is your body geared up for ovulation then didn’t  and you may have ovulated much later than you thought. 
  • Guys I’m getting really good at this needle thing, administering the IV Fluids to the sick doggie and his shots.  I think I’m gonna try to do my injections tonight all by myself!
  • vlagrl29vlagrl29 member
    edited December 2017
    Good luck injecting yourself! @ndz2018 - I talked to DH about the RE appt last night and why it's taken me so long to get to this point because I really have confidence in my body but at the same time I just need to do this to feel at peace with everything.  2018 will be our last year actively TTC - I just don't want to do it anymore.  I have a kid for one thing and if I really wanted to work around other little kids I could see if I could work at the preschool DD went to.
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  • @vlagrl29 You know what’s gonna happen, don’t you? The minute you throw in the towel you’re gonna get KU!
  • That's what they say lady @ndz2018 - but I'm looking forward to this RE appt.  I have learned to not set time limits on anything regarding this but I think I can make it 6 more months lol before I totally loose my mind.
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  • @vlagrl29 that's how I feel I gave it my best shot with an RE without going into debt it didn't work and we will continue to try naturally in hopes that it does but I'm at peace and no longer stressed. 

    @ndz2018 I was scared at first to give myself the shots my husband did it for me but one night he had to work and I had to give it to myself it took me 25 mins to finally poke myself lol. I'm now a pro at it and it only takes me a second. Hoping the pup is feeling better and on the mend. Poor thing. 
  • @vlagrl29 I hear you! You’re doing everything right!! 
  • Thanks ladies! @ndz2018 @Labluver2 - Before I would do any treatment I would want an U/S on my uterus just to double check what all is in there lol.  I'm sure they do that.  I feel I'm nearing the end of my rope.  I know people try for years way longer than we have but I just don't have that in me.  But like all challenges in my life I really do care and I try my hardest and then I breathe a sigh of relief and release it.
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  • There have been more tears this month because I'm guess the anniversary of the loss.  Actually today a year ago I found out I was 4 weeks pregnant.  It's just hitting me so much hard this month.  I'm like "where the hell is my strong mind?"  But my naturopath told me when those feelings come it's better to feel them than to suppress them.  But then when I cry to DH about it he hates when I cry and then starts making jokes to lighten the mood.  Last nights jokes were about getting a penis pump if he had to - wtf?  It does make me laugh though.
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  • @vlagrl29 AHAHHAHAH love the penis pump convo to lighten the mood! 

    @Labluver2 He’s doing ehhh ok. Coughing A LOT! I mean He’s on hydromet but he hates the syringe so I have To sneak attack him when he’s not looking. When the meds wear off it’s sounds so much worse!! Hoping in the next few days he starts feeling better. Going to grab saline drops today as it may be the dry heat bothering him along with the pneumonia he’s got crusties on his nose, which I’m sure he’ll love. I also sit in steam showers with him that seems to help a bit too.
  • ..... AND i just gave myself my injections. Didn’t hesitate at all, went right for it.. but dopey me forgot to dial the Gonal F and had stick myself twice with that needle :/ 
  • awesome! @ndz2018 - do you get any side effects with those?
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  • @vlagrl29 I have a slight headed sometimes, it get worse by the day. They ONLY want you taking Tylenol even early on. I’m a little bloated and In the morning when i wake up i have gas pains and sometimes at night but that’s it so far and who knows what the gas pains are from.
  • Went for US this morning looks like I got Lots of follies growing 10 on the right and 10 on the left... Still way too early to even know if they mature but I feel Like that’s a good number. I’m on day 4 if stimming tonight. Anyone have any input love to hear it!
  • that sounds awesome @ndz2018 - I've never done IVF so no help.  When do they take out the eggs?
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  • So! It could be 10-14 days started on Sunday..I’m hoping I get more info today .  But if it’s 10 days that would be Christmas morning, maybe a good thing they’ll be my little Christmas miracles :p
  • Frosty little snowflakes on Christmas Day - I love it! @ndz2018
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  • HA! Well I just spoke to the nurse and I guess guess my little snow flakes are still pretty small so we are sticking with the same meds and reaccess Friday. My guess it’ll be a few days after Christmas 
  • Status (WTO/TWW/Benched/in process of testing or treatment): WTO, cycle 13

    CD, CD/DPO (if applicable): CD 8

    What are you doing this cycle? (Testing? Treatment? Vitamins/supplements?): Temping and timing. 

    : Rant: My DD has been sick the past week and a half and as a result she's been a complete and total nightmare. She goes to her dad's for a week starting Friday and I'm almost ashamed to admit I'm counting down the days.

    Questions for the group: 
    Has anyone heard of/had success with softcups for TTC? We're contemplating giving that a go this month.

    GTKY: What’s the best thing that’s happened to you this week?
    It's really been a crap week so far. DD's sick, I'm sick, she's been doing nothing but argue with me and I haven't slept well so I'm cranky. I guess the best thing about this week is that it's half over now.

    What are you thankful for this week?
    MH has been doing such a great job at helping me keep it together. I've been riding my last nerve every day so far. 
  • @radiantfate- sorry for the sick kid. Mine is on xmas break now and I have to say I'm glad about it.  I'm looking forward to the time off.
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  • Hey guys- Sorry i've been MIA

    Status (WTO/TWW/Benched/in process of testing or treatment): Benched sort of- but NTNP in reality... RE said she didn't want me pregnant for 6-8 weeks post ectopic

    CD, CD/DPO (if applicable): CD28 no sign of AF but my old cycles ran about 30-32 days.. we'll see if it comes back like normal

    What are you doing this cycle? (Testing? Treatment? Vitamins/supplements?): i need to make an appointment with my RE in January to come up with a game plan

    GTKY: What’s the best thing that’s happen to you this week?
    We went to the annual work holiday party- it was a lot of fun 
    Me: 36 years old   DH: 42 years old
    Married: 05.2012  
    TTC #1 Since April 2016
    HSG/FSH/AMH/E2/SA all normal DX: unexplained IF

    spontaneous BFP 01/01/2017-  Alexander was born sleeping 04/13/2017 at 19w1d  ic/chorio
    September 2017 HSG #2 & Gonal-F/Femara/Ovidrel/IUI #1 = ep (Salpingectomy of left fallopian tube)
    spontaneous BFP 01/02/2018  EDD Aug 30th  It's a GIRL!
    Cerclage placed on 03/02BabyFruit Ticker  Cerclage removal 08/02
  • @radiantfate Sounds like a rough week!

    @harleyquinn0621 Welcome back! How are you feeling?
  • welcome back @harleyquinn0621 - hope you're doing well

    So 1 of our parakeets passed away suddenly last night - we have 2.  This one was only 4 and the other one is 8. His name was Rainbow and DD picked him out and named him when she was  3.  We haven't told her yet but plan on it in the morning and then doing a burial in the backyard.  I'm sure she will be upset.  It made me kinda sad this morning - he was a good bird.
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  • @vlagrl29 OH NO!!! Poor little birdie!!! Rainbow is in a better place where he can eat all the bird seeds he wants tell her his little body couldn’t take what a enormous soul he had so now he’s flying free up to the heavens. 
    When we had to talk to our niece about our sweet sweet golden , Odin passing there happen to be a thunderstorm that day and I told her that Odin was called back to his rightful home in the heavens and that everytime you hear thunder not to be afraid, it’s just Odin barking saying hello. 
  • @vlagrl29 so sorry to hear about Rainbow
  • We'll she took it better than expected and is already talking about getting a new bird.
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