July 2018 Moms

Symptoms w/o 12/11

What ya got going on this week? 

(Didn’t see this one yet.)

Re: Symptoms w/o 12/11

  • wildtotwildtot member
    edited December 2017
    My bloating use to get better over night, but now it’s just one more thing keeping me awake. Sucks :disappointed:

    edited to add my MIL was cute the other day when DH was FaceTimeing her. She said “wow she’s already showing?!” DH said “no it’s just bloat” :sweat_smile:
  • Bloating. So much bloating. Painful bloating. 

    Lab Mom (x2): Sept/Oct 2014 
    Married: August 2015
    DS: Nov 2016 (36w)
    Baby H #2: July2018 (Team Pink!)

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  • I definitely have bloat but it might be my least annoying symptom. The coffee making me feel sick is the worst! I have done a nice job avoiding soda but if I don't have any caffeine in the morning I get a headache, so I bought these tiny little diet pepsi cans for when the caffeine headache strikes. I am having a little bit of coffee today but had to delay from my early morning cup. 
  • acunamatadaacunamatada member
    edited December 2017
    I hear you ladies on the bloating, I wake up looking pretty normal but by the end of the day it could pass for a 6mo bump. Wtf. 
    ETA: AND I've lost a pound, exactly how is beyond me-I've been living on bagels and French onion dip. 

    @SmashJam not coffee  :s:s
  • The bloat is unreal! I’ve only gained 2-3 pounds, but by the end of the day my pants are so tight. Might be time to break out the Bella band soon!

    i also still have evening nausea, fatigue, and low back pain and sore boobs, ugh. 
  • @SmashJam Do you like Chai? Because a Dirty Chai is delicious and will give you that coffee boost while not having to try and stomach straight up coffee. 

    @sm05-2 Totally broke out mine last week, lol. 

    Let's see, I feel pretty much the same this week. The worst symptoms still just being the fatigue, round ligament pain and fake cold/ flu symptoms (oh, and the nipple soreness that makes freaking clothing feel like effing sandpaper...). The main thing this week is "hello again, appetite!" I cannot stop eating... ever. I switched to a vegitarian diet several months back and almost completely vegan more recently and yesterday I absolutely HAD to have a McDonald's cheeseburger (ewww) and chips with queso... WTF!!!! And a hot dog with relish, onion and celery salt sounds like heaven right now... I repeat, WTF!!!! 
    Ziggy       <3 07/2018-08/2018 <3
    Micah      <3 10/2015
  • Nausea is gone but now I am SO. FREAKING. HUNGRY. 

    I fear for my post-baby body at this point.
  • I'm a bottomless pit in the morning, and by 7pm the thought of food makes me gag. The bloat in my lower abdomen is becoming painful at night, and I'm having a hard time getting comfortable in bed. And while my boobs have not grown much nor are they very sore, the headlights are on almost 24/7, know what I mean? 
  • cseley321cseley321 member
    edited December 2017
    I wake up just starving. It's like when I get hungry it is almost painful if I don't eat right away
  • I'd trade you my nausea for your bloating. I'm really surprised at how little bloating I have this time around. Yes, by the end of the day there is some, but I'm wearing my same jeans and haven't gained any weight yet. The nausea though...I could cry it's so horrible. I'm so tired of feeling so sick all the time. Thank god I'm not puking but the lack of appetite and constant nausea is exhausting in itself. Diclegis helps a lot but it doesn't bring my appetite back. I'm finding that I need to eat most of my calories early in the day because the nausea just builds on itself until I can barely even eat toast for dinner. Second tri can't get here fast enough and I'm praying I'm not one of the 'morning sickness for the whole pregnancy' girls. 
  • The nausea! Omg the nausea and food aversions. I can't even look at meat. Which is unfortunate since I have 2 blue aprons left to cook and I can't bring myself to do it.  :(
  • The nausea has definitely hit for me. I feel like crap all day  :( at this point I'm just glad I only seem to puke at night... other than that just lots of pressure in my lower abdomen.
    Me: 31 DH: 34 :heart: Married: April 2016
    TTC December 2016
    BFP 2/28/17 // CP 3/1/17
    MFI Diagnosis: Aug 2017
    BFP 11/1/17 // DS born 6/18
    TTC January 2019
    BFP 3/21/19 // D&C (MMC) 5/8/19
  • @coco305 hahaha, mine were sometimes which I knew was a symptom because it typically never happens unless I'm without a shirt and it's cold.

    Y'all... I've lost 7 pounds :( No nausea to force that, I think the food aversions have forced me to learn portion control so eating less has helped me out. Yet, CAN'T tell. ugh, don't look any different. Not that I'm really wanting or trying to get skinnier, counting down the days until I get a little bump.

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @d_marie_23 I do like chai! I don't know what a dirty chai is though!
  • @SmashJam Dirty chai just means it has an espresso shot in it.

    Hey guys, my sciatic nerve has been giving me hell for the last 2 days. It hurts to stand and walk. Any suggestions for relief?
  • Also, add stress binge eating to the symptoms list this week. I need to cool it with the grub-stuffing but I just can't stop  :#
  • I'm feeling funky this week. I don't know if it's exhaustion from having a horrible cold for the past 10 days or if it's pregnancy but I feel all around icky. I just want to sit on my ass under a warm fuzzy blanket and eat all the spicy food. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @gspmom21 same here, I have lost about 4 lbs due to food aversions, thankfully no MS though (sorry! Don't hate!)
  • I feel like @coco305 could have written my post. Luckily I haven't had as many food aversions this time as my first pregnancy - I lost weight in my first trimester that time and couldn't eat chicken or pork.

    My acid reflux is starting to bother me already. :( Not looking forward to the daily tums/prevacid routine starting already. 

    Oh - and the smell of my husband's sweat now makes me want to vomit.
  • @SmashJam It's exactly as @lavillard said, Chai latte with an espresso shot. Yummmm.
    Ziggy       <3 07/2018-08/2018 <3
    Micah      <3 10/2015
  • Hungry always so hungry terrible hunger pains 

    then nausea 
  • @crystal321 Yes! I feel like I shouldn't say it too many times or i'll get it. :D
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • ALL THE FATIGUE AND ALL THE HUNGER. finally going back to teach my fitness classes tonight after a horrible cold and a week of traveling. I think I put on roughly 4 pounds. Since I've had no MS in the past 3 weeks, that's probably why...I just want all the food! 

    Going to indulge a little less this week and get back to a gym routine since I'm normally very active. Hopefully the fatigue will leave me alone in the second tri? Not a lot of bloat or other pains thankfully so I'm counting my blessings for now!

    Also, dirty chai is the bomb! Unfortunately I don't care much for coffee at all, though a cold dirty chai latte sounds amazing (been craving milk and dairy a lot as well)
  • I hate how pregnancy makes me really stink, but also leaves me no energy for a shower. 
  • Starving!  Like eat everything in sight.  Except usually I hit a point where I take a bite and I immediately feel like I’m going to vomit and I have to spit it out.  It’s like my body goes from starving to stuffed beyond belief in one second.  It’s the weirdest thing.  
  • I have been sneezing and blowing my nose so much that the end of my nose is raw. Fatigue, Headaches, bloating, sensitive nipples, the cramps aren’t every day anymore, still have them consistently enough, but am now also dealing with strong twinges of pain when I stand up, sneeze, cough, etc. I have been lucky to only have a few days of nausea and I’m hoping that now at 11 weeks I won’t be getting any MS (knock on wood).  Last but not least, impenetrable hunger. I don’t think I ever knew what it was like to be hungry before lol, if I don’t eat, I feel so ravenous. I’ve actually lost 20 pounds since I found out I was pregnant, but my doctors are happy because I am a big girl! Lol, so yay for that. 
  • 8w2d here.. Nausea is doable with Sea Bands on 24/7 and eating snacks at 11pm and 2am when I wake up. Did I mention I go to sleep around 7:30pm? Already bought nursing bras because my girls are huge and nips like ICE! I'm bloated, gassy and feeling really unattractive with a bun every day since I can't get the energy to shower. I don't even have my own kids yet (FTM) but I teach kindergarten, so I guess I have 19 of them to tire me out all day! Ginger gum/candy is my best friend and eating a snack every two hours! Hoping the moodiness stops and energy comes back soon for DH's sake
  • Pretty sure my left boob is going to explode- not sure what the heck is going on. I also have a small red spot on it. Might have OB look at it Friday 
  • Diarrhea has come to haunt me. Dear lord help me lol
    also idk if it’s hunger pains but it feels like it but idk. They are sharp pains in my upper stomach. Not like ligament pain but the best way to describe is is “hunger pains” even after I just ate 
  • Anyone else already dealing with indigestion? Oh man the last couple days have been brutal. I can only eat about half of what i would normally eat and even at that nothing sits well in my stomach. Nausea is gone as long as I eat every couple hours, but I seem to have traded it for this  :s
    <3 Married 6.12.10 <3
    DS 11.8.12
     Baby GIRL! due 7.4.18
  • Got some morning sickness and food aversion after being free for over a week. I thought I was done. :cry:
    Also, I feel HUGE. I don't look any different and am still mostly in my old jeans, but as of yesterday I can completely feel my uterus behind my flab. At 11 weeks I feel like I did with DD at 16, and even The Man can feel the hard grapefruit that is my uterus behind my bellybutton. I feel it when I sit, stand, or get up from bed. It's harder to bend from the waist and curl up on the couch, and stretchy waist bands on pants I was wearing happily two days ago are crazy uncomfortable if they go across my belly button. It's crazy how much earlier I'm feeling this! I may be able to do HDBD for real, if I were visibaly showing!
  • @christycalifornia THIS, though! I'm only 9 weeks today but all this past week it's felt like I have a little balloon in my lower stomach. So trippy (in a good way), but sooooo uncomfortable! I can't feel it quite as well as you yet, but jumping, running, any activity feels like it could go *pop* lol.
    Ziggy       <3 07/2018-08/2018 <3
    Micah      <3 10/2015
  • @stlmegs yes! I pulled out the tums for the first time already.. eating too much is a trigger, and spicy food  :'(

    @christycalifornia yes!! I'm 11 weeks- I haven't "popped" yet but I definitely feel my uterus behind my belly pooch and it's making everything uncomfortable- crazy how soon it happens the second time around! 
  • @christycalifornia @acunamatada I can’t believe how fast it happens the second time! I can definitely feel things (see things?) and I wasn’t showing until after 20 weeks with my first!
    <3 Married 6.12.10 <3
    DS 11.8.12
     Baby GIRL! due 7.4.18
  • @d_marie_23 and @christycalifornia I have the balloon, too!  So full so fast, and just the overall discomfort already.  Fun fun!  My doc said, when examining my belly, "already getting big in there!" so I guess it's not my imagination.

    Girls, my nausea started to wain at about 10 weeks, so hang in there!!!!  

    Tons of people at work have the damn stomach flu... ugh... trying to avoid this.
    Met: 1/21/2005
    Married: 6/27/2008
    DS: 3/14/2010 Planned, PG first try
    M/C 6/2012
    DD: 4/22/2013 Planned, UnDx Infertility, PG on our own
    BFP: 10/28/2016 Unplanned, HUGE SURPRISE! 
    M/C 12/12/2016
    BFP: 10/27/2017 Unplanned, HUGE SURPRISE
    EDD: 7/2/2018

    Babysizer Manly Pregnancy Tracker
  • Getting fairly symptom-less. Exhausted. Bloat.

    Ive had cramping and pain and more than one scare this week. Just trying to stay optimistic, but I'm on the end of OH MY GOODNESS JUST GUVE ME BACK THE SYMPOMS I HAD THREE WEEKS AGO.
  • Is anyone else having just this ridiculous amount of sneezing and runny nose? I mean, it’s SO bad. My nose burns when I breathe LOL. 
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