July 2018 Moms

Monday Bitchfest 12/11

Re: Monday Bitchfest 12/11

  • I hate these emotions ugh stop and go away and let me be hormones. I hate you! 
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

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  • Haha @lindsayleigh1989 I was watching the Sesame Street Christmas Special and started crying when Santa came back! :D OMG :#:D
  • To clarify, I was watch Sesame Street with my LO...but the bump app won't let me edit my post >:(
  • My freaking co worker wont stop coughing.  Like a deep disgusting cough.  Plus all the nose blowing is making me so insane :( and I just knowwwww I'm going to get sick for Christmas because thats my luck
  • @babygagnon2018 I feel so bad, I was that very coworker all last week  :(
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @TalesOfASocialIntrovert It has been doing this to me, too! I almost threw my phone lastnight. 

    My bitchfest may sound really petty and selfish, however, I need to bitch...
    My MIL is in ICU since yesterday. unresponsive, stage 3 kidney failure, spectic shock, amongst other things. DH and I had this really cute announcement planned for Christmas to tell his mom and siblings. Well, while we were visiting his mom yesterday, he said he wanted to tell her. Of course, Im not going to say no to this one, especially because of how severe this is.when he told him mom, she actually grunted/moaned, which was a surprise since she is unresponsive. However, he then told the rest of his family. WTF?!?! Why couldn't you have just told your mom? I'm only 8 weeks, have had 2 miscarriages, and am EXTREMELY nervous still. Come on...
    Then his younger brother, who is the golden child of the family, texts everyone this morning saying their mom is going to be getting a picc line. When dh asked what this is, I told him it's a line that goes directly to the hear or as close as possible. His brother proceeded to tell me I'm wrong and it's just a different type of iv that goes in the arm. Yes, moron, it's an iv and typically goes in the arm. However, it can also be inserted other places, such as the neck if the veins on the arms are not strong/visible. However, it is a line that goes as close as possible to the heart. UGH! Dh told me I'm being petty. No, I'm giving you the correct information and you need to be standing up for me. You saw me look it up and read it. His brother constantly barks orders and has to be in charge and right. Yet, has no issue sitting on the sidelines while everyone else does what he says. Just. done. 

    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker

  • @TalesOfASocialIntrovert mine does the same thing! Soooo annoying!

    @zombiehoohaa I am sorry you guys are going through such a difficult time. And I’m sorry that your DH isn’t taking defending you. I would be very frustrated with everything as well. Hope your MIL is doing better!
    <3 Married 6.12.10 <3
    DS 11.8.12
     Baby GIRL! due 7.4.18
  • My bitchfest is directed at my mom and my sister. They fight constantly and love to try to pull me into the middle of it. I am so sick of it....but don’t really know what to do. 
    <3 Married 6.12.10 <3
    DS 11.8.12
     Baby GIRL! due 7.4.18
  • I'm just going to bitch about feeling sick all the time. I know most of us are or have felt gross for weeks but OMG I am so done with this. I can't even focus on being excited for Christmas and all the stuff I have to get done at work before the end of the year when I'm constantly feeling nauseous or trying to eat so I don't throw up. I feel like it was easier to deal with with my other two pregnancies because we actually tried for those and I was mentally prepared for feeling like garbage. This time was a complete surprise and shock so I don't feel  like I had time to get ready for the morning sickness. I'm just overall frustrated!

  • My mom had surgery on Friday. It was extremely rough on her. I want to be at the hospital every minute of the day if I could. But my three kids love screaming and fighting each other at the hospital. I have been crying non-stop today Bc I just want to be there for her and I can't. Her bladder and intestines won't work since surgery. 
    Mom of 3 (Ginny 4 yrs old), (Miles 2 yrs old), and (Mason due June 15th) 
  • zg49 said:
    I'm just going to bitch about feeling sick all the time. I know most of us are or have felt gross for weeks but OMG I am so done with this. I can't even focus on being excited for Christmas and all the stuff I have to get done at work before the end of the year when I'm constantly feeling nauseous or trying to eat so I don't throw up. I feel like it was easier to deal with with my other two pregnancies because we actually tried for those and I was mentally prepared for feeling like garbage. This time was a complete surprise and shock so I don't feel  like I had time to get ready for the morning sickness. I'm just overall frustrated!
    Right.  I feel like a total snot about it.  I feel like it was manageable with my first two because we wanted to be pregnant SO BADLY feeling gross was totally worth it.  This time I just feel like I didn't ask for any of this....  and then I feel extra guilty for not being more grateful. #badmomclub
  • @zombiehoohaa I am sorry about your MIL and the unplanned announcement. The picc line thing would also infuriate me. It really frustrates me when family members are facing serious medical issues and those closest to them don't take the time to learn or understand their condition or treatment plan. How can you advocate for your loved ones when you don't have a clue what is going on?

    My bitch for today is also at the bump app. I was pretty inactive this weekend because every time I tried to get on the app it would crash. I guess I'll have to start using the mobile website when I am not on a computer.

  • I’m going to bitch about sickness too. So over it! I caught a nasty cold last week that is STILL going strong today. My back went out on my all weekend. I’ve never had that happen before, it was awful! I have a whole new respect for people with chronic back pain. Thankful my back is better but I didn’t sleep for more than an hour Thursday night, Friday night and Saturday night. I slept last night but my body’s still playing catch-up. My house is a wreck, my kids basically think I’m dying. I feel so worthless. I need my energy back. I guess to end on a positive note, my first OB appt is tomorrow and i finally get to see my little bean. 
  • My bitching today goes at this FATIGUE. I've had barely any MS but I swear I could just sleep all the time. I have so much stuff to do around the house and what not that I really need to find some energy. 3 more weeks until the second trimester!!!
  • @amylu914 I can't get ANY board to pull up on the mobile website from my phone :s And I'm not about to pull out my laptop every time I want to check the board!
  • okay catching up :)@TalesOfASocialIntrovert haha no need to explain I watch a lot of daniel tiger myself haha
    @babygagnon2018 hope you stay healthy!!

    @zombiehoohaa  that is so hard but yes I would be disappointed and frustrated too when he did it without confirming with yoh also BIL is a dbag for his response. you are correct by the way! 

    so many hugs @thediarywithin  that is really hard :( hope you can get there for some time.

    and to the rest of us all the health, rest and easement of MS symptoms 
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

  • Freaking nausea. It’s killing me. It is so hard to get anything done or be active when you feel this crappy at all times. Silver lining? Thank god for Peapod for delivering my groceries tomorrow so I don’t have to drag two toddlers out with me when feeling like this. 



  • Also, I hate that I can’t see when someone tags me in a post here through the app on my phone. I feel so rude when I finally see it and hadn’t responded. Am I just missing something or is that normal?



  • @zombiehoohaa I'm really sorry you're going through that. I've been there. I'm paying for you. 

    You too, @thediarywithin. That's so hard. Mutch love and prayers for you both. 
  • Ugh i hate the bump ads in the threads. My phone already has a hard time processing. 
  • As if my co-workers cough wasnt bad enough- her son's school just called and said he has strep throat.  she goes, "oh well, I probably have it to, I've had a sore throat for days" :( 
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