This is a weekly check in for people who are due the fifth week of May 5/27-6/2.
How far along are you? When is your due date? What size is baby?
What's going on this week? How are you feeling, any rants or raves?
Any upcoming appointments?
GTKY: What's the most embarrassing trend you followed growing up?
Re: Due Date Check-in Week of 12/11: Fifth Week of May (5/27-6/2)
What's going on this week? How are you feeling, any rants or raves?
I have a cold and it sucks. Other than the Neti Pot there is not much I can do. Hoping it passes quickly.
I am pretty sure I've felt movement a few times, pops and flutters. I have an anterior placenta so I'm not expecting to feel too much until 20+ weeks.
Any upcoming appointments? OB end of December, A/S Jan 9th
GTKY: What's the most embarrassing trend you followed growing up?
I was all about the butterfly clips back in the day.
15.4 Two orange babies due mid May at the latest!
What's going on this week? How are you feeling, any rants or raves?
Telling my relatives this weekend at holiday parties! Feeling okay, back pain is my biggest complaint.
Any upcoming appointments?
Next at 17 weeks. A/S on Jan 3rd.
GTKY: What's the most embarrassing trend you followed growing up?
Ditto on the hair clips. Also Beanie babies- between my sister and I we probably had 100 or so. Ridiculous
16+1. Avocado. 5/27
What's going on this week? How are you feeling, any rants or raves?
Feeling pretty good. My stomach has grown significantly in the past 2 weeks. It's exciting to start to look pregnant and not just like I've been gaining weight!
Any upcoming appointments?
I have an appt tomorrow. If all goes according to plan, we should find out gender tomorrow!
GTKY: What's the most embarrassing trend you followed growing up?
I had the big curled bangs through jr high and part of high school
How far along are you? When is your due date? What size is baby?
15+6 orange
What's going on this week? How are you feeling, any rants or raves?
I'm doing better. I had an appointment today to check on the "masses" in my uterus that they're thinking are fibroids. Got to see garbanzo moving around and everything looks fine there. After the ultrasound I got to also hear the hb with the midwife. After an appointment I feel the stress just pours off of me, it's great.
Any upcoming appointments?
January 3rd for my A/S I can't believe it's the half way point so soon.
GTKY: What's the most embarrassing trend you followed growing up?
I'm not sure what would constitute as embarrassing. I did the clips and beanies but I feel they were appropriate for their time. Maybe snap pants because when they got pulled off it was embarrassing. Luckily I was smart and wore bike shorts under them.
15 weeks, 5 days- due May 30th. A podcast I listen to said the size of a small armadillo but I don’t know how true that is.
What's going on this week? How are you feeling, any rants or raves?
My rant- last week I was dealing with lice with my daughter, this week everyone but me has pink eye, including my husband who is the biggest baby of them all. I barely have enough energy for regular housework and then my family goes ahead and gets germs that require a ton of extra cleaning.
Rave- my bump is starting to feel less frump and more bump
Any upcoming appointments?
Nothing until the new year
GTKY: What's the most embarrassing trend you followed growing up?
I feel like I was just one big embarrassing trend growing up but maybe the worst was I had braces and would get brightt colored elastic bands in patterns usually to match the season like black and orange for Halloween.