This is a weekly check in for the mamas who have made it to the 3rd trimester!!! If you are in week 28 or past, feel free to join in on the weekly fun.
If you're just joining us please post a:
•Mini synopsis in your first post with your EDD
•How many babies you are pregnant with
•If you know the gender(s)
•How you have been feeling in your 3rd tri
•Any upcoming or recent appointments you may had
Feel free to share pictures of your bump, nurseries, baby gear, and of course those babies when they arrive!
@liljoy-2 Congrats on your little girl!
@PoeMasque congrats on a little boy!
@wabash15 EDD 12/25 Team Green
@thucks EDD 2/12 with a little girl
@kaseycoco 2/27 with a little boy
QOTW: Do you have a favorite holiday food?
TTC 1/2012
Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
TTC #3 5/2016
Restarted Fertility tx
IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17
Re: 3rd tri check in Week Dec 11th
QOTW: I think my favorite holiday food is this pastry that my mom makes every year at Christmas. It's my great-grandmother's recipe (which we still have a copy of in her handwriting!) and I grew up eating it for breakfast on Christmas morning. It was a special treat to have something like that for breakfast so although the pastry is tasty it also brings back lots of warm fuzzy memories
10/16-12/16 -3 IUI, all BFN
2/17 IVF #1 froze 5 five day blasts
5/17 FET#1 BFN
6/17 FET #2 BFP
AFM: 38+1, I have a midwife appointment today but so far I think this kid is content to stay in place. Just trying to wrap up the last minute things. Last night it hit me that one way or another I'm going to have this kid in 3 weeks or less since they won't let me go past 41weeks. Eep!
@thucks how are you doing?
Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
TTC #3 5/2016
Restarted Fertility tx
IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17
Just fighting dang colds running through my house that I can't seem to get rid of.
We did paint my bedroom/nursery this weekend to start nesting a little. We are using a new photographer for maternity/newborn pics and she wants to use the room as our background so I needed to do something with it lol.
@kaseycoco that pastry sounds amazing!!!!
QOTW: We don't really do food for Christmas mostly Thanksgiving. We don't have a big dinner or anything cause my husband usually has to work that day so there is no point. It used to be tradition to make candies and give them out as presents during the holidays. I can remember my grandma doing it and my mom. But since having the twins I haven't made time for it but I sure do miss it and need to get back into that tradition.
Me: Endo, PCOS,
DH: low life span and mobility
Married and TTC since 12/2008
3 IUI's in 2012
IVF #1 BFN 08/2012
IVF #2 11/2012 Twin Girls born at 35wks 7/2013
ER 4/2016 Freeze all 11 embryo's
FET #1 5/2016 Transfer 1 BFN
FET #2 7/2016 Transfer 1 BFN
FET #3 09/2016 Thawed 3 Transfered 1 CP
FET #4 1/2017 Transfer 2 CP
FET #5 April 24, 2017 Transfering 1 BFN
FET #6 June 8, 2017 Transfer 2 Beta #1 721 Beta #2 1363
US on 7/5 1 baby found EDD 2/24/18
28wks today EDD 3/09/18
With Boy/Girl Twins. I will be delivering at 37wks if I haven't gone by then.
I have been feeling real out of breath and uncomfortable since 26wks..And the exhaustion has returned from the first trimester.
My next appointment is with my OB next Wednesday.
I dont really have a favorite holiday food.. i love turkey over ham and i love all things pumpkin as well as cheesecake
Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
TTC #3 5/2016
Restarted Fertility tx
IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17
Me: Endo, PCOS,
DH: low life span and mobility
Married and TTC since 12/2008
3 IUI's in 2012
IVF #1 BFN 08/2012
IVF #2 11/2012 Twin Girls born at 35wks 7/2013
ER 4/2016 Freeze all 11 embryo's
FET #1 5/2016 Transfer 1 BFN
FET #2 7/2016 Transfer 1 BFN
FET #3 09/2016 Thawed 3 Transfered 1 CP
FET #4 1/2017 Transfer 2 CP
FET #5 April 24, 2017 Transfering 1 BFN
FET #6 June 8, 2017 Transfer 2 Beta #1 721 Beta #2 1363
US on 7/5 1 baby found EDD 2/24/18
10/16-12/16 -3 IUI, all BFN
2/17 IVF #1 froze 5 five day blasts
5/17 FET#1 BFN
6/17 FET #2 BFP