Pregnant after IF

2nd trimester check in for the week of December 4th

edited December 2017 in Pregnant after IF

Good morning!

This is a weekly check-in for those in their 2nd trimester: weeks 14 through the end of week 27.

Congrats to all the strong ladies who have made it this far! It's such a great feeling and we've all accomplished so much! We are now 1 week closer to the end of this especially long journey we call "infertility."

Please post below a little about yourself, how many beans you have growing inside, if you have found out the sex(es) and what your EDD is. Please also let us know how far you've made it on your journey and when your next appointment is and what for. If I'm missing anyone from this list, or you are new to the 2nd tri, please let me know and I will add you.

Please let us know when you have graduated to 3rd trimester so that I can take you off.

Congratulations to @kaseycoco as she will be moving up to the 3rd trimester this Tuesday!!

Mommies to be:


@momma6angels11  EDD 3/9 (Boy/Girl TWINS)

@amanning2011 EDD 3/25 TWINS! G/G

@dreamcometrue2017 EDD 3/31 BOY!

@MMD1986 EDD 4/2 ?

@cashewchicken EDD 4/11 BOY!

@rel_1987 EDD 4/21 BOY!

@Prayingfor2 EDD 4/22 ?

@Meredithj 123 EDD 4/24 ?

@nmtay EDD 4/27 TWINS! B/G

@helloworld9 ; EDD 5/5 BOY!

@Hopeful_mom EDD 6/6 ?

QOTW: Are you planning to take/already have taken  birth or baby prep classes?

Re: 2nd trimester check in for the week of December 4th

  • I'm doing good, I am now at the point where I can't drive anymore because I'm too close to the steering wheel. My next appointment is tomorrow and my mom is getting to go with us to see the ultrasound :)

    I would like to take a class, but I'm not sure if the classes offered at our hospital would have a whole lot about twins. I know that the general concept is the same, but there are quite a few differences as well :/
    Met 2004, Married 2011, Trying since 2013. Info in spoiler:

    BabyFruit Ticker

    Me: 30
    Diagnosed with PCOS, later changed to unexplained anovulation due to high prolactin and normal testosterone levels
    Him: 31
    High sperm count (yay!) but also super high fluid volume (boo!)
    First IUI, Clomid and Follistim: 11/29-BFN
    Second IUI, Femara and Follistim: 12/29-BFN
    Third IUI, Femara and Gonal-F (and Follistim): 1/28 BFN
    Fourth IUI, Femara and Gonal-F: 7/23 BFN
    IVF 1: Femara and Gonal-F: 1/23/2017
    Beta Study:
    Beta #1: 1/28/2017 4.1
    Beta #2: 1/30/2017 34
    Beta #3: 2/1/2017 131
    Beta #4: 2/3/2017 476
    Ultrasound: 2/14/17-Twin Etopic Pregnancy, surgery to remove right fallopian tube on 2/17/2017
    FET 2: Femara, Gonal-F, and Clomid: Cycle Canceled due to low progesterone
    FET 3: July 7, Femara, Gonal-F, Clomid-BFP!!!!!! Due March 2018
  • Doing good this week! No appointments but I work in a hospital and the girls from ultrasound saw I was pregnant last week and begged me to let them do an US (the one girl is a student and we don't have OB so she never gets to practice). So that was kinda cool, anatomy scan isn't for another week but I know everything looks good at this point! Still keeping gender a surprise!

    My hips have been killing me when I sleep-I forget who else was having this problem but I know some of you are as well. It's been off and on since about 12 weeks. My chiro tells me its from my low back. I notice that my icomfort memory mattress makes a huge difference since I can usually get comfortable with it but am super uncomfortable in hotel beds! Just FYI, take what you what from it and no judgement, but there is some research coming out in regards to tylenol use during pregnancy (and when given after vaccinations to baby) that show their may be a link with autism. So I'm trying  to avoid it, but that was something new to me so I thought i would share it. I have the studies if anyone is interested.

    I am getting a doula and meet with her soon. I'll see what classes she suggests! I feel like DD is creeping up though and hospital classes fill up fast so I know i need to get on this!
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  • @meredithj123 I am also definitely having hip pain issues...still working on solutions, but I wish getting a nicer mattress was an option! Fortunately I've been avoiding drugs in general cause I feel like I was on so many with IVF that my body needs a break lol. But I'm definitely interested in those studies! Autism definitely runs in my family, so that's one I'm particularly nervous about...

    AFM 19+5 with B/G twins. MFM doctor "officially" moved my due date up to 4/25 since it was only 2 days and the twins were still measuring a little ahead at the anatomy scan. She said when dates are so close she always goes with the earlier one since the only thing it would really affect is when they'd induce me, so I'm on board! I've had some kinda bad cramping this past week, mostly when I've been walking around for a while or doing housework or things. It always goes away relatively quickly when I sit down though, so I'm not really worried about it since I can still feel the twins moving and I have a doctor's appointment on Friday, but it's still annoying and I can't do nearly as much as I used to be able to, which I wasn't expecting to have happen this early.

    As for birth classes, @amanning2011 I'm also pregnant with twins and personally I feel like something is better than nothing, and I will definitely be asking lots of questions to make up for the single/twin differences as much as possible. I'm not sure yet whether I'll take the hospital version or the OB version, but I've got at least a month before I even need to sign up, so I'm not worried about it yet!
  • @amanning2011 Omg that is hilarious that you can't use your steering wheel! Is there any way to like recline the seat a bit further or anything?

    @meredithj123 My anatomy scan is next week too (on Thursday). It can't come soon enough. And that's really interesting about Tylenol. I recall it's "safe" to take during IVF and pregnancy. So far I've only taken Tylenol once during pregnancy for a headache, then decided to just switch to coffee when I feel a headache coming. I figured it's a bit more "natural"?
    My TTC journey:
    Me and DH: 30-35
    Unexplained infertility
    TTC #1 since 2015
    11/2015 - BFP!     12/2015 - MC  :'(
    IVF #1 July 2017 freeze all (20 eggs, 15 mature, 10 fert, 6 blasts, 4 PGS normal)
    FET #1 TBD  Surprise BFP 9/2017 while waiting for FET... hoping for the best!

    Pregnancy Ticker

  • @helloworld9 sadly that's not an option, if I go any farther back I can't reach the steering wheel lol. I'm on the short side and I have short arms even for my height so I'm stuck. At least hubby is willing to go do errands for me and drive me around when I need him to. We schedule all my appointments for his days off anyway so that helps with those :)

    My appointment today went great the midwife said everything looks good, though they still couldn't get good pictures of Baby A's cervical vertabra so we have to try again next time. My next appointment we are doing the GDS which makes me kind of nervous
    Met 2004, Married 2011, Trying since 2013. Info in spoiler:

    BabyFruit Ticker

    Me: 30
    Diagnosed with PCOS, later changed to unexplained anovulation due to high prolactin and normal testosterone levels
    Him: 31
    High sperm count (yay!) but also super high fluid volume (boo!)
    First IUI, Clomid and Follistim: 11/29-BFN
    Second IUI, Femara and Follistim: 12/29-BFN
    Third IUI, Femara and Gonal-F (and Follistim): 1/28 BFN
    Fourth IUI, Femara and Gonal-F: 7/23 BFN
    IVF 1: Femara and Gonal-F: 1/23/2017
    Beta Study:
    Beta #1: 1/28/2017 4.1
    Beta #2: 1/30/2017 34
    Beta #3: 2/1/2017 131
    Beta #4: 2/3/2017 476
    Ultrasound: 2/14/17-Twin Etopic Pregnancy, surgery to remove right fallopian tube on 2/17/2017
    FET 2: Femara, Gonal-F, and Clomid: Cycle Canceled due to low progesterone
    FET 3: July 7, Femara, Gonal-F, Clomid-BFP!!!!!! Due March 2018
  • Happy Tuesday everyone!

    No appointments or any updates this week.  Today I'm 23 weeks and 1 day, so moving along, I feel like the due date will be here before I know it.

    QOTW: We signed up for three classes at our hospital.  We are taking Preparing for Delivery, After Baby Comes, and Breastfeeding Basics.  The first one is in a couple of weeks, I'm excited to check the classes out.

    @meredithj123 That is interesting about the Tylenol.  I've only taken a few this pregnancy when I felt I really needed it, as it is on my ok list of medications.  Overall, I've been trying to avoid medications as much as possible.  Except for Tums and another pill for heartburn relief, as that has been almost unbearable at times.
  • 26+5 with the twins.
    Had an MFM appointment yesterday and both babies are doing great! 
    Im starting to feel like i cant breathe..and feel huge its so hard to bend down and im so tired..
    As for classes i will not be taking any. I am a stm and i feel you will breathe pr pant however you feel like it when the time comes.

    @nmtay it only gets worse as ive heard, but they say all of it just disappears after birth!
    @amanning I feel you on not being able to drive.. im almost there..when i sit up to look both ways it is so uncomfortable..
    @meredithj123 tylenol has also been linked to ADHD. I choose to not take anything but my vitamins .
  • Hi ladies!!

    This is an exciting day I get to officially be part of 2nd trimester as I'm 14weeks today woohoo!!  I'm due June 6 with one little bean who is measuring a Lil ahead so hoping end of May!
    Its been a long road getting back on this side of the board as some of you are familiar with my journey.  TW it's hard as I keep thinking about last year at this time and I was pregnant with twins and then lost them in Jan around 10w so getting to this board is a real accomplishment!!

    This pregnancy is giving me the world to see.  I've been light spotting since wk 8 which has been scary!! Had red blood day before thanksgiving which nearly gave me a heart attack...thank g-d it stopped and all is good.  Have an SCH causing the issue just would like it to stop already.

    The nausea is outta control and I'm sick all day!  I keep  waiting to wake up and it supposed to be gone so hoping that will happen soon!   I keep joking with my doctors asking if there's more than one in there because I'm just as sick as when I was carrying twins to when I'm carrying just one.

     Last bit of icing on the cake is that now I have shingles to add to this party!   I've been a nervous rack the last couple of days but after speaking with all of my doctors they all probably feel pretty confident that the baby should be OK and it's really just sucks for me.   I've been trying so hard to not take any additional medication during this pregnancy especially because I throw my vitamins up all the time that I know my system cant handle it but for this they all suggested me taking the medication so that is what I will do. 

     My next appointment with OB is Monday but now I have to find out when he's going to see me since he doesn't want me around his other patients with having shingles. We go over the test results that was the NIPT and the other tests that I took with the high risk dr.   I'm nervous but hoping for the best as the doctor said that my scans look good!!

    this is some scary roller coaster ride that we're on.
    History of TTC in spoiler box
    TTC since 2014
    Unexplained Infertility - but I am 40...Low AMH .30
    7 - IUI (50mg-150mg Clomid) Feb - August 2016 all BFN 
    IVF#1 August 2016 (Antagonist protocol 4/5 eggs) Cancelled cycle :( RE thought I would get at least 10.
    IVF#2 Sept 2016 (microdose luporn pro - disappearing follies, ONLY ONE, convert to IUI) BFN
    IVF#3 November 2016 (4 ER, 3 F,  3DT)-BFP  with TWINS // MC both at almost 10wks  :'( 
    IVF#4 March 2017 //EPP  (10 ER (1 wonky so 9 ER) 7F, 3B (5AB, (2)5BB) PGS tested- ALL abnormal  :'( 
    IVF#5 April 2017 // EPP (7 ER, 7F yes! 6B) 2/5 day 4/6 day - 2 PGS normal! yes!! :)
    IVF#6 May 2017 // Antagonist didn't have time for Estrogen Priming...(4 ER, 3 F, 3B) (5AB, (2) 5BB) 2 PGS normal, yes!! :)
    IVF#7 June 2017 // EPP praying this is it and then on to an FET!

  • @Hopeful_mom im glad to see you here! Im sorry you are still dealing with nausea and I hope it goes away soon. I have added you above!
  • 22 weeks today with a boy!

    No appointments this week.  My next one is in two weeks but no u/s so not super exciting. The next u/s appointment is in January at 28 weeks.  So far away. But now that I can feel him move all the time, the hearing the heart beat at the doctor’s office just doesn’t feel as special anymore. Thanks for reminding me about the classes. Just signed up though mine won’t start until end of February. Fingers crossed I’m delivering close to my due date. 

    @amanning2011 That’s too bad you can’t drive anymore! I’m short myself (5’ on a good day) so I know that will happen to me too as the due date nears. 

    @Hopeful_mom Welcome to the second trimester group! Yay! But I’m sorry that you have shingles. Hope you recover quickly.
    Me: 41  DH: 46
    Unexplained infertility/AMA, polycystic ovaries, insulin resistance
    FET#1(July 2017): eSET of first of 4 PGS-normal embryos, DS born 3/30/2018
    FET#2(Oct/Nov 2019): eSET  
  • @Hopeful_mom Yay for making it over here!

    I got a call from a high risk clinic to schedule my 20w anatomy scan. Apparently, my OB had put a referral there when my AFP came positive for downs. Since then, my NIPT confirmed negative. I called my OB's office to make sure she wanted me to still go to the high risk clinic for an anatomy scan and she said yes (I guess the technology is better there?). Anyway, it's exactly a week from today. I declined the genetic counseling though. I figured we would speak to them if something troubling came up next week...
    My TTC journey:
    Me and DH: 30-35
    Unexplained infertility
    TTC #1 since 2015
    11/2015 - BFP!     12/2015 - MC  :'(
    IVF #1 July 2017 freeze all (20 eggs, 15 mature, 10 fert, 6 blasts, 4 PGS normal)
    FET #1 TBD  Surprise BFP 9/2017 while waiting for FET... hoping for the best!

    Pregnancy Ticker

  • Hello ladies. 20wk5day with a boy! Nothing major going on besides feeling huge. Its becoming uncomfortable sleeping, even on my side. My hubby got me a pregnancy pillow which helps a little.
    I have my anatomy scan tomorrow morning so I will update more then. 
    @Hopeful_mom welcome to the 2nd trimester board  :)
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