Me: 36 | DH 35, Married 2007
TTC #1 June 2015
April 2016 - AMH, FSH, Progesterone normal
June 2016 - HSG clear
*TW* BFP - Aug16, demise confirmed Sep16, incomplete m/c, D&C Nov16
BFP 3/27/17, edd 12/7/17
DS - 12/9/17
TTC #2 December 2018
BFP 2/22/19, edd 11/4/19
DD - 11/1/19
My Chart
Re: Randoms - Week of 11/27
April 2016 - AMH, FSH, Progesterone normal
June 2016 - HSG clear
*TW* BFP - Aug16, demise confirmed Sep16, incomplete m/c, D&C Nov16
BFP 3/27/17, edd 12/7/17
DS - 12/9/17
TTC #2 December 2018
BFP 2/22/19, edd 11/4/19
DD - 11/1/19
My Chart
"I'm cold, I'm going to turn on my space heater."
20 minutes later
"I'm going to overheat and die, I need to turn this thing off."
Repeat 700 times.
Also, it's a little tiny thing on the floor so I have to lean down every time I want to turn it off/on which is annoying.
DD - 12/28/17
TTC #2 3/2019
BFP 5/2019 || MC - D&C 5/2019
BFP 2/2020 || EDD 10/10/2020
April 2016 - AMH, FSH, Progesterone normal
June 2016 - HSG clear
*TW* BFP - Aug16, demise confirmed Sep16, incomplete m/c, D&C Nov16
BFP 3/27/17, edd 12/7/17
DS - 12/9/17
TTC #2 December 2018
BFP 2/22/19, edd 11/4/19
DD - 11/1/19
My Chart
LO has decided to reposition herself and now it’s nearly impossible to get my kick counts in. Thankfully, she was super active this morning, but I can feel that she’s moved from her usual positions and it’s annoying the crap out of me that I’m having to poke and prod her to get her to move....grrrr
@Skcobb We handle nap time clean up differently...
Married May 2014
DD born August 2016
Baby #2 due December 2017
DD - 12/28/17
TTC #2 3/2019
BFP 5/2019 || MC - D&C 5/2019
BFP 2/2020 || EDD 10/10/2020
DX Diminished Ovarian Reserve, Factor V Leiden Mutation, Secondary Infertility
MFI (SA #1Count 11mill, Motility: 18%, Morphology: 1%)
AMH .328 | FSH 13.2
@whiska Relatable. This is not unlike my MIL who thought that it would be a good idea to give us our car seat as a Christmas gift. AT CHRISTMAS.
@MJDsquared Cold? What means cold? I don't think I've been cold since March. Hot flashes all the way
Ugh this chair is so uncomfortable, I wish we were standing
Ugh standing hurts my pelvis and it feels like the baby is going to fall out, I wish we were sitting
Oh ya laying on this stretcher pretending to be a patient is great, what? I have to take a turn being a nurse now? Boo.
This sweater is so fucking hot *takes off*, well now I'm cold *puts sweater on*.
I was like a fidgety, cranky 3 year old the whole time hahaha I'm just glad I brought a bag of Cherry Blasters to keep myself occupied. *OFFICIALLY* done with work as of today! Woot!
As for getting down on the floor, bending over is the worst, squatting is my preferred alternative, especially because it helps open up the pelvis to help baby drop. I have taken to squatting each time I have to pick up something off the floor (which with a 22mo, is literally constantly) so that means when I go into labor she's just going to pop right out, right? right???
@jlemons-2 Ahhh! I can only imagine! I would be an emotional nightmare! Fx for a smooth birth!! I can't wait to hear all about it!
Also, i second the heat thing. It’s been crazy stupid hot here and I’m really annoyed because i bought some cute long sleeve maternity shirts i haven’t worn yet.
Thank goodness we only have 8 more days!
TTC#1 since November 2015
9/16/2016 IUI#1 - BFN
10/12/2016 IUI#2 - BFN
1/21/2017 Clomid/IUI#3 - BFN
March 2017 IVF: BFP! (beta#1 191, beta#2 378!) - it's a boy! DS born 12/6/2017
TTC #2 since July 2018
May 2019 IVF #2: BFP! (beta#1 346, beta#2 646) - vanishing twin at 8 weeks. Baby B still going strong - due 2/8/20!
Married May 2014
DD born August 2016
Baby #2 due December 2017
Anyone else having anger dreams?... Yesterday we had a ridiculous wait at the drs office for a basic checkup (over 1.5 hours before we went back) and last night I had a rage-y dream about it happening again next week.... I was livid during the whole dream.... so bizzare.