December 2017 Moms

STM+ Check-in 11/29

How far along are you? Boy/Girl/ Team Green/Surprise?

How old are your other kids? 

Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now?  

Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : 


GTKY: How are you feeling about the imminent arrival (or the recent arrival) of a new LO? Anyone else freaking out? no, just me? cool, cool.

Married May 2014
DD born August 2016
Baby #2 due December 2017

Re: STM+ Check-in 11/29

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    How far along are you? Boy/Girl/ Team Green/Surprise? 37 weeks--early term. Yay!

    (But baby better stay in there til the scheduled c-section in 2 weeks)

    How old are your other kids?
    DD will hit 16 months on Sunday.

    Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now?  We've got 3 molars coming in, but it seems to be going ok for now. Mostly I had a meltdown this week after reading a mom blog post about how your relationship with your first changes (the end of the post was very positive about how the two kids are best friends, but the first half was HORRIBLE to read being this pregnant) and just worrying about her not understanding what's coming and what my limitations will be after the c-section and her just not being my only baby anymore. :'(  

    Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : I am excited to meet this LO, but I definitely don't want it to happen any sooner than our scheduled c-section. So much to do and I want to soak up as much time with DD as I can. Very different from the first time around, where at this point, I was ready for her to come at any time.

    Rants/Raves/Randoms/Questions/ Excited for an ultrasound tomorrow!

    GTKY: How are you feeling about the imminent arrival (or the recent arrival) of a new LO? Anyone else freaking out? no, just me? cool, cool.
    Clearly, I am freaking out that we only have 2 weeks left. But it will all be fine, I'm sure. 

    Sorry, I'm into the gifs today

    Married May 2014
    DD born August 2016
    Baby #2 due December 2017
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    How far along are you? Boy/Girl/ Team Green/Surprise? 36 weeks, girl!

    How old are your other kids?
    4 and 2 (broadly)

    Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now? Just the general concern for how they will handle a new baby sucking up their mom-time. They already protest when DH does daycare drop off or bathtime... I think it's going to be a rude awakening.

    Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : DS and DD have been playing so nice together lately (for the most part), it makes me happy to see them enjoying one another so much.

    Rants/Raves/Randoms/Questions/ DD (4) is SO excited for Christmas, it melts my heart. Whenever this baby comes is fine with me (although I'd take a slightly early arrival as the last two were both late), and fortunately the kids are young enough not to know if we have to push Christmas up/back a day or two, but selfishly I really, really, really do NOT want to spend Christmas in a hospital (either laboring or with a newborn).

    GTKY: How are you feeling about the imminent arrival (or the recent arrival) of a new LO? Anyone else freaking out? no, just me? cool, cool. I think I've mastered the art of compartmentalizing? 99% of the time I'm just happy and excited about it, but when I dip into that other 1% it gets ugly/frantic/stressful/alarming.

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    How far along are you? Boy/Girl/ Team Green/Surprise?
    I'm 36+4, boy

    How old are your other kids? 

    DD is 2 but will be 3 in January 

    Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now?  
    I'm nervous about handling my daughter's screaming fits along with a new baby. She's getting better thankfully but I worry he will set her back. I also worry about giving her enough time and attention since she isn't old enough to understand that babies need lots of time. I know there will be jealousy but I want to avoid it getting too bad.

    Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : 
    I'm so excited to see how DD does with a baby. She's so excited about him coming soon. 

    We found of this week that baby isn't in fact breech! I was worried about a c section and even though it can still happen I can at least hope for a vaginal delivery again.

    GTKY: How are you feeling about the imminent arrival (or the recent arrival) of a new LO? Anyone else freaking out? no, just me? cool, cool.? 
    I'm getting nervous! I'm so ready to meet him but I'm so nervous for labor and seeing how hard it may end up with having 2 now!
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    How far along are you? Boy/Girl/ Team Green/Surprise?
    38 weeks! Girl!

    How old are your other kids? 
    DS is 22 months

    Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now?  
    DS has been sick on and off basically since the snow started flying here last month. I've tried my best to mitigate adults bringing illness to baby, but now I'm freaking out that he will be sick!

    Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : 
    I am really looking forward to newborn snuggles again. That whole melt into your best and sleep on you forever stage is amazing and so fleeting.

    Rant because of DSs fever today I did not get the stretch and sweep I've been looking forward to all week... because who wants a newborn and a feverish toddler 

    GTKY: How are you feeling about the imminent arrival (or the recent arrival) of a new LO? Anyone else freaking out? no, just me? cool, cool.
    I got back and forth. But yes, majority of the time I am freaking the fuck out. DS is really learning the power of his voice and temper tantrums lately which will not be fun when I have to say no to him even more when I have a newborn to worry about
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    @kimbo2015 - DD was 2y4m when DS was born, she definitely had a small "regression"  and had moments where she would just collapse to the floor/chair/couch and scream until she exhausted herself (one time she actually fell asleep!) THE GOOD NEWS, it only lasted about a week or so. Even at 2 she was able to figure out pretty quick that what "works" for the baby wasn't doing the same for her.
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