March 2018 Moms

Monday Ticker Change-11/27

1) How far along are you? How big is baby?

2) How are you feeling? 

3) Any appointments this week?

4) Rants/Raves/Questions?

5) GTKY: Who was your first celebrity crush?

Re: Monday Ticker Change-11/27

  • npkatnpkat member
    edited November 2017
    1) How far along are you? How big is baby?
    23 weeks, barbie doll, bunch of grapes

    2) How are you feeling?
    Pretty good! We traveled home yesterday 7.5 hours in the car and by the time we got home, I had pitting edema in my lower legs.. it is resolved now but oh the joys of pregnancy. I chalk it up to eating pretty bad over the weekend because I did not have any issues on the way there. I need to get some compression socks because we'll be going home again at Christmas and from there driving to Colorado (11 hours) for our babymoon!

    3) Any appointments this week?

    4) Rants/Raves/Questions?
    We were able to bring home the changing table that my in laws made for us. It was an old dingy dresser type thing. They completely refinished it and made a custom changing table top that can be removed if we want later. I’m so excited to finally get it in the nursery! I love it so much I had to share a picture!

    5) GTKY: Who was your first celebrity crush?
    Jonathan Taylor Thomas, aka JTT, was definitely my first celebrity crush! :D
  • 1) How far along are you? How big is baby?
    25 weeks. Head of cauliflower. 
    2) How are you feeling? 
    Emotional and my hips are killing me. 
    3) Any appointments this week?
    Last week we had a third ultra sound that confirmed no club feet this time! And baby's heart is fine. 
    4) Rants/Raves/Questions?
    I had a neighbor ask if I could even feel the baby through my chubby tummy. So now I just feel like wearing oversized hoodie the rest of this pregnancy, especially since I felt gross before.
    5) GTKY: Who was your first celebrity crush?
    Brendan Fraser, George of the jungle really did it for me. 

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  • 1) How far along are you? How big is baby?
    27 weeks - baby is the size of a head of lettuce.

    2) How are you feeling? 
    Good overall, but starting to get uncomfortable. Just feeling big and I’ve been having a lot of Braxton Hicks lately.

    3) Any appointments this week?
    Yes - we have our second Level 2 Ultrasound at the hospital this afternoon to check on baby’s liver. Praying that the spots are gone and there is nothing to be found!

    4) Rants/Raves/Questions?

    5) GTKY: Who was your first celebrity crush?
    JTT... lol. Also the youngest Hanson boy... can’t remember his name though!
    TTC #1 Since April 2014
    Me: 27 | DH: 31
    08/2006 - Laparoscopy/Stage 1 Endo
    10/2014 - Bloodwork normal, HSG all clear
    10/2014 - DH's SA 15mil/mL, 35% motility, 6% morphology
    BFP #1: 12/29/14 | EDD: 9/9/15


  • 1) How far along are you? How big is baby?
    28 weeks, the size of a coconut or an eggplant 

    2) How are you feeling? 
    Pretty good aside from nausea making a comeback and toothacheS.. yes, plural. 

    3) Any appointments this week?
    Yes, glucose test on Thursday.. barf. 

    4) Rants/Raves/Questions?
    Helloooo 3rd trimester!! Also, house projects are “caught up”, House is decorated and trees are up, baby’s room is next. 

    5) GTKY: Who was your first celebrity crush?
    This is terribly creepy, but I was sure I was going to marry Pee Wee Herman when I was little little. 
    :| Yikes!!
  • 1) How far along are you? How big is baby? 23 weeks, a grapefruit!

    2) How are you feeling? 
    Other than huge, really good. I feel like I've gained too much weight. And I keep saying I'm going to eat healthy and exercise, and then I go to McDonald's. Ugh. Tomorrow is a new day.

    3) Any appointments this week? 
    Nope. Next Tuesday?

    4) Rants/Raves/Questions? 
    The bump app is no longer letting me post. Thank you @npkat for starting this thread since I couldn't! So I have limited time when my toddler isn't around to go on the computer. I should probably be getting ready for bed/doing laundry. But instead I'm logging on here for a bit.

    5) GTKY: Who was your first celebrity crush? 
    Hmm I don't know if he was my first...but Shane West. Drool. A Walk To Remember stands out as one of the first movies where I was quite infatuated with the male lead.
  • @npkat, that change table is adorable! I love it!!!

    @sassypants2010, your neighbour sounds like a total douchebag. So glad to hear the ultrasound went well!!
  • 1) How far along are you? How big is baby?
    Since I'm a day late to this, 23w1d now. Baby is the size of a grapefruit.
    2) How are you feeling? 
    Tired and my hips hurt.
    3) Any appointments this week?
    I had an ultrasound yesterday to monitor the baby's growth and check the umbilical cord placement. So far, so good.
    4) Rants/Raves/Questions?
    Completely unrelated to pregnancy, but I basically got offered a job by a former client of mine. He just started at a new company, and has been tasked with building out a department. He wants me to be his #2. This would be a promotion for me, as well as a shorter commute (15 min instead of 35). I'm assuming a raise as well. He knows I'm pregnant, and had found out before he reached out to me, so that should be a non issue assuming I could get something in writing basically guaranteeing maternity leave since I wouldn't qualify for FMLA at this point. But, I like my current job, love my boss, and have it really good with flexibility and reasonable hours (which is a rarity for my industry/position). I've brought up the promotion, and it's unlikely for at least 2 years at this point at my current job, but if this other opportunity wasn't falling in my lap, I wouldn't be looking to leave (even if I wasn't 5 months pregnant). I've never worked directly for the client (ie he has never been my boss) but he's a nice guy and I know he generally takes care of his people. But, at the company he worked for that was my client, his department definitely did some long days/weekend work. I'm not sure how much of it was him and how much was the specific company culture. But, unreasonable hours are the only reason why I left the job I had been in from 2012-2016, so I don't want to get back into that. Sorry for the vent, it's just been weighing heavily on my mind.
    5) GTKY: Who was your first celebrity crush?
    My first (and remains to this day) is Hugh Jackman. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Pregnant with #2: 
    BabyFruit Ticker

  • @npkat: That dresser is amazing! How special that they actually made it for you. I'm so in love with that changing pad. I got something similar for our nursery and it's dumb how much I love something that will routinely be pooped and peed on.
    @sassypants2010 : ok, first, congrats on the good ultrasound! Hooray for a good heart and non-clubbed feet. But OMG your neighbor, what the hell is wrong with him? I wonder if he can feel his douchery through his thick skull. I'm sorry he said something so awful to you. Please don't let him get you down.
    @hollyk224: I hope all went well at the ultrasound! Zac Hanson was the youngest. I pretended to have a crush on him because it was the cool thing to do but my actual taste can be found below...
    @chasingroygbiv: Ugh, I hear you on the return of nasuea! I hope it's at least mild for you and HOORAY for 3rd tri! I almost fell out of my chair when I read  Pee Wee Herman. I thought my childhood taste in men was bad. Hahahaha! That's amazing
    @justkeeptrying: The Bump App sucks all around. What is your go-to at McDonalds? I get their tea every day and have to stop myself from a burger as well. If it makes you feel any better, I have so far been unable to resist the Cool Ranch Doritos Loco Taco from Taco Bell even though I never ate Taco Bell before this pregnancy.
    @day38: That's a tough one! Job changes like that are always difficult to decide. I was not looking or a new job at all when my current one came along. It was a gamble but it worked out well in the end. Either way, so glad your ultrasound went well!

    1) How far along are you? How big is baby? 
    Also a day late! 25w1d
    2) How are you feeling? 
    Itchy! So, so itchy! Nausea returned but goes away by mid morning. I'm having trouble sleeping as well due to various things. Thank goodness for Netflix and a spare bed! 
    3) Any appointments this week? 
    Not until 28 weeks. Our repeat AS was wonderfully uneventful last week. I'm having a blood draw tomorrow to check my liver functioning since I itch all day every day but I'm expecting to hear that my skin is dry and I let Dr. Google lead me down the rabbit hole of worst case scenarios for normal pregnancy things.
    4) Rants/Raves/Questions? 
    I must be nesting. I about killed myself cleaning and organizing on Sunday. I need this kind of energy and determination on a permanent basis.
    5) GTKY: Who was your first celebrity crush? Mel Gibson because apparently I was into older men who are mentally unstable.

    On our way to baby #2!
    BabyFetus Ticker
    EDD March 12, 2018

  • @notthefather lurking, but have to comment that my first crush was also Mel G in Braveheart!! lol. my husband thinks it's so hilarious, and actually named my preggo pillow Mel to commemorate.
  • @orbmaker: Yessssss, that is hilarious and amazing! I need a pregnancy pillow named Mel  :D

    On our way to baby #2!
    BabyFetus Ticker
    EDD March 12, 2018

  • @notthefather, if I'm going to McDonald's, I'm doing it up right. Big Mac meal all the way!
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