Hey I realized we get a new check-in today...so excited for the GTKY!! Happy Turkey day y'all!
How far along are you?
How are you feeling?
Any recent/upcoming appointments?
GTKY: Google your name +glamour shot and post the most hilarious option that comes up!
Re: TTGP Grad Check In-Turkey Day (11/23)
How are you feeling? Vomitous. Crampy. Morning headache. So, you know, totally ready for a house full of people today. Holla!
Any recent/upcoming appointments? Not til Dec 4
Rants/Raves? Rant: My damn ginger candies got cancelled on Amazon because they won't deliver this particular thing to a P.O. Box so I put my regular address, hoping they would let me change it when it got to the post office and couldnt' be delivered. They couldn't change it, and I still can't add a p.o. box address, so Eff Three Lollies and their bias to people with mailboxes! Rave: All of the food today!
Questions? Nope.
GTKY: guys. All my options are normal and I'm a little disappointed.
How far along are you? 6wks today! Sweet pea!
How are you feeling? Fine - a little more tired than usual, still having some cramps on and off, but otherwise, no MS!! My face is also super broken out, and I mayyyy be a bit more touchy than usual...lol...
Any recent/upcoming appointments? Not until January 5.
Rants/Raves? I shared this on ticker change, but my mum keeps texting me things I should/shouldn't be eating/doing...it's driving me bananas.
Questions? Prenatal yoga during the first tri, what are your guys' thoughts on this? For some reason it's making me nervous but my hips/butt are so tight and sore and I would really like to get a good stretch in.
(eta: words are hard)
GTKY: Google your name +glamour shot and post the most hilarious option that comes up!
@canucklehead123 I am going through the same thing with my mom. I’m trying to be understanding because I know it’s her first grandchild but honestly sometimes I don’t even answer her messages and just hope she gets the point.
How far along are you? 5+3
How are you feeling? Ok. Lots of bloat. I did some shopping for waistband extenders today because I keep needing to unbutton my pants.
Any recent/upcoming appointments? Last beta was good. Next Tuesday is my first ultrasound!
Rants/Raves? Happy to be with family today but sucks that I work tomorrow.
Questions? Nope
GTKY: Google your name +glamour shot and post the most hilarious option that comes up! In spoiler
How are you feeling? Tired, bloated, and emotional. I cried when my kids got excited that Santa was on tv this morning and christmas music gets me every darn time.
Any recent/upcoming appointments? Another bloodtest on Wednesday next week and as long as that comes up good then we will schedule my first ultrasound.
Rants/Raves? Nothing besides my sister driving me nuts because she cant handle stress yet has to host Thanksgiving dinner every year. She always ends up yelling and having a fit about something.
Questions? Nope
GTKY: Google your name +glamour shot and post the most hilarious option that comes up
BFP 2/2016 M/C 3/2016 @ 5 weeks
Trying for #4 since 11/2015
@safire3 where did you get pant buckle extenders?? I may need some soon. I do try and plan to be queen of dresses though...seems like a win-win
@canucklehead123 yoga sounds great! Do it - great for mind and body! I think my mom will be doing the same...we are telling them Christmas.
@SmashJam oh man! Are you feeling any better?!
How far along are you? 4w6d
cabt wait til my first appt to firm up the date.
How are you feeling? Great. Was tired last week but feel more normal this week. Had mild cramping but that went away. Also have been having wayyyy intense vivid dreams and I’m not one who would really dream or remember them.
Any recent/upcoming appointments? Dec 13 - i can’t wait that long. I’m wickedly inpatient so this will be a real test for me.
Rants/Raves? I got to sleep in today. Rant - I’m going to work in a few hours to work through the night and into Friday afternoon .
Questions? How to you fast forward time to get past Black Friday and to Dec 13th??
GTKY: ...and how appropriate since i have 2 cats.
How are you feeling? Pretty good. Some fatigue and bloating.
Any recent/upcoming appointments? Just waiting for my first u/s on 12/6.
Rants/Raves? It was so weird yesterday at Thanksgiving since we haven't announced yet. (I want to wait until after our first ultrasound). I was nervous that I would slip up and mention it. I can't wait to be further along so we can tell our kids and the rest of our family. I suck at keeping secrets!
Questions? Nope.
Me (32) Dx PCOS, DH (32) SA = Normal/mild morph issues
TTC#5 July 2017 - 3rd cycle TTC = BFP on 11/12/17 at 9dpo Beta #1 = 96 at 13dpo - Beta #2 = 207 at 15dpo
3 rounds of Clomid + TI and 3 rounds of 7.5 mg Femara + IUI before our BFP on 11/8/10 at 12dpiui
TTC #2 3rd cycle of Femara 7.5mg+Ovidrel+TI = 4 follies = BFP on 10/12/12
TTC#3 July 2014 - Metformin +TI = BFP at 9dpo - Twins, one baby lost at 5.5 weeks
Macy Annabelle born at 37w4d on 4/29/15. Diagnosed with Cri du Chat and passed away on 6/6/15. Forever in our hearts.
TTC#4 3rd cycle of Metformin + Femara 7.5mg+Ovidrel+TI = 3 follies = BFP on 12/24/16
How far along are you? 4w6d
How are you feeling? Pretty normal so far. Some bloating and ute twinges every so often and starting to feel like MS may be coming soon, but it's not really here yet.
Any recent/upcoming appointments? I'll call to schedule my first one this week. <TW loss> I've been a bit hesitant to schedule because after I had my CP in July it was such a bummer to have to call and cancel <end TW>
Rants/Raves? Yesterday was both my and DH's birthday (same day two years apart) and we got to go to a fancy restaurant and then to a concert. We kind of avoided seeing friends because I didn't want to "fake" drinking on my birthday and we're not ready to share the news yet, but we ended up having a great time just the two of us.
Questions? Not at the moment
GTKY: Google your name +glamour shot and post the most hilarious option that comes up! OMG, this GTKY is amazing!
Me 39 - DH 41
Married 8/26/07
TTGP #1 Jan '15 -
BFP 9/11/15 - DS born 5/31/16
TTGP #2 July '17 -
CP July '17
Blighted Ovum MC Dec '17
CP June '18
BFP 1/30/19 - EDD 10/13/19
@canucklehead123 my skin is broken out pretty badly as well. So annoying! I'm hoping once my body gets used to the change in hormones it will calm down. I'm going to be trying yoga at home and see how it goes. I really regret not being more active with my first pregnancy and want to change that this time around. I have a friend who swears by a yoga channel on youtube called Yoga with Adriene and she has prenatal yoga so I'm going to try it out.
@safire3+1 for the hair tie trick @SmashJam mentioned. I also recommend it!
Me 39 - DH 41
Married 8/26/07
TTGP #1 Jan '15 -
BFP 9/11/15 - DS born 5/31/16
TTGP #2 July '17 -
CP July '17
Blighted Ovum MC Dec '17
CP June '18
BFP 1/30/19 - EDD 10/13/19
How are you feeling? Pretty good. Had a couple evenings I got sick, but overall really good!
Any recent/upcoming appointments? I finally have my first appointment on Thursday! Excited and nervous. They don't routinely do ultrasounds until 20 weeks, but I might ask for one.
Rants/Raves? Sorry I wasn't around much for the holiday weekend. This week and next are both crazy with work too.
GTKY: Google your name +glamour shot and post the most hilarious option that comes up! I will come back to this, for now I need to work
TTC December 2016
BFP 2/28/17 // CP 3/1/17
MFI Diagnosis: Aug 2017
BFP 11/1/17 // DS born 6/18
TTC January 2019
BFP 3/21/19 // D&C (MMC) 5/8/19
How far along are you? 5w 1d
How are you feeling? Pretty good. Early nausea has subsided. No signs of MS (yet). I had been so asymptomatic this past week I had to take another PT just to make sure I was still KU. Needless to say it was SUUUPER positive. So clearly the hormones are doubling up nicely.
Any recent/upcoming appointments? Wednesday! So excited and nervous. They said I will be getting an ultrasound. It will be too early for a heartbeat or anything but FX everything is in the right place and I can see a nice looking yolk sack
Rants/Raves? Rant - After about 2 weeks away from work it stinks having to come back. Rave - Went to the movies yesterday with hubs for our first real "date" in awhile. We saw Thor: Ragnarock which was a lot of fun.
Questions? Not yet
GTKY: Google your name +glamour shot and post the most hilarious option that comes up!
I apologize if the pic below is huge....but I think it also slightly deserves to be
@canucklehead123 Big fat Ugh to Mom telling what you should/should not do. I have the same thing except it's Hubby **eye roll**
@safire3 FX for your appointment tomorrow. Very exciting
@busymommy23 You're in for a long month if christmas music get you every time.
@And846 I'm dying...you Glamour Shot is amazing
@Sarafuss I know how you feel. At this point the only people that know are MH, Sister and Mom. We had the whole family at Thanksgiving and it's hard to keep it a secret especially when you're the only one not drinking wine and my mom forgot the grape juice.
@mrsinterweb Welcome! I know how you feel about seeing friends. I keep saying that I'm doing a cleanse and that I can't have alcohol.
@MrsMiller8588 Yay for your first appointment this week. Very exciting.
I will do a formal update tomorrow but i have been feeling so good and symptom free that i actually went out to get another hpt to take. Turned remnant super fast and super dark. Sorry, not sorry.
You guys - unfortunately about 80% of my preggo-irritation and rage is being directed towards this BMB (I am being silent because if you can't say anything nice...). I am going to have to take a Bump break. Love to you all and H&H 9 months to you if I don't return
Also...i have been on two bump month boards and never had this many "I'm out" "update just kidding I'm fine" and it's really messing with my emotions. I do not mean to sound insensitive I'm glad turned out well but holy rollercoaster!
Me (32) Dx PCOS, DH (32) SA = Normal/mild morph issues
TTC#5 July 2017 - 3rd cycle TTC = BFP on 11/12/17 at 9dpo Beta #1 = 96 at 13dpo - Beta #2 = 207 at 15dpo
3 rounds of Clomid + TI and 3 rounds of 7.5 mg Femara + IUI before our BFP on 11/8/10 at 12dpiui
TTC #2 3rd cycle of Femara 7.5mg+Ovidrel+TI = 4 follies = BFP on 10/12/12
TTC#3 July 2014 - Metformin +TI = BFP at 9dpo - Twins, one baby lost at 5.5 weeks
Macy Annabelle born at 37w4d on 4/29/15. Diagnosed with Cri du Chat and passed away on 6/6/15. Forever in our hearts.
TTC#4 3rd cycle of Metformin + Femara 7.5mg+Ovidrel+TI = 3 follies = BFP on 12/24/16
Me 39 - DH 41
Married 8/26/07
TTGP #1 Jan '15 -
BFP 9/11/15 - DS born 5/31/16
TTGP #2 July '17 -
CP July '17
Blighted Ovum MC Dec '17
CP June '18
BFP 1/30/19 - EDD 10/13/19