July 2018 Moms

TW this is the end...*updated with US results

edited November 2017 in July 2018 Moms
While the betas I was waiting on looked okay, I passed a large clot last night and have been bleeding on and off since then so I am not optimistic about this LOs chances of sticking around. I'm waiting on a third beta and expecting a drop. It was lovely to get to know you all in this brief time. Happy and healthy nine months to you all. 

Update: so my third beta didn't drop, it actually rose faster than between the first and second one I had done. I'm going for an ultrasound this afternoon to see what's up, staying cautiously hopeful. 

post US update: measuring 6w exactly (LMP has me at 5w6d), 2mm long, HR 93. Small SCH to the right of the the sac so maybe the source of the bleeding and clot. Remaining cautiously optimistic. Thanks for the support!
run along Pond...2015/12/10

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