LGBT Parenting

DONOR SPERM: Did/Would you choose a brand new sperm donor with no (yet) reported pregnancies?

When choosing donor sperm, did it matter to you whether or not the donor had any reported pregnancies yet? 

We fell in love with one donor and he is brand new to the site, so he does not yet have any pregnancies.  I like knowing that others have had success with donors, but I also try to rationalize that someone somewhere had to be the first, and with no pregnancies reported at the time!  We're chancing it because he meets all our criteria and we love his personality and the extra bits we were able to learn about him.

What are your thoughts? What did or will you do?  Thx!

My wife and I have conceived a babe with my body and frozen donor sperm through IUI, with medication support (clomid, ovidrel, and injections of progesterone)

IUI #1, #2, and #3: Dec 2017, Jan 2018, and Feb 2018 - all BFN
HSG Test: April 2018 - all clear!
IUI #4: April 15/16, 2018 - BFP!! EDD: Jan 7, 2019 

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