I also wouldn't recommend a huge stockpile until you find the brand you like best. I tried all the hippy natural brands and some were terrible (looking at you, Seventh Generation). I was not happy to have giant boxes of bigger sizes of those. Once you find a brand you like, subscribe to a bundle package with free delivery and you'll be good to go.
Maybe this belongs in confessions but I look for function and price before I look for color. I HATE HATE HATE baby showers for myself so I had a teeny one insisted upon me by dhs family and got a handful of clothes and our stroller with dd. Our income was very modest so I skipped on things like the rock n play and borrowed a few things (high chair and pack n play) Fast forward to DS and our income was healthier and not having to buy all the basics I sought out some clearance sales and consignment items including a rock n play and high chair that were both pink. I really don’t think DS minded and I’ll use both again this time around regardless of baby’s sex. Car seats I bought colors that I liked for my car (green and blue) and dh liked for his car (red and gray). A good convertible will last 7-8 years so I put more thought into that. Now that dd is booster age and she has actual opinions on the matter I let her pick the colors. (So she has blue in my car and purple in daddy’s lol).
Any STM+ use those teething mittens? Curious to know if anyone prefers them over other teething toys or methods.
I've never used them and just googled them to see what they are. They look like they could be cool! However, one of the nice things about using teething toys is that LO works on their motor skills (being able to hold and manipulate the toy into their mouth) while playing/chewing/sucking. The mitten makes it way easier to get into their mouth... but putting their hands in their mouth is still an early motor skill. Interesting toy/thing!
DS: EDD, December 19th, 2014. Born, December 19th, 2014! DD: EDD, July 18th, 2016. Born, July 19th, 2016!
@scuba_chic my MIL got us some. DD just took them off or cried when they were on. We had much better luck with traditional teethers, or letting her just hold the mit and use it as a regular teether.
I’ll second what @ladythrice said. I was really tempted to get one because DD would get so frustrated—but I think that frustration was the catalyst for her fine motor development. Although I doubt it makes a huge difference in the long run!
@scuba_chic not a STM but a developmental psychologist and as others have said those tools facilitate both motor and sensory-perceptual development, and both of those functions promote each other, so if you have the option I would say yes go for it. It can mean earlier motor and cognitive milestones and while most kids will achieve the milestones eventually it can’t hurt to get there faster...
just as a PSA. I won't be having a shower but I've made a private registry on amazon because we need basically everything. I found out last night that most of my stuff is eligible for registry completion and they give you 15% off as a prime member once you're 60 days away from your due date!
Maybe I will get both just to see if she prefers one to the other herself. I feel as a parent, they might be easier because they wont keep losing/dropping them. I guess just like bottles, its good to have variety just in case they dont like one or the other.
just as a PSA. I won't be having a shower but I've made a private registry on amazon because we need basically everything. I found out last night that most of my stuff is eligible for registry completion and they give you 15% off as a prime member once you're 60 days away from your due date!
is it 60 days before the due date? That is a great deal if so! I don’t think we’re having a shower either, but I’ve added things to amazon list to figure out what we need to buy so 15% would be great!
I thought I would throw this out there that if anyone plans to make a lot of purchases for baby related stuff (or anything really) you should also consider looking into one of those websites like ebates or Upromise. I personally shop through Upromise which gives me an additional 5% cash back when I buy anything online at Buy Buy Baby. My husband and I recently bought new dining room chairs from World Market which is also a participating store through Upromise and I got $40 back. There is no catch to using these sites... it doesn't cost you anything. Just fee money! Amazon also runs promos on Upromise from time to time as well.
Can someone explain to me how ebates works before I sign up for it? Like, what do you do? How do you get money back? If I sign up, what's the better option for the bonus - $10 walmart card or ebates cash?
@psuxray07 for sign up...for bonus I would choose the ebates cash (because they mail you your check quarterly and is just bonus money in your pocket). The only think you have to remember to do when using ebates to go into the app or online and open up the link to where you're shopping through them. Your purchase will be automatically updated in the app as a result. I generally will go in and see what the % back is for stores and if I can get more money back by buying through one versus another I will. They also run deals like 2X AND 3X events at times.
Don't feel obligated what so ever, but happy to pass along my sign up link via PM...It obv benefits me but I think you get a bonus for it too.
Just came across this thermometer on amazon. If anyone has used it and loves it or hates it please let me know because I think I might get it. My 2 year old still hates the thermometer, because he has to sit still so long and wont sit still for temporal thermometer.
@MrsMassimilla we bought one when DD was sick with the intention of sticking it on and tracking it throughout the night so we wouldn’t have to wake her up. I can’t remember why, but we didn’t end up using it that time and it sat in our linen closet. Anyway I was checking out the box recently and it already expired! It was pretty pricey for a one time use item—so I was disappointed. That being said, I’d probably buy another if DD got a worrisome fever that I wanted to track through the night.
I thought I would throw this out there that if anyone plans to make a lot of purchases for baby related stuff (or anything really) you should also consider looking into one of those websites like ebates or Upromise. I personally shop through Upromise which gives me an additional 5% cash back when I buy anything online at Buy Buy Baby. My husband and I recently bought new dining room chairs from World Market which is also a participating store through Upromise and I got $40 back. There is no catch to using these sites... it doesn't cost you anything. Just fee money! Amazon also runs promos on Upromise from time to time as well.
We use Upromise and it is directly linked to a college fund for DS. So a % all purchases that participate with them (when I freaking remember to go through Upromise) go into his account. Upromise is owned by Sallie Mae.
I thought I would throw this out there that if anyone plans to make a lot of purchases for baby related stuff (or anything really) you should also consider looking into one of those websites like ebates or Upromise. I personally shop through Upromise which gives me an additional 5% cash back when I buy anything online at Buy Buy Baby. My husband and I recently bought new dining room chairs from World Market which is also a participating store through Upromise and I got $40 back. There is no catch to using these sites... it doesn't cost you anything. Just fee money! Amazon also runs promos on Upromise from time to time as well.
We use Upromise and it is directly linked to a college fund for DS. So a % all purchases that participate with them (when I freaking remember to go through Upromise) go into his account. Upromise is owned by Sallie Mae.
Yep, I was introduced to Upromise because I had student loans through Sallie Mae. I initially started using it to help pay down my loans but I eventually consolidated the loans with a different company (so happy not to have loans with them anymore). I continued to use Upromise though and now I just request a check when the amount gets high enough.
Okay ladies, STM+ question: I'm thinking of registering for an Owlet baby monitor. I'm wondering if anyone has experience with them. I have one friend who used it for her son and swore it gave her peace of mind and says I need one....but I also think it's a ton of money for an item that every generation before didn't have and they had perfectly healthy babies (I don't think there is any research that these things reduce SIDS).
@ftm_ohio we had the owlet for my son and I LOVED it. We will be getting the newest model for baby2. You have to know it’s not approved to prevent SIDS because nobody knows what causes it really and they don’t have the expertise to say so BUT it’s great for peace of mind. I loved that I could check his stats from my phone and when he was a tiny babe I would basically leave the app open all night and do a quick peak when I was waking. You have to know yourself. There was a girl in my bmb who was constantly anxious about the readings because her daughter would read in the mid-90s which is totally normal. It’s also a learning curve, we used to have a lot of yellow alarms which is when the sock gets disconnected so we developed tricks like putting a real sock over so my son couldn’t kick it, and we had to have the base in his room because otherwise there was interference (but they fixed that now I think). We used it until he turned one and always brought it with us when we traveled. It was by far my most used baby item. We did had 3 red alarms which almost gave me a heart attack but 3 times I don’t think my baby was in danger but he sure needed assistance!
@danjoly thanks for this! I know I'm anxious AF about everything in my life, but I'm also an RN so I'm not too concerned about worrying about readings. I just hate to ask someone to spend that money on us, or for us to spend it and then I end up not liking it or using it.
If you don't mind my asking, what were your red alarms about?
@FTM_ohio we didn't use any of the baby monitoring devices for our kids but I was definitely one stressed out anxious momma with DS. In theory, a device like this would have offered comfort but i've heard horror stories about false alarms. The truth is as long as the sleeping situation for the newborn baby meets all safety requirements (no loose blankets, on back, flat-ish surface, etc etc) you've already accounted for all the things that could obstruct baby's airways. For me my biggest anxiety was SIDS and none of these monitoring devices reduce the risk of SIDS.
DS: EDD, December 19th, 2014. Born, December 19th, 2014! DD: EDD, July 18th, 2016. Born, July 19th, 2016!
@ladythrice that's why I'm so on the fence. LO will be right next to us for the first 5-6 months so I feel like maybe it's unnecessary, but also have that whole anxious FTM thing where I'm like what if one of the cats lays on his face while we are sleeping and kills him... Probably a little insane, I realize, but welcome to my brain lol.
@ftm_ohio one time he was sleeping on my husband, super early on like 2 weeks old. And he had one of these apnea episode little babies have. He definitely was so sound asleep that he wasn’t breathing right.
One time he had spit up and was basically coughing up some spit up vomi (scariest alarm)
and another time he was badly congested and his reading were borderline low all evening. Turns out he had a bad lung infection.
@ladythrice You are right, they don’t reduce sids because it’s most often sudden and too late when it happens but definitely can alert you when something else is wrong. I was mostly happy to have it when at 4 months DS started sleeping on his belly (he could roll) and was sleeping face first on his mattress. He wasn’t struggling to breathe but it was giving ME peace of mind to see it on my phone.
@danjoly wow! That's SO scary! I guess part of the reason I'm asking advice is that my friends never had any alarms so it ended up being a very expensive sock lol. But it sounds like in your case it was a literal lifesaver! Thank you for sharing!
@ftm_ohio one time he was sleeping on my husband, super early on like 2 weeks old. And he had one of these apnea episode little babies have. He definitely was so sound asleep that he wasn’t breathing right.
One time he had spit up and was basically coughing up some spit up vomi (scariest alarm)
and another time he was badly congested and his reading were borderline low all evening. Turns out he had a bad lung infection.
@ladythrice You are right, they don’t reduce sids because it’s most often sudden and too late when it happens but definitely can alert you when something else is wrong. I was mostly happy to have it when at 4 months DS started sleeping on his belly (he could roll) and was sleeping face first on his mattress. He wasn’t struggling to breathe but it was giving ME peace of mind to see it on my phone.
I have seen this advertised on FB and I have read a lot of comments for it and against it but hearing your story makes me want to get one now!
What do y’all think about a swing, bouncer, or rock n play? Do I need all three? Is it really a total crap shoot as to what the baby will like? I’m trying to avoid getting all three as I’d like to keep things minimal but I also have no idea what I’m doing...
@nessa1632 I never ever used the swing with my first. That said, I won’t get rid of it because I imagine it’ll come in handy more when I have two. The RNP was our main landing space for DS and we never had a bouncer. I’m considering getting one this time because they look maybe easier to carry around the house with a sleeping baby inside.
@nessa1632 I’ve been wondering the same. On top of thinking maybe having both a swing and RNP was overkill and knowing baby might hate the swing, we also have a really small house and the swing I liked and had on the registry was huge (Graco Duet Connect LX). I looked into more compact ones but most were actually more expensive and I couldn’t justify putting another $200 item on the list. I ultimately decided to take the swing off the registry and get it after baby arrives if we feel we need it. We’ve been told the RNP is a must have by almost everyone so that’s staying!
I’d say if you have the space and budget to do both and see how it goes. From what I understand BRU has an incredible return policy for registry items so if baby hates one of them you should be able to return it, even used. Prob why they filed bankruptcy, lol.
@nessa1632 we had all 3 plus a Boppy Lounger. DS used them all and liked them all. They were super helpful and some more so at different stages. It was nice having different "stations" around the house to set him down. I say do what's best for your house.
@ladythrice that's why I'm so on the fence. LO will be right next to us for the first 5-6 months so I feel like maybe it's unnecessary, but also have that whole anxious FTM thing where I'm like what if one of the cats lays on his face while we are sleeping and kills him... Probably a little insane, I realize, but welcome to my brain lol.
Haha my boyfriend and I talk about the same thing with our cat. She likes sleeping on top of things and at night it ends up being on or near us so we worry about kitty getting near the baby at night.. it’s not crazy at all
@ladythrice that's why I'm so on the fence. LO will be right next to us for the first 5-6 months so I feel like maybe it's unnecessary, but also have that whole anxious FTM thing where I'm like what if one of the cats lays on his face while we are sleeping and kills him... Probably a little insane, I realize, but welcome to my brain lol.
NOT that insane actually... my best friend’s cat got into her son’s crib one night and scratched up his face! I’m surprised that cat lived to see another day but thankfully the baby was ok.
Do y’all think it’s worth registering for diapers and wipes? Or is that like clothes- we’ll probably get some anyway? I also have no sense of how many diapers and wipes to prep before the baby’s comes- only that it’ll take a little to figure out which brand work she best for us.
I’m registered on Amazon too! So easy! I’m a FTM so I’m super clueless - what do I do if I plan to EBF? I know it may not work out as planned...even if so, do I need to get a pump? Manual or electric? And I read the bottle discussion so I guess I should register for a few, I didn’t even think of it!
Me: 27 // DH: 30 Married 05/21/2011 TTC Since Feb 2016 RE: Dec 2016 Dx: PCOS 5 rounds of Letrozole 5mg + Ovidrel + TI BFP!!!! June 2017 // EDD: 04/01/2018 IT'S A BOY!
@vintageandrea90 definitely get a pump. There will be times where you may want to go out somewhere without baby and you’ll want some expressed milk. Call your health insurance company to find out the process for getting your pump. You should be covered for one and shouldn’t need to register for it (but may want to get some extra parts.)
Yes, I’d register for a couple of bottles just to have on hand but wouldn’t go overboard until you see how your kiddo takes to the bottle. As I’ve said it took like 4 different brands until I found one that DS would take for pumped milk.
Re: The Great Registry Thread
Maybe this belongs in confessions but I look for function and price before I look for color. I HATE HATE HATE baby showers for myself so I had a teeny one insisted upon me by dhs family and got a handful of clothes and our stroller with dd. Our income was very modest so I skipped on things like the rock n play and borrowed a few things (high chair and pack n play) Fast forward to DS and our income was healthier and not having to buy all the basics I sought out some clearance sales and consignment items including a rock n play and high chair that were both pink. I really don’t think DS minded and I’ll use both again this time around regardless of baby’s sex. Car seats I bought colors that I liked for my car (green and blue) and dh liked for his car (red and gray). A good convertible will last 7-8 years so I put more thought into that. Now that dd is booster age and she has actual opinions on the matter I let her pick the colors. (So she has blue in my car and purple in daddy’s lol).
DS: EDD, December 19th, 2014. Born, December 19th, 2014!
DD: EDD, July 18th, 2016. Born, July 19th, 2016!
Baby #3: EDD, April 16th, 2016
Don't feel obligated what so ever, but happy to pass along my sign up link via PM...It obv benefits me but I think you get a bonus for it too.
Anyone have thoughts on this?
If you don't mind my asking, what were your red alarms about?
DS: EDD, December 19th, 2014. Born, December 19th, 2014!
DD: EDD, July 18th, 2016. Born, July 19th, 2016!
Baby #3: EDD, April 16th, 2016
One time he had spit up and was basically coughing up some spit up vomi (scariest alarm)
and another time he was badly congested and his reading were borderline low all evening. Turns out he had a bad lung infection.
@ladythrice You are right, they don’t reduce sids because it’s most often sudden and too late when it happens but definitely can alert you when something else is wrong. I was mostly happy to have it when at 4 months DS started sleeping on his belly (he could roll) and was sleeping face first on his mattress. He wasn’t struggling to breathe but it was giving ME peace of mind to see it on my phone.
I’d say if you have the space and budget to do both and see how it goes. From what I understand BRU has an incredible return policy for registry items so if baby hates one of them you should be able to return it, even used. Prob why they filed bankruptcy, lol.
Married: 10/3/15
TTC: May 2017
BFP: 7/20/17
EDD: 3/29/18
I mean it's not crazy I guess, but we also have the option to lock the cats out of our room at night...
Married 05/21/2011
TTC Since Feb 2016
RE: Dec 2016 Dx: PCOS
5 rounds of Letrozole 5mg + Ovidrel + TI
BFP!!!! June 2017 // EDD: 04/01/2018
Yes, I’d register for a couple of bottles just to have on hand but wouldn’t go overboard until you see how your kiddo takes to the bottle. As I’ve said it took like 4 different brands until I found one that DS would take for pumped milk.