My doula told me about hypnobirthing last week and I’m obsessed. I just ordered the home study course on hypnobabies. Anyone else planning on going this route?
I like the whole idea but a) I'm not sure it would work for me and b) this is my last kiddo so I don't really want to drop money on new birthing stuff!
Meh idk... I have one of the books, but I suck at meditating and doubt I’m going to get better at it with a fetus disrupting my train of thought now...
I did this with my last pregnancy because I was worried about having another really long early labour, and wanted help to deal with it. I can't recommend it enough! I did not have a pain free labour (though I do believe this is possible for some women). The course gave me tips which allowed my labour to progress quicker. I was never very good at practicing the meditation, but did use the affirmations during labour and managed a sort of meditation which got me through most of labour with me in control of the pain. I was also in the birthing pool and had gas and air, but this was so much better than my first birth experience! When it came to pushing my body birthed the baby without my input (it's really hard to describe). I did no concious pushing, just concentrated on not tensing. Those contractions were unbelievable strong. I really believe the hypnobirthing was so helpful for me and will be doing it again.
I got the home study last pregnancy. I was honestly not a great student but I did love the meditation tracks. And I did achieve a peaceful (though not totally pain free) birth. And it was also pretty fast - 4 hours from first contraction to baby out. And I arrived at the birth center a 6 and was feeling totally fine. Though it was my second and I did Bradley with my first, so I was pretty well prepared both physically and mentally. I pushed like twice and didn’t tear at all. Though I attribute that mainly to delivering in the water (which I would also recommend!). All that said, I would recommend hypnobirthing and do plan to use some of the same techniques this time.
I don’t ever meditate and I briefly read through a book a friend had passed on to me, plus I downloaded a few meditation cds on to my phone and the little that I did do really helped with my VBAC. I’m definitely going to put in a bit more effort this time around as I feel it’ll be hugely beneficial if done “properly”. This together with a water birth will hopefully mean a med-free and tear-free birth. Here’s hoping !
My SIL had a hypnobaby birth and I was privileged to be her support person. Honest to goodness she didn’t seem to be in any pain. She was definitely focused but in total control. With her 2nd and 3rd births the hospital staff didn’t believe she was in labor because she was so calm. I have other friends who swear by hypnobirthing and had very positive experiences. I think it’s especially great for women who have a lot of fear around birth. It is a huge time commitment though, and it isn’t cheap.
It’s true, I think in the States it’s $170? I had to pay $40 US shipping on top of that bc I’m in Canada. And you just know I’m going to get hit with duties when it gets to the post office. Yikes! But honestly after hearing the testimonials and watching a few hypnobabies births on videos we’re like TAKE OUR MONEY!
I do tend to drop things like hot potatoes when it comes to daily practices and commitments but I honestly think the hope of an anxiety and fear free birth might just be the motivator I need.
I did Bradley with my son. While it’s different, I think anything you do to prepare and educate yourself (and your partner) on what you’ll experience and all of you options is the most powerful thing you can do! Congrats!!
I'm a midwife and about 95% of my clients have medication free births. The ones who use hypnobabies are always incredible to watch as they seem to be calmer and cope better with labor. I've also seen hypnobabies not work for some people but they seem to be rarer, probably because people self-select.
I'm really wanting to try hypnobabies with this baby! I think it will work for me and give me another tool to cope with labor.
Re: Hypnobirthing
@holli0801 Awesome! You’ll have to let me know if you decide to! I’m so excited!
When it came to pushing my body birthed the baby without my input (it's really hard to describe). I did no concious pushing, just concentrated on not tensing. Those contractions were unbelievable strong.
I really believe the hypnobirthing was so helpful for me and will be doing it again.
I have other friends who swear by hypnobirthing and had very positive experiences. I think it’s especially great for women who have a lot of fear around birth. It is a huge time commitment though, and it isn’t cheap.
It’s true, I think in the States it’s $170? I had to pay $40 US shipping on top of that bc I’m in Canada. And you just know I’m going to get hit with duties when it gets to the post office. Yikes! But honestly after hearing the testimonials and watching a few hypnobabies births on videos we’re like TAKE OUR MONEY!
I do tend to drop things like hot potatoes when it comes to daily practices and commitments but I honestly think the hope of an anxiety and fear free birth might just be the motivator I need.
I'm really wanting to try hypnobabies with this baby! I think it will work for me and give me another tool to cope with labor.