May 2018 Moms


I'm just going to post lots of discussion threads so we can actually converse.

Does anyone enjoy and participate in ASMR? Who is your favorite ASMRtist? What's your favorite trigger? Your first or favorite experience?

For anyone who doesn't know but wants to...


  • I have literally never heard of this before. Can't wait to see the responses!
  • I have literally never heard of this before. Can't wait to see the responses!
    I hadn't since about a year or so ago. I was watching a youtube variety show and they did a segment on it and I searched some videos on youtube and have been entranced since.

    Since learning about this experience I can think back to most of my triggers (which I didn't know at the time) were when people were playing with my hair or when I was getting my hair done.

    Now when I watch youtube videos my favorite is whispering in the ear. Sometimes the videos may not be "triggering" but can just be relaxing for studying, sleeping,etc. But I have had literally this intense tingling sensation in the back of my head and even in my limbs when something is really triggering.

    Some of my favorite youtubers are Gentle Whispering, Massage ASMR, ASMR Surge, and ASMR PPOMO.
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  • @mileswithmyles this is a good video with a bit of an explanation of ASMR sensation and "trigger tips". It is a roleplay video so it is meant to be interactive.

  • I️ had forgotten about this and had to remind myself what it was. I️ like it but feel
    a bit odd listening to it, haha. I️ think I️ first heard of it about a year ago and enjoyed it for a while before forgetting about it. I️ still
    listen to “mind massage” on YouTube when I️ am feeling incredibly tense. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • That lady whispering was so incredibly annoying to me, I couldn't watch it.  What does that say about me? LOL 

    Me, 35 Hubs, 32
    Married June 2012
    BFP June 2013- blighted ovum, D&C Aug 2013
    BFP Oct 2013- twins!  A&H born May 2014
    BFP Aug 2017- EDD 5/8/17

  • I loved that video! The whispering was a trigger for me. I think this is really interesting and I plan to do more research. I'm telling SO about it too.
  • I love ASMR! Whenever I tell people about it they think I'm absolutely weird. I started listening to ASMR videos about 6 years ago when my grandparents both fell ill and I was helping my mom care for them. My sleep cycle was completely out of wack and I listened to videos that helped me meditate and just take my mind off the situation for a bit. GentleWhispers (Maria) is one of the best ASMRtists and these videos have become her full time career. She just released a video where about healing crystals. I've actually learned about about crystals through her. If anyone needs recommendations let me know! When I see baby products for sleeping noises etc, I just think, I'm gonna play some of these videos instead. I've read in the comment sections where parents have done this to help their children sleep and it's worked. 
  • @dee_ao Maria is absolutely my favorite. Her voice is so incredibly soothing and I watch her videos any time I want to sleep.

    @codik86 I'm excited that you liked it! There's so many good asmr youtubers out there, you just have to find your niche.

    @sandbar517 there's so much more to asmr than whispering! It doesn't have to be your thing but if it interests you I encourage you to try out different kinds of videos :)
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