July 2018 Moms

Any Breastfeeding/Extended Breastfeeding Mommas?

My first son is 23 months and still breastfeeding multiple times per day! I really want to try to tandem nurse when this little arrives BUT the nipple sensitivity is REAL lol Have any of y’all made it past two years or tandem nursed??

Kylie M.

Baby #1 Born 12.16.2015

Baby #2 Due 7.13.2018

Re: Any Breastfeeding/Extended Breastfeeding Mommas?

  • I’m still nursing my 15 month old and plan to tandem if he isn’t done by the time this one is born (he’d be 24 months) :)
  • @kburg15 That is AMAZING!! My first son is still nursing at 23 months! I really want to tandem once LO is born but I am struggling right now, my bubs is being super clingy lately, which makes sense now lol. My goal is making it to his second birthday and then I think I'll take it month by month lol

    Are you having any sensitivity problems? There have been a couple times when my son has latched that it was super uncomfortable but it hasn't been too bad so far. SO FAR  :D

    Kylie M.

    Baby #1 Born 12.16.2015

    Baby #2 Due 7.13.2018

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  • I nursed my son until about 6 weeks before he turned 4 (he was just nursing before bed at that point). 
    Me: 35  H: 35
    Married: 4/5/13

    "You know that place between sleep and awake, 
    that place where you can still remember dreaming?
    That's where I will always love you.  
    That's where I'll be waiting."
    ~Peter Pan 

    BFP #1: 11/12/12  EDD 7/25/13 Baby boy: 7/27/13
    BFP #2: 10/29/17   MMC dx @ 9 weeks
    BFP #3: 2/2/18 MC 2/7/18
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    RPL testing and hysteroscopy: all normal
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    BFP #6 11/5/18 EDD 7/20/19  <3  Rainbow baby girl born 7/23/19 
    BFP #7 12/8/2021 EDD 8/22/2022 
  • I nursed my son until just a couple months ago. He's 28 months now, I would have kept going but it started dragging out bed time (he only nursed before bed) and turns out he doesn't even miss it!
    I've read that some toddlers self wean when your milk dries up during the second tri. I gotta say my hat goes off to you for keeping up with it during the 1st trimester! My nipples couldn't handle it right now. 
  • I am still nursing my 12 month old. I’m still undecided what my plan is, so I’m following just to read other’s experiences. 

    Lab Mom (x2): Sept/Oct 2014 
    Married: August 2015
    DS: Nov 2016 (36w)
    Baby H #2: July2018 (Team Pink!)

  • Still nursing my 13 month old. I have such mixed feelings about what to do when the new baby comes. I always said I would let him self wean but he has been SO clingy lately, wanting to nurse constantly when we're at home together, and throwing tantrums if I say no. I'm worried he will get jealous and want to nurse every time he sees baby nurse. I guess I have to do some research on tandem nursing. 

    @acunamatada I didn't know that about drying up during 2nd trimester. Is that true for everyone? 
  • @zande2016 not sure if it's for everyone but I have heard it a lot, also that it changes the taste so some babies start to refuse it. 
  • I'm still nursing my 20 month old - twice a day, after waking and before bed. I'm staying to let her self wean but I don't have any interest in tandem nursing. And the nipple sensitivity is getting to me already...although only on my left side?!?!

    I'm hoping she will start weaning soon or when my milk decreases. If not, I may use Christmas break to have Daddy wake her and put her to bed.
  • @kmac103 luckily no sensitivity yet, but I’m only 4 weeks along. I’m planning to let him self wean, but he’s already down to around 4 times per day, and they aren’t long sessions, so if it was down to 2 times, I don’t think I’d mind it at all. Although I’ve heard of some older kids wanting to nurse more once the new baby is born, but that’s a long way off so I’m not worrying about it yet haha
  • I haven't had near as much breast tenderness as I did when I was pregnant with DD. I thought maybe it was from nursing? Has anyone else noticed the same? 
  • I haven't had near as much breast tenderness as I did when I was pregnant with DD. I thought maybe it was from nursing? Has anyone else noticed the same? 
    Yes totally! My first pregnancy I was so sore at this point. Not really sore at all this time, which has made me a little worried/paranoid at
  • zande2016 said:
    I haven't had near as much breast tenderness as I did when I was pregnant with DD. I thought maybe it was from nursing? Has anyone else noticed the same? 
    Yes totally! My first pregnancy I was so sore at this point. Not really sore at all this time, which has made me a little worried/paranoid at
    Same here! I remember barely being able to put a bra on when I was pregnant with my son! I am sure it's because of the breastfeeding but like you said @zande2016, it gets me paranoid as well.

    This whole pregnancy is kind of a "new" experience for me. With my first pregnancy in 2015, I was over 200 pounds starting out. 240 when I gave birth and 237 pounds 3 month PP. I have lost 107 pounds and haven't had ANY of the same symptoms as last time.. I know that it can happen that way but my mother has had 10 babies and she ALWAYS had the same symptoms lol 

    Anyway, I am over here trying not to freak out and worry lol I am interested to see if I end up drying up in the second trimester like @acunamatada mentioned. I don't think I could do dry nursing at all. I mean, I guess I didn't think I could breastfeed for almost two years either so who knows. 

    Now that I've rambled for like 20 years haha.. I'm done lol

    Kylie M.

    Baby #1 Born 12.16.2015

    Baby #2 Due 7.13.2018

  • I was nursing my 14.5 month old, but we just weaned last tuesday. It seems to have helped her sleep better. I have a friend who is 20+ weeks pregnant and still nursing her daughter.
  • I am an exclusive pumper since my boys never figured out how to latch. Whenever I dry up this pregnancy, I'm done. My goal was a year, which I've surpassed now anyways so I won't be heartbroken to break up with the pump for a few months!
    run along Pond...2015/12/10

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Same as what you guys are mentioning, no breast or nipple pain here! That was my first symptom last time. 

    Lab Mom (x2): Sept/Oct 2014 
    Married: August 2015
    DS: Nov 2016 (36w)
    Baby H #2: July2018 (Team Pink!)

  • I'm still nursing my 16mo. I didn't have any breast tenderness with his pregnancy and luckily don't have any yet with this one, either! I plan to nurse as long as he'll let me. DS wears contact lenses (has since he was 2mo) and the only way he calmly lets us put them in is if DH does it while I'm nursing. 
  • OMG, I'm so glad to hear that y'all are having the same thoughts and lack of symptoms! I've been freaking out. My beta was supposed to come back today, but didn't and my first ultrasound isn't until 12/1. That seems so far away! 
  • @MichelleAG05 my first US isn't until December too. I am like UGH but at the same time I'm like, okay, I can do this, I can convince myself everything is okay  :D 

    Kylie M.

    Baby #1 Born 12.16.2015

    Baby #2 Due 7.13.2018

  • I breastfed my first and became pregnant just shortly before he turned two. I have hg and still I dry nursed him through the pregnancy. I tandem nursed him and my daughter now for 2 years. My son at 4-years-old has just weaned as my milk supply has dropped and he was ready. My daughter is still nursing, she is 2-years-old now. I am not sure if I will tandem nurse again or if she will be weaned. It feels far less imperative that I make it to tandem nurse this time. Hg takes it's tole and with two young children and the rest of life to keep up as best as I can, it may be one too many things. Tandem nursing was challenging and rewarding. It was an incredible goal to have met. It helped tremendously with sibling jealousy. But making it through pregnancy involved a lot more than nipple sensitivity. The nursing aversions for my older child were much more difficult to cope with and lasted even after birth. Perhaps I will tandem nurse again or not but I am glad to have done it at one point. It showed me a lot of determination, strength, and the abundance of love.
  • I'm nursing my 15-month-old but only at bedtime most nights.  Some nights we skip it.  I don't have any desire to tandem nurse (no judgment for those that do) but nursing one is hard enough lol.  No real plans to wean yet but I would think that will happen in the next couple months.  
    Married 9/19/09
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    TTC#4 3rd cycle of Metformin + Femara 7.5mg+Ovidrel+TI = 3 follies = BFP on 12/24/16
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I just weaned my 29 month old about a week ago, I haven't gotten the sensitivity yet but I know we were right there.
  • Still nursing my 15 month old here, too. I’m not sure about tandem nursing. When lo was born he nursed so often and for so long I don’t know how I’d take care of ds1! Still up nursing at night though and planning to follow his lead. 
  • I'm still nursing my 27 month old. I'm really torn on tandem nursing. I'm not crazy about the idea but I also feel guilty weaning her. I know many self wean during pregnancy as well so we're just kid of playing it by ear for right now. I'm only 5 weeks so we have plenty of time to decide. 
  • I've been feeling so guilty about the idea of weaning DD but the nippe sensitivity is really getting to me! I cringe every time she asks to nurse. Any suggestions from anyone who has been there before?

    Also, my doc called with my beta results (5,000) at 5 weeks and wants to move my sonogram up to next week. She said the results looked good but now I'm torn on whether to be paranoid that she moved it up or excited!
  • @MichelleAG05 don’t stress about it!! I don’t know much about beta results but I do know paranoia is no fun lol 

    As for the nipple sensitivity, mine started yesterday. It is no fun at all. I talked to a local friend of mine that tandem nursed for two years and through her entire second pregnancy and she said that the hardest part is making it through the first trimester. Her milk dried up during the third trimester so her daughter stopped nursing until her son was born (she told her the baby was bringing the milk back).

    She said tandem nursing them was the most adorable and bonding thing she’s ever seen. That gave me a little motivation to keep going! I still cringe when he wants to nurse though lol It just is so uncomfortable!

    Kylie M.

    Baby #1 Born 12.16.2015

    Baby #2 Due 7.13.2018

  • @kmac103 aww! I didn’t even think about stopping and starting again. How sweet! That gives me hope :)
  • @kburg15 I hadn’t considered it either but I could definitely do that over dry nursing! I just do not think I could handle that at all so I’ve already decided that if my milk dries up, I’ll say the same thing to my son and if he wants to start nursing again when LO arrives, he can. Of course this is all a long way off but I am a planner so..... Hahahaha 

    Kylie M.

    Baby #1 Born 12.16.2015

    Baby #2 Due 7.13.2018

  • @kmac103 thanks for the info!  Still nursing my 30-month-old and wondering what happens next.  @MichelleAG05 5,000 sounds really high for 5 weeks!  They probably just want to check how far along you really are or see if it's multiples

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