May 2018 Moms

GTKY. Kinda (again)

If you were to subscribe to a monthly subscription box for your period, what are some items you’d like included?

I was thinking some snacks, and a new pair of panties every month. What would you add?

Re: GTKY. Kinda (again)

  • Wine!!! Ooo with chocolate. Hmmm option of pads or tampons and panty liners also. Midol and maybe some delicious smelling bubble bath.
  • I use a menstrual cup and cloth pads (I’m not even zero waste or anything...they’re just so much comfier!), so, no pads or tampons. But, a month’s supply of Midol or Motrin, some fancy tea, something to add to a bath, and a pair of underwear (let me choose what type though!). And chocolate. 
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  • Salt.  Pickles or potato chips Hahahahahaha.  The other suggestions are good though, chocolate, underwear, pads/tampons/cup, Ibuprofen, oooh some of those sticky disposable heating pads!

    Me, 35 Hubs, 32
    Married June 2012
    BFP June 2013- blighted ovum, D&C Aug 2013
    BFP Oct 2013- twins!  A&H born May 2014
    BFP Aug 2017- EDD 5/8/17

  • Bubble bath and a gift certificate for a babysitter that takes the kids somewhere!! Someone needs to create this and make millions!

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Blemish control face mask!
  • abhphilly said:
    I use a menstrual cup and cloth pads (I’m not even zero waste or anything...they’re just so much comfier!), so, no pads or tampons. But, a month’s supply of Midol or Motrin, some fancy tea, something to add to a bath, and a pair of underwear (let me choose what type though!). And chocolate. 
    November Siggy Challenge
  • Kendrajos said:
    Wine!!! Ooo with chocolate. Hmmm option of pads or tampons and panty liners also. Midol and maybe some delicious smelling bubble bath.
    Yes to all of this! Maybe some cute covers overtop hot water bottles 
  • Dairy milk candy bars, those activated heating pads that stick inside your pants, face sheet mask, milky bath bar from lush and maybe a pair of pajamas. 
  • So many good things already mentioned! Pamprin, pads, undies, and food.
    BFP 9/11/13   EDD 5/21/14   MC 9/20/13  <3
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

    BFP 2/25/14   EDD 11/5/14   BD 11/4/14
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    BFP 8/26/17  EDD  5/5/18
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • I really wanna get the menstrual cup. I have friends that swear by it but I guess I haven't gotten one cuz I am too lazy to actually search one and but it lol. I bet it's awesome 
  • @Kendrajos you can pick the diva cup up at CVS is right in the lady product aisle. Not that you'll be needing it anytime soon. I've been using mine for about 4 years now, and it's so much better than tampons. I also bought cloth pads, and then opted to make my own when I saw how easy it is. I figured if one day I wanted to cloth diaper, I had to convince dh that even I was using cloth because it's better for you, cheaper, and eco friendly. I recently mentioned cloth diapers on a side note when discussing cost of child care and trying to plan what we will do with baby when we're at work and he seemed all for it especially when I mentioned it'd be cheaper. 
  • Kendrajos said:
    I really wanna get the menstrual cup. I have friends that swear by it but I guess I haven't gotten one cuz I am too lazy to actually search one and but it lol. I bet it's awesome 
    If you want cheaper than a diva cup then go on Amazon. I found one called the rose cup for way cheaper. There's a bunch of different kinds.
  • abhphillyabhphilly member
    edited November 2017
    Kendrajos said:
    I really wanna get the menstrual cup. I have friends that swear by it but I guess I haven't gotten one cuz I am too lazy to actually search one and but it lol. I bet it's awesome 
    If you want cheaper than a diva cup then go on Amazon. I found one called the rose cup for way cheaper. There's a bunch of different kinds.
    Same! I think my most recent one was the Lena Cup, which is only slightly cheaper than the Diva, but they're all the same basic idea, so just read some reviews and there's probably a $10 one that's just as good. Ya know, once you're not pregnant and all. :) And really, cloth pads (I get mine from are SO much comfier than the store bought plastic-y ones and I just throw them in my normal laundry (I just use the liners as a backup in case of any leaks, so they're not generally all bloody or anything). I'm using them now for any pee leakage from sneezing too! Lol.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I used to use Instead, which is a disposable cup, and I loved it.  It's not as eco-friendly since it's disposable, but you only had to change it every 12 hours, so at least it wasn't as much waste.  Never had a problem with it, could have sex with it in, and it was awesome.  

    Me, 35 Hubs, 32
    Married June 2012
    BFP June 2013- blighted ovum, D&C Aug 2013
    BFP Oct 2013- twins!  A&H born May 2014
    BFP Aug 2017- EDD 5/8/17

  • I’ve never tried a cup, but I’ve used cloth pads between Jackson and this one, and I’m hooked. I love pink lemonade pads, and a wahm on Facebook’s. I’m trying to bulk up on a postpartum stash now.
  • I'm intrigued after seeing so many people recommending cloth pads, but have to admit I'm still slightly grossed out.  What do you between when you take them off and when you wash them?  Do you have a pail like you would for cloth diapers?  (Is that how cloth diapers work?  My mom used them with us, and I remember her having a pail of bleach water with the dirty diapers in there until it was time to wash them...) 

    Me, 35 Hubs, 32
    Married June 2012
    BFP June 2013- blighted ovum, D&C Aug 2013
    BFP Oct 2013- twins!  A&H born May 2014
    BFP Aug 2017- EDD 5/8/17

  • I rinse them out after I wear them, then have a wet bag that I keep them in until the end of the period and wash them either with our towels or a diaper load. (After the initial first wash and double rinse :lol:
  • Wow I didn't realise the cup was so reasonably priced! :D this is the future of Shark Week! 
  • bwow615bwow615 member
    edited November 2017
    i work for a retailer in the headquarters and just moved on to the fem hygiene/sanitary/family planning and condoms desk about 3 months ago.  I am learning all sorts of things.  The reusable cups and instead cups are total market disruptors along with the fact that less womens are needing sanitary products due to the increased use of IUDs and other forms of bc which stop or dramatically lessen womens period flows.  random post, sorry  ;)   
  • -Coupons for ice cream
    -Stick on heating pads
    -Cleansing wipes
    -a hand help sign/fan that says "Now is not a good time" so I can hold it up to my husband and others when I am just not in a mood to be messed with.
    - concealer, cause I get hormonal acne
    -pictures of puppies

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