Pregnancy brings out the crazy in our dreams for some of us. If you want share your innapropriate, crazy, just plain off the wall dreams here. No judging is allowed, as you are not in control of what you dream....especially while pregnant.

We have two sleeping beauties in heaven.
Jack gained his wings on 09/02/2016.
Kali gained her wings on 07/28/2015.
They will be forever missed.

Re: Crazy Dreams Thread....
Here is what I can remember. I some how ended up in the mens restroom, two men came in, I got super embarrassed so I stayed in the stall till these two men left... well they weren't leaving quick enough, my mom came barging in yelling at me that I was doddling (you know the mom scold, I'm sure we've all done it to our kids) and I got super embarrassed.
We left the rest room and my mom dropped something, I was so angry that she embarrassed me that I picked it and up and threw it at the back of her head while we were boarding a plan that was located inside a mall (see weird stuff right here to me).
She snapped at me and said I had to sit next to my dad that she was done dealing with me, and my dad just sat there giggling that I threw something at my mom and he goes your moms a pysco while I sat down next to him still pretty annoyed. All of a sudden the plane turns into a flippin roller coaster. This is my only PG dream I've had in over a week.
Jack gained his wings on 09/02/2016.
Kali gained her wings on 07/28/2015.
They will be forever missed.
DS 11.8.12
Baby GIRL! due 7.4.18
So by that point I lost DH and I didn't want to be naked in a water park so I left, found this little town. Was wandering in a bar, saw some shops but I wanted to get to the hotel and had no idea where I was. Eventually I found a park ranger office (weird because we weren't in the wilderness) and a park. Somehow I found the hotel, but I didn't of course I didn't know our room number. This concierge follows me up to the room to "show me where it is" and when I get to the room DH already back and about to take a shower...
When I told DH the dream he literally busted out laughing at the though of me tackling down a concierge. Also, I never got the giant pancake I supposedly won.
Jack gained his wings on 09/02/2016.
Kali gained her wings on 07/28/2015.
They will be forever missed.
I already tend to have epic, full-color dreams in general, so pregnancy just makes them more random. Last night I was driving in a two seat convertible with the top down and my current daughter in a car seat beside me. She was back to being a baby around 4 months old, and was in a tight swaddle, but not buckled into her seat. I hit some LA traffic and noticed part of the road was washed out in front of me. I tried to speed through, thinking I could make it, but the road started to wash out beneath me (a common occurrence in California last year) and people who were standing around the wreckage started shouting "you're not going to make it! Come back!" So I started to reverse but the road completely washed out. I jumped to safety like Mario, but left my daughter in the car (which I would NEVER!) and couldn't reach her when I got to land, and I started yelling "My daughter! My daughter!" Someone in the crowd grew a super long arm and pulled my toy of a car out of the morass and set it on the concrete like it was nothing. I grabbed my baby and told her I'd never let her go again, so I spent the rest of my dream with a very quiet and stoic baby strapped to my chest.
There were other weird random things that happened at the party like I made my husband his special coffee - my husband doesn’t usually drink coffee nor does he have a special kind.
Jack gained his wings on 09/02/2016.
Kali gained her wings on 07/28/2015.
They will be forever missed.
Jack gained his wings on 09/02/2016.
Kali gained her wings on 07/28/2015.
They will be forever missed.
It makes me miss my Daddy more and more.
Rainbow Baby! BFP 02/20/2018 EDD 11/01/2018
BFP 10/31/2017 EDD 07/09/2018 Miscarriage 11/28/2017
DD # 1: BFP 5/22/2014 EDD 1/30/2015 Born 02/06/2015
DD: 07/19/18
EDD: 06/22/22
@acunamatada "put that back where you found it" hahahahahaha.

I've had weird dreams every day since we found out. They always seem to last the entire night as well (or what feels like the whole night in my sleep)
@KatyF0813 - Omg, that's happened to me too!
DD: 07/19/18
EDD: 06/22/22
Weirdest. dream. ever.
Jack gained his wings on 09/02/2016.
Kali gained her wings on 07/28/2015.
They will be forever missed.
The branch gave and I ran over and grabbed the boy and we stood on my car yelling for help. Oh yeah, and a hurricane was approaching, because why wouldn't it be? I woke up all freaked out
IRL - we were planning a family trip to Vegas in July, but that fell through. So DH and I went in April.
Anyway, we were in Vegas having a grand time, and then suddenly we all got separated, even though we were all standing right next to each other. So of course I am running around everywhere to find my family members. I end up finding 1 of my sisters, and we get a Uber back to our hotel. While we are in the car I am looking around and the entire landscape changed to part the Wisconsin Dells water park and part Vegas. Like, WTF! We end up finding all of our family back at the hotel.
So of course my alarm goes off, and my heart is racing. Good gravy! What was my brain thinking!? This is also the first dream I have remembered as well.
DD: 07/19/18
EDD: 06/22/22
Married: 4/5/13
"You know that place between sleep and awake,
that place where you can still remember dreaming?
That's where I will always love you.
That's where I'll be waiting."
~Peter Pan
BFP #2: 10/29/17 MMC dx @ 9 weeks
BFP #3: 2/2/18 MC 2/7/18
BFP #4: 3/2/18 MC 3/9/18
RPL testing and hysteroscopy: all normal
BFP #5: 4/1/18 MMC dx @ 14 weeks ----> genetically normal girl
Hysteroscopy to remove scar tissue 9/28
BFP #6 11/5/18 EDD 7/20/19
BFP #7 12/8/2021 EDD 8/22/2022
I dreamed I swore off sex because I didn't want to keep getting pregnant. I apparently decided to throw out logic and assume if I kept having sex, I'd just have dozens of babies.
BFP #1 Dec 2015 - CP Dec 2015
BFP #2 Jan 2016 - MC March 2016
BFP #3 May 2017 - Down Syndrome dx @ 12 wks - MC August 2016
BFP #4 November 2017
Second dream, I chugged a huge glass of wine because I completely forgot I was pregnant. Ugh I was a really bad mom to both my inside and outside babies in my dreams last night.
The weird part was my dream flipping to scenes of houses in California where a rapist terrorized a community in the 70’s. That’s what I get for listening to crime podcasts I guess.
Jack gained his wings on 09/02/2016.
Kali gained her wings on 07/28/2015.
They will be forever missed.
I was on my way to a wedding with my entire family, but for some reason we could only take 3 cars there, so we were al shuffling, trying to fit in 3 cars with like a dozen adults and 8 kids. Some nice stranger offered a ride on their air plane to my mom and DD because they wouldn’t fit in our cars, so my mom buckled DD into the air plane and then they took off before my mom got in with her! She didn’t tell me until they got to the wedding and I asked her where DD was and she said she informed me that the strangers lived 86 hours away by plane and we’d probably never see her again.
I woke up sobbing and shaking and resisted the strong urge to go wake up my child at 2 in the morning to hug her. It took me a solid hour to calm down.