Hi ladies,
I thought I would re-introduce myself as I've been on a bit of a TTC break. I'm Jamie. About a year and half ago my (then) fiance and I decided to see an RE after trying for a little over 6 months to get pregnant with no success (i'm over 35 so at my OB's recommendation we went earlier than the normal 1 year timeframe). We spent 6 months with the RE attempting to pinpoint where our issue was. Hubbys sperm is "super sperm" high count, high motility, no apparent issues there. My uterus appeared healthy, no tube blockage or cysts. Upon some ultrasounds during my cycle it looked as if my follicles weren't growing as quickly or as big as he was happy with so we tried a few different medication/injectable combinations including clomid, femara and ovidrel. After about 7 months a three unsuccessful IUI cycles (with two cancelled cycles mixed in) we decided to take a small break for a few reasons - first financially we were tapped out of my HRA money (they only funds we could use to help us pay for the IUI cost as my insurance didn't cover any of it) and the last cycle we had paid for totally out of pocket. Second we were both physically and mentally drained after half a year of constant hormonal medication and TWW's. And third we had hoped to get pregnant and have our wedding after the baby was born but as that was turning out to be a much longer process than originally anticipated we didn't want to push back the wedding any further. So we took a few months off - threw ourselves in to wedding planning (I got to enjoy my bachelorette party and the wedding day with some cocktails!) and had a beautiful wedding at the end of September with our friends and family. It was hard to stop the process (even though we continued to not prevent pregnancy) but the at the same time it was wonderful to take a mental break. A week before the wedding I called and made an appointment for early October with our RE to get things started again. After the honeymoon we went for a consultation appointment to see what our options were. My RE was hesitant to try more cycles of IUI. His diagnosis was "unexplained fertility" but he was concerned that we were wasting money spending it on cycles where they injected hubbys sperm where it needed to go, as my uterus and tubes seemed fine and hubbys sperm was more than capable of getting where it needed to go. He felt the problem was something to do with the sperm meeting egg and fertilizing. To that end he recommended we start looking at IVF. He feels confident that with a cycle or two of IVF we will be successful in getting pregnant. We want to try the IVF but need to take a few months to get financing together (again it is all out of pocket except for the HRA money I have in my account, which is luckily a decent amount thanks to the company I work for). We still need to save some more, as we don't want to take out a loan for IVF treatment, we are looking to buy a house in the near future and don't want to have another loan on our accounts when applying for a mortgage. My doctor prescribed us two months of femara as it helped me before with growing healthier follicles than my body was producing on its own, in the hopes that there is a small chance we could get pregnant before we try the IVF. Its slim but it could happen. So thats where we are currently! I figured I would post here because our trying with femara for the next few months doesn't really fit in with any of the IVF or IUI discussions. Its odd not being monitored over the course of the month, but I believe I should be ovulating today or tomorrow so will be entering the TWW! I feel llike I'm flying blind as I dont know for sure when I ovulated/will ovulate or even if I ended up with any follicles that produced a good egg but I've got my fingers crossed! This will be our first month really back in the swing of things so I'm a bit on edge but just am telling myself that at least with IVF on the horizon we are working towards something that could work!
Thanks for reading this looooong post and hope to be chatting with you ladies soon!