July 2018 Moms

VBAC mamas?!

Any mamas here going for a VBAC?

I had a very successful VBAC with my second but I feel just as nervous this time around as I did last time.
Part of me is like "you did it before you can do it again!" And then the other half is concerned I won't go into labor on my own this time and I'll have another CS. 

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Re: VBAC mamas?!

  • I haven’t decided one way or the other. If I go into labor early early, I feel like maybe I’d want to try a vbac. Thankfully my OB is super cool about them. We’ll see how big baby gets. If they measure like my son did then I won’t waste my time trying and will opt for a c section. My first got stuck, he was 8 pounds and was too big for me to deliver. Got stuck and had an emergency c section.

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  • Haven’t decided here yet either but I’m leaning towards vbac. I had to have an emergency c section with my dr and was completely knocked out and missed her birth and woke up alone which was pretty traumatic which makes me really want that immediate skin to skin that comes with a vbac 
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  • I hope to be going for a VBAC. I’ll be using midwives from a birthing center but delivery at a hospital (hopefully a water birth, fingers crossed!)

    my situation was like @lindsayleigh1989, I went to many therapy sessions to feel ok about missing my son’s entrance to the world.   
  • I’m hoping for a vbac- I had to be induced due to gd but baby wasn’t ready (lung issues so a nicu stay) so I think that’s why I labored for so long with no progress. He just didn’t want to come out yet because he wasn’t ready, so if I have gd again I will be scheduling induction for the last possible day and hoping for a vbac. He was a big baby, but my family has always made big babies and birthed them fine.
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  • I had to have an emergent section last time as well, but I am hoping for a VBAC this time.  Plan on talking to my dr about it in a couple weeks. :)
    <3 Married 6.12.10 <3
    DS 11.8.12
     Baby GIRL! due 7.4.18
  • Awesome job having a successful vbac! Hopefully you will have another!! 
    I am hoping for a vbac I pushed for over 3 hours with my first before it was determined he was positioned in a way that he would never fully descend and I had the c-section.  I thankfully never felt the guilt many women do (and totally shouldn't) but really want to experience a vaginal birth! At least we've all got lots of time to decide and prepare!! 
  • @tgortney I am so sorry you had a similar experience 
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

  • @lindsayleigh1989 I am also sorry for you. It’s really heartbreaking and I hope the mommas who wants VBACs get it!
  • I'm hoping for a VBAC. Hoping to talk to my doc about it at my first appointment but I know she is very proud VBAC. DD was breech so we had a scheduled C-section. It took months for me to cope with the fact that I couldn't deliver naturally. 
  • @tgortney my hospital does water births but not for VBAC, you may want to check out the rules where you're delivering 
    Me: 35  H: 35
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    "You know that place between sleep and awake, 
    that place where you can still remember dreaming?
    That's where I will always love you.  
    That's where I'll be waiting."
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  • I’m waiting for my first prenatal appointment to discuss with my doctor, but... Has anyone here had Bandls Ring with their previous births? I had an emergency csection due to this last time, and from what I’m reading online it might look like I will need another c section. Waiting to hear!
  • @mamabird18 what is that? im not familiar with thay term? 
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

  • @lindsayleigh1989 I honestly just know the bare minimum as it was explained to me. Basically, an obstructed labor that causes the uterus to develop a band around the middle. It can cause extra pressure in the bottom half of the uterus that causes it to rupture in extreme cases (not common). I guess the baby couldn’t descend cause my uterus was shaped like an “8” and I ended up pushing forever, and was even tough to get her out via csection. It can happen again but not always!
  • Basically just wondering if I should even attempt a vbac, or if it’s even safe to! I’ll find out at my appointment but curious if anyone else experienced it too.
  • I am hoping for a VBAC. I had a c-section last time due to pre-e.
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  • I'm hoping for a VBAC but fine with whatever gets me and baby through safely. I had an urgent CS with my twins at 33 weeks when baby A decided to change positions during labour to an unfavourable presentation. We'll see what my OB says when I see her.
    run along Pond...2015/12/10

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  • I’m hoping to try for a VBAC but at the same time will be fine if I end up with another c section. I’m going with a midwife this time, though, because the emergency c section resulted in a fair bit of chaos (they almost forgot to bring my partner in the room and he had to walk by my open belly on his way in, it took quite a while before I saw my baby, etc). I just want to ensure I have another advocate in the room. 
  • stillcozystillcozy member
    edited November 2017
    @st3lla wow that is so great you still got to be awake for your emergency C Section. they had to knock me out fast and my husband couldnt come in the OR
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

  • @lindsayleigh1989 Yeah, I have at least 4 other friends who had emergency c sections and we were all awake. Maybe it’s just a difference between American and Canadian health system (I live in canada) or maybe it’s due to the medical reason for the c section? I admit it wasn’t very pleasant - lots of tugging, yanking, etc to get my little guy out. But certainly glad I got to be awake despite the unpleasantness of it all. 
  • I had a non-emergent c-section with my first and it was actually a pretty good experience. It was a relaxed atmosphere, the discomfort was minimal, and I had a great recovery. 

    Just a message of hope for all you emergency c-section girls, in case you have to go the scheduled RCS route :)

    I still plan on talking to my doc about my chances of a vbac because I do have this feeling that I "missed out" on a part of the birthing process. I never felt a single contraction, not even a braxton-hicks.
  • I’m hoping to have a VBAC. My son was breech and I had a scheduled c-section- so hopefully this time around, 2.0 won’t be so stubborn! ;)
  • smm1118smm1118 member
    edited November 2017
    I’m hoping to have a vbac. My son was born via c section after he experienced decels and wasn’t progressing. I’d really like to have a successful vbac but at the same time I just want a healthy baby! 

    Edited because grammar 
  • I am undecided. On my last I was 1 and a half weeks late, labored for about 26 hours, pushed for 3 hours, but she was basically stuck. I had the c section (I was awake). She was 7 lbs 8 ozs, so not too large.. my OB told me before I left the hospital that if I have another, she would recommend c section. I just don't like the idea of going through the after effects of the c section again
  • AnnaReid81AnnaReid81 member
    edited November 2017
     In theory, I'd like to have give birth naturally this time because I had such a challenging recovery from the surgery last time. That being said, my doctor said she'd be happy to schedule a c section for our last baby, and me being a naive first time mom didn't realize this was not something said to everyone, and we said that we'd like to try naturally. So I labored for a freaking day in the hospital, convulsed, and had a pretty rough go at delivery before finally having a c section anyways (My nurses and doctors were wonderful and made it all seem normal, but my doctor said "man-- that was not a smooth process at all! We all felt so bad for you. Your next baby should be a piece of cake!" at my follow up after baby was here.) All being said, if my doctor even mentions a c section as a recommendation, I'm going to take her up on it this time. 

    *edited for spelling
  • I'm trying for a VBAC this time as well. Super nervous!!
  • I talked to my dr about this on Monday and she thinks I would be an excellent candidate for a VBAC.  I had to switch OBs since I had my son, but my new dr suspects that I only had to have an emergent c section because my son was so small and not tolerating labor very well (he was 4 lbs 15 oz at birth, and they never figured out why). I will be having more ultrasounds with this pregnancy to measure growth and my dr said that as long as baby is a healthy size, a VBAC should be no problem.  I was very excited to hear that!
    <3 Married 6.12.10 <3
    DS 11.8.12
     Baby GIRL! due 7.4.18
  • I am having major major anxiety about which route to go for this delivery... my heart wants to try for a vbac but I am completely terrified of having an emergency situation again. also I had so much intense pain for the last half of my pregnancy from sciatic pain and went over due a week too that part of finds knowing i wont go overdue if i have a c section again comforting and knowing i would be able to be awake. however it isnt exactly the way I want to deliver either. ugh I hate it and feel so lost and torn
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

  • @lindsayleigh1989 you still have plenty of time to think about it!  I think as your pregnancy develops the decision will become easier to make.  Here's hoping anyway.  :)
    <3 Married 6.12.10 <3
    DS 11.8.12
     Baby GIRL! due 7.4.18
  • Now that we know I’m having twins, my new obgyn is leaning towards a repeat c section after hearing my terrible labor and subsequent c section I had with my DS (almost 1.5 years old now). I’m torn on if I want to try for a vbac with twins, but also kind of feel like fate will decide for me. I totally now believe you can’t plan a darn thing with delivery, you just hope for the best. Good luck to all of you!
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  • Hoping and praying so badly for a VBAC, but also learned to go with the flow when it comes to a birthing plan. I just don't want to be induced again... I would rather go the planned C-Sec route than ever be induced again haha. 

    @lindsayleigh1989 we are super similar! I also had an emergency c section but fortunately did not get knocked out. I'm sorry you had such a bad experience *hugs*
  • @lucky13mama I'm a twin mama going for a VBAC! I talked a lot about it with my doc and he said as long as A is head down (and no other obstacles come up in the pregnancy), he really encouraged me to VBAC. 
    A CS is still major surgery and has risks associated with that too. Do a little research if you're interested and go from there!

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  • @lucky13mama I was so scared I'd have a vaginal birth with twin A, and end up needing a CS for twin B! I tried a vaginal birth but twin A (who had been head down since 16 weeks) turned into my hip during labour and my OB recommended a CS so I was kind of relieved. The risks for twin B are increased - cord prolapse, having to endure two rounds of contractions/pushing, the possibility of needing a breech extraction...not fun to think about, along with double the stress on your scar! Get lots of info from your OB so you can make the best decision for your little ones. I have a great, evidence-based VBAC group I can send you a link to (it's on FB) if you're interested as well. 
    run along Pond...2015/12/10

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  • @MrsRucinski85 @comealongponds thanks! I had to be induced with my DS and threw up for all 24 hours of labor with next to no progression, and then went for a c section and threw up during that and had pre-eclampsia as well with a lot of bleeding. DS was 9 lb 6 oz and 39w1d but his lungs weren’t quite ready yet due to gestational diabetes (even though I controlled it with diet and insulin) so he had to stay in the nicu for a week. All of that to say, I would love to try a vbac but if I end up needing induction again most likely the doctors will want to schedule a c section instead. I’m trying not to get my hopes up too high for a vbac and going to just see how it goes the next few months- my new obgyn I switched to for this pregnancy is very pro-vbac so I know I’m in good hands  :)
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  • I talked to my OB about the possibility of a VBAC and she is for it. but did tell me I have a 60% chance of havubg the same labor I had with my son. Pushing for 5 hours and then emergency C because he was face up and stuck. I was "awake" for  his arrival into the world. I remember very little about it because I was so exhausted. We decided to see how big this babys head gets lol and to go from there. 

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  • Definitely want to try for VBAC 
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