July 2018 Moms

Monday Ticker Change 11/6

1. How many weeks along are you? How big is baby? 

2. How are you feeling? 

3. Any appointments coming up? 

4. Rants, raves, celebrations, questions? 

5. What are you looking forward to this Fall?

Re: Monday Ticker Change 11/6

  • 1. How many weeks along are you? How big is baby? 
    4 weeks and 4 days, poppy seed, but my favorite one is a speck of glitter!

    2. How are you feeling? 
    Tired, very tired, bloated, and nausea off and on, but ginger mints have been helping me.

    3. Any appointments coming up? 
    Friday taking a urine sample to the lab for my provider on Friday, but I am thinking of taking it earlier, just to get an appointment set up.

    4. Rants, raves, celebrations, questions? 
    Rave: Just ordered a Harry Potter onesie to announce on Thanksgiving at family dinners! 

    5. What are you looking forward to this Fall?
    Honestly, everything! I love fall!
    Me: 34 DH: 33
    DD: 07/19/18
    EDD: 06/22/22
  • 1. How many weeks along are you? How big is baby?
    5+5 today 

    2. How are you feeling? 
    Tired and super congested 

    3. Any appointments coming up? 
    First appointment next Monday 

    4. Rants, raves, celebrations, questions? 
    I had to beg my doc for blood work last week because she wasn’t understanding the complications I had with my first (different doctor), but finally got results and they are looking good! And I’m not bleeding like I did with my son.

    5. What are you looking forward to this Fall?
    yummy food and snow!
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