What new milestone (developmental or fun) has your LO accomplished?
He just discovered he can grab his feet and is now obsessed, especially when I'm changing him. Also, we're down to only 1 wake up (of course it's an hour before I have to wake up)!
We had a couple of back to front rollovers yesterday @ 14 weeks. We thought they may have been assisted from feet pushing on the bar that holds the activity mat toys, but apparently he rolled over in his crib at daycare today too. We're in trouble now with a mobile baby!
@jkbrownstein I'm glad that's not just me. We've also been down to one night wakeup over the past week or so, but it's at about 4am when I wake up at 5:45. I'll take it though! Usually I'm happy b/c it means he probably won't wake up when I'm in the shower, but this morning he was wide awake at 6am, thanks daylight savings!
@CPR79 He woke up today at 4:30 (I wake up at 5:45). I fed him, went back to sleep and then woke him before I left to feed him again which isn't ideal. If he sticks with the 4:30 wake up, I might try to gradually push him later and later so it's at least when I wake up.
He's doing cute belly laughs, reaches for people he wants to go to and almost has back to front rolling accomplished(done once or twice on accident when upset)
I love seeing what other babies are doing as a reminder of what may come soon. LO now laughs and rolls both directions. I do not think it is really a milestone, but she loves seeing her reflection in the mirror.
@weddingnotes13 I'd say that's a milestone! That's why I specified 'or fun'. My LO was due super late in July and was 2 weeks late (born 8/12) so we're behind this group as well.
Re: Milestone Monday 11-6
@jkbrownstein I'm glad that's not just me. We've also been down to one night wakeup over the past week or so, but it's at about 4am when I wake up at 5:45. I'll take it though! Usually I'm happy b/c it means he probably won't wake up when I'm in the shower, but this morning he was wide awake at 6am, thanks daylight savings!